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Did they ever actually SAY they couldn't afford $50 for the motel room or did they just say they chose not to afford the motel room? I read the post as saying, "We were too cheap to spend that much on a piece of crap room, so we figured we'd shack up with some friends and complain until a higher-up 'blesses' us with a hotel room." Kind of reminds me of the Duggars for some reason...

They didn't mention the costs of the other rooms. The cheapest one they found was 50 dollars and it was in a bad part of town (which I read as "black"... but I could be jumping to conclusions).

Basically the precious and special Priscilla and David talk about ministering to convicts and being simple and down to earth folks... but, they need to stay at a really nice hotel in a nice neighborhood and preferably for a fraction of what it costs. And they will spit on invites from people giving them a free place to stay (The Bates) because they live a WHOLE hour away and when something better comes along they flee.

I bet that when they went over to the Bates' house they didn't even bring a hostess gift. I'd be okay if someone said "thanks but no thanks we were offered a free hotel room". Heck, who wouldn't take that?! But, I'd supremely irritated if my invite was portrayed in a blog post as some second hand POS because I didn't live in a place convenient enough.

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They didn't mention the costs of the other rooms. The cheapest one they found was 50 dollars and it was in a bad part of town (which I read as "black"... but I could be jumping to conclusions).

Basically the precious and special Priscilla and David talk about ministering to convicts and being simple and down to earth folks... but, they need to stay at a really nice hotel in a nice neighborhood and preferably for a fraction of what it costs. And they will spit on invites from people giving them a free place to stay (The Bates) because they live a WHOLE hour away and when something better comes along they flee.

I bet that when they went over to the Bates' house they didn't even bring a hostess gift. I'd be okay if someone said "thanks but no thanks we were offered a free hotel room". Heck, who wouldn't take that?! But, I'd supremely irritated if my invite was portrayed in a blog post as some second hand POS because I didn't live in a place convenient enough.

I just thought it was weird that people kept asking, "Can they afford X?" "Can they afford Y?" when all they did was mention the price of a motel room in a way that didn't (to me) make it sound like they couldn't afford it.

They're totally ungrateful assholes who don't practice what they preach, though. No argument there.

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This poor baby. They really are too stupid to have kids. Hopefully they won't have anymore because Prissy seems like she would get overwhelmed with just one baby.

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This poor baby. They really are too stupid to have kids. Hopefully they won't have anymore because Prissy seems like she would get overwhelmed with just one baby.

Agreed. I really get the feeling after watching a couple of their videos that there's something not quite right with her. I'm no expert on developmental disabilities, but she really seems slow and her mental age seems far less than what her actual age must be (is she 20?). The way she speaks and her sentence structure is that of an 8 year-old. My 10 year-old can speak more intelligently than she can. Was she deprived oxygen at birth or something?

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He approves comments, right? So he would have approved the question and came out and admitted he used clipart? What an idiot.

Looks like "Katie" is a regular in the peanut gallery...in fact, there might even be two Katies who comment. Even if he was trying to pass off the photos as his own, I don't think he'd risk snubbing a leghumper.

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Agreed. I really get the feeling after watching a couple of their videos that there's something not quite right with her. I'm no expert on developmental disabilities, but she really seems slow and her mental age seems far less than what her actual age must be (is she 20?). The way she speaks and her sentence structure is that of an 8 year-old. My 10 year-old can speak more intelligently than she can. Was she deprived oxygen at birth or something?

I don't know how old she is, but she is older than Anna, so she has to be like mid-20's.

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I can't imagine how they're going to deal with a child, especially in a year or two when he begins getting beyond the baby stage and having his own personality and such.

It will be a combination of blankets and plumbing line.

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Guest Anonymous

Maybe David is worried that the photo taken by the angry farmer might end up in the New York Times, like this couple's photo did, after they were caught stealing in Fort Valley, Georgia:

http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2011/1 ... ANS-4.html

Maybe the farmer took his own photo for this exact reason. :lol:

Would Fort Valley fall on the route that we think David and Priscilla were travelling en route from the Bible Bee to Florida?

This is a long shot but, given that David Waller uses stock photography in his blog posts, I wondered if he used stock phrases in his writing too.

I googled "surrounded by beautiful fields of peach orchards, pecan groves, and peanut farms" which seems like a rather too pretty a bit of prose for David to have penned on his own and, while the phrase as a whole does not seem to be stolen, the phrase "surrounded by peach orchards and pecan groves" does come up on a tourist website for that same area around Fort Valley in which the pecan thefts seem to be commonly reported. Not great evidence, but enough to make me speculate a little.

Am I getting warm, David? Edit your post a little more to let me know... :mrgreen:

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Yes Fort Valley is very close to I-75.

I wonder if David and Priscilla realize that them stealing pecans from a farmer is like them stealing stuff from a store. Either way they are taking something that the owner depends on for his livelihood.

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Looks like "Katie" is a regular in the peanut gallery...in fact, there might even be two Katies who comment. Even if he was trying to pass off the photos as his own, I don't think he'd risk snubbing a leghumper.

I see, he was responding to a regular reader. I can understand not wanting to snub a regular, but with the edits and responses he just keeps on digging and sort of incriminating himself in the process.

I haven't been regularly reading his blog though I might start now for the sheer entertainment of it.

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Maybe David is worried that the photo taken by the angry farmer might end up in the New York Times, like this couple's photo did, after they were caught stealing in Fort Valley, Georgia:

http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2011/1 ... ANS-4.html

Maybe the farmer took his own photo for this exact reason. :lol:

Thanks for the link. I read the article associated with the slideshow. One of pecan farmers interviewed was the owner of a large orchard we visited (legally, lol) on a trip. Orchard just off I-75 south of Macon.

And it sounds like Davilla were lucky to just to get off with a warning.

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Maybe David is worried that the photo taken by the angry farmer might end up in the New York Times, like this couple's photo did, after they were caught stealing in Fort Valley, Georgia:

http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2011/1 ... ANS-4.html

Maybe the farmer took his own photo for this exact reason. :lol:

Would Fort Valley fall on the route that we think David and Priscilla were travelling en route from the Bible Bee to Florida?

This is a long shot but, given that David Waller uses stock photography in his blog posts, I wondered if he used stock phrases in his writing too.

I googled "surrounded by beautiful fields of peach orchards, pecan groves, and peanut farms" which seems like a rather too pretty a bit of prose for David to have penned on his own and, while the phrase as a whole does not seem to be stolen, the phrase "surrounded by peach orchards and pecan groves" does come up on a tourist website for that same area around Fort Valley in which the pecan thefts seem to be commonly reported. Not great evidence, but enough to make me speculate a little.

Am I getting warm, David? Edit your post a little more to let me know... :mrgreen:

Ha!! I love it.

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Guest Anonymous

Thanks for the link. I read the article associated with the slideshow. One of pecan farmers interviewed was the owner of a large orchard we visited (legally, lol) on a trip. Orchard just off I-75 south of Macon.

And it sounds like Davilla were lucky to just to get off with a warning.

I reckon Priscilla being obviously distressed and pregnant would have factored hugely in the decision to let them off with a caution. David's heavily edited story is just a pile of pathetic bullshit intended to make himself look a little less small for being a thieving scumbag who should have known better all along.

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Yes Fort Valley is very close to I-75.

I wonder if David and Priscilla realize that them stealing pecans from a farmer is like them stealing stuff from a store. Either way they are taking something that the owner depends on for his livelihood.

Fort Valley is Peach County... my primary guess on location.

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I really do think David may have been trying to preempt something here. I'm wondering if the farmer, whoever he was, threatened to post their photo online or elsewhere as a part of a rogues' gallery of nut thieves. It would explain why David felt compelled to tell "his side" of the story in advance of someone else seeing their photo and asking, "Say aren't they those dorky Duggar in-laws?" And it would explain why the story is so convoluted and keeps changing every time someone points out an inaccuracy. I'm sure there are a lot of posts to their site that are being deleted after David reviews them; he must be getting an earful from Christians and non-Christians alike. Par for the course when you are a "Jesus loves me so I'm superior!" church lady-esque arsehole. It’s just a pity it wasn’t Smuggar. He’ll probably hold this over David’s head forever.

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I really do think David may have been trying to preempt something here. I'm wondering if the farmer, whoever he was, threatened to post their photo online or elsewhere as a part of a rogues' gallery of nut thieves. It would explain why David felt compelled to tell "his side" of the story in advance of someone else seeing their photo and asking, "Say aren't they those dorky Duggar in-laws?" And it would explain why the story is so convoluted and keeps changing every time someone points out an inaccuracy. I'm sure there are a lot of posts to their site that are being deleted after David reviews them; he must be getting an earful from Christians and non-Christians alike. Par for the course when you are a "Jesus loves me so I'm superior!" church lady-esque arsehole. It’s just a pity it wasn’t Smuggar. He’ll probably hold this over David’s head forever.

You might just be onto something here. The NY Times article described the pecan thefts as becoming a much bigger problem for farmers over the last couple of years and enforcement of the laws governing these thefts have been considerably stepped up. Farmers are spending more time (or resources such as hiring security, getting big dogs, etc.) patrolling for thieves. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some informal pecan thief "wall of shame" out there put up by frustrated farmers.

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You might just be onto something here. The NY Times article described the pecan thefts as becoming a much bigger problem for farmers over the last couple of years and enforcement of the laws governing these thefts have been considerably stepped up. Farmers are spending more time (or resources such as hiring security, getting big dogs, etc.) patrolling for thieves. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some informal pecan thief "wall of shame" out there put up by frustrated farmers.

Wall of Shame I like it.

I had been thinking the photo might have been for a data base sort of thing, so robbers could not pull the "I didn't know" card more then once. Photo = proof that they had been warned/"told it was a no no"

I had another thought, the picture might have been to post at the buying station so the buying station would beware of who maybe be trying to sell them stolen goods. A don't buy from these guys photo.

Edited to add the after thought and to correct a typo

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David ought to retitle his story NUTS FOR JESUS.

I'm really enjoying everyone's perspectives on this. Especially the theory that he's trying to preempt the farmer's version of the story. Makes perfect sense.

Also, nice touch, David, specifying that the truck photo is in the public domain. UNLIKE THEM PECANS.

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Wall of Shame I like it.

I had been thinking the photo might have been for a data base sort of thing, so robbers could not pull the "I didn't know" card more then once. Photo = proof that they had been warned/"told it was a no no"

I had another thought, the picture might have been to post at the buying station so the buying station would beware of who maybe be trying to sell them stolen goods. A don't buy from these guys photo.

Edited to add the after thought and to correct a typo

Good points. The article did mention that first time offenders, depending on the circumstances, are often given just a warning but can be charged with a felony if caught again. Having a database of offenders with photos that can be checked makes sense. And also with the buying stations, it's tough to determine if pecans are stolen or legitimately obtained. A "do not buy from this person notice" with picture could help with that.

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It's nice to see assholes actually feeling the heat, for once.

Oh yes, I am totally loving it!! Wonder how many more twist and turns we will see on this story. Psssst, keep editing, David!

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Par for the course when you are a "Jesus loves me so I'm superior!" church lady-esque arsehole. It’s just a pity it wasn’t Smuggar.

Church lady - OMG, I can totally see David as the Church Lady! He's perfect for the part!

And as for Smuggar - it's totally something he would do, if he'd thought of it first.

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