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Why Be Outraged Over 9/11 When People Can Have Abortions?


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Sometimes it annoys me to break links because I want to tell the authors of some of these blogs off.

Okay, I am going to do it. I have thought about it, tried to tell myself I didn't need to, but the truth of the matter is I cannot keep silent. I must share with you the truth. Did you know that today 120,000 babies died at the hands of their parents? It is amazing to me that when 9/11 happened American's were outraged. I remember it so well. I was 8 months pregnant with James. I was in town that day for a midwife appointment. Everywhere I went that day, that week, and for months afterwards people were talking about the atrocity....nearly 3,000 died that day. Please don't get me wrong, the loss of life of those in the Twin Towers, the airplanes, the emergency service workers, etc is a terrible tragedy. But what I wonder is why are we in a constant outrage for the 120,000 children being murdered daily in our country? What is even more concerning to me is the fact that many Christians have blood on their hands.

Now that I have your attention I want to share a few things that are on my heart. We are drawing ever so near to another election for President of the United States of America. As a US citizen I take voting very seriously. I have family members that have fought for our freedoms. I am thankful the Lord has placed me in a country that allows me the freedom to vote for civil magistrates, to bear arms, to worship the Lord. But my true allegiance does not lie with America. My allegiance is to a Heavenly Kingdom, my eternal home. As a Christian my decision on whom I should vote and how I should live must be based on God's law, not man's.

A. I have family membes who were in the military and my dad died in Vietnam. That has no relevance to the subject but she brought up the subject so I thought I'd add that prochoice people also sacrifice for their country. Still has nothing to do with the subject of abortion though

B. A mass of cells that can not think or feel pain is not comparable to the death of any of the people in the Twin Towers. It is highly insulting that the writer even makes that comparison.

Oh and good news. She doesn't vote.

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I suppose she also thinks we shouldn't be upset by the holocaust because fetuses have been slaughtered in droves for centuries, now. Or is it only a tragedy of epic proportions when it's legal? Maybe we should also stop being so upset about childhood cancer since millions of zygotes fail to implant every day.

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Considering their god is the most prolific abortionist in the history of humankind, I suggest she just STFU.

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I have a real issue when people compare 9/11 to abortion. They r 2 totally different things, a big difference is that everyone who died in 9/11 were living breathing people.

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Another thing that bothers me is the fact that so many anti-choicers refuse to see any difference between a fertilized egg and a third-trimester fetus. In the early days following Roe vs. Wade, one local extremist actually referred to a zygote as "the tiny boy or girl" that was being "killed."

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Another thing that bothers me is the fact that so many anti-choicers refuse to see any difference between a fertilized egg and a third-trimester fetus. In the early days following Roe vs. Wade, one local extremist actually referred to a zygote as "the tiny boy or girl" that was being "killed."

That really bothers me too. Also some women may not even know they r even expecting when it is considered a zygote.

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I remember 9/11 very well. I was up late working on a history project and my brother was watching tv. We were both just doing our own thing until the news came on with the story of the towers being attacked. At first the reporters thought it was an accident, then the second plane hit, and it started to look really dodgy. What I remember about that night is waiting for the workers above the planes to be rescued. Neither of us could understand why the top floors weren't being evacuated via the rooftops. We were like wtf, where are the helicopters? What really stays with me is how scared all those people must have been. How eventually they would have figured out that they weren't going to be rescued and were going to die. I can't even imagine how that must have felt.

At any rate, these people really suffered. They didn't get a quick death. It wasn't a simple procedure like the majority of abortions are. Some of them had to choose between being burned alive or jumping from the windows. The ways in which they died were pretty bloody horrific.

I don't understand how anyone could compare these deaths to abortion. I mean, the people who died on 9/11 were, like pretty much all of us, loved and valued. They had friends and family who cared about them and were absolutely destroyed by their deaths. They actually had something to give the world. They were more than a clump of cells. It's pretty revolting to see fundies comparing abortions to mass slaughter. Abortion is a medical procedure, not the new Holocaust or a tragedy 10x worse than 9/11. Christ, have some fucking respect for the dead.

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120,000 per DAY?


I thought that, too! SOTDRT strikes again... I believe that she thinks that there are only 10 days in a year, as a quick search for the statistics revealed that in 2008 (most recent year I could find cited) there were 1.2 million abortions performed in the US.

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I remember 9/11 very well. I was up late working on a history project and my brother was watching tv. We were both just doing our own thing until the news came on with the story of the towers being attacked. At first the reporters thought it was an accident, then the second plane hit, and it started to look really dodgy. What I remember about that night is waiting for the workers above the planes to be rescued. Neither of us could understand why the top floors weren't being evacuated via the rooftops. We were like wtf, where are the helicopters? What really stays with me is how scared all those people must have been. How eventually they would have figured out that they weren't going to be rescued and were going to die. I can't even imagine how that must have felt.

At any rate, these people really suffered. They didn't get a quick death. It wasn't a simple procedure like the majority of abortions are. Some of them had to choose between being burned alive or jumping from the windows. The ways in which they died were pretty bloody horrific.

I don't understand how anyone could compare these deaths to abortion. I mean, the people who died on 9/11 were, like pretty much all of us, loved and valued. They had friends and family who cared about them and were absolutely destroyed by their deaths. They actually had something to give the world. They were more than a clump of cells. It's pretty revolting to see fundies comparing abortions to mass slaughter. Abortion is a medical procedure, not the new Holocaust or a tragedy 10x worse than 9/11. Christ, have some fucking respect for the dead.

This. All of this. I didn't know anyone who died that day, but thinking about what those people went through honestly breaks my heart. Especially those trapped above the impact zones. None of those people made it out of the north tower, and only 18 escaped from above the planes in the south tower. Cantor Fitzgerald lost over 600 employees. People were calling their loved ones from inside, hopeful at first, but then panicked and desperate. They had to live with the fact that they were going to suffer terrible deaths. I can't even imagine what that does to someone's mind. The fact that anyone can compare that to a baby who can't even think or feel, that makes me sick.

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That is yet another thing I don't understand about the fundie thought process: aborting a 6 week old fetus is the same tragedy as the death of a 35 year old man with three kids. :shock:

1.2 million abortions a year and they are appalled, yet the fact that 15 million children (most of them under the age of 5) suffer and starve to death every year is nothing to them. When did the unborn become so much more important than the living?

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That is yet another thing I don't understand about the fundie thought process: aborting a 6 week old fetus is the same tragedy as the death of a 35 year old man with three kids. :shock:
I nominate "Fundie thought process" for oxymoron of the day.

1.2 million abortions a year and they are appalled, yet the fact that 15 million children (most of them under the age of 5) suffer and starve to death every year is nothing to them. When did the unborn become so much more important than the living?
Right around the time science figured out a way for woman to control her reproductive system without any participation from the man. As someone on FJ has previously said, babies are God's precious punishments for sluts. ;)
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Considering their god is the most prolific abortionist in the history of humankind, I suggest she just STFU.


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This. All of this. I didn't know anyone who died that day, but thinking about what those people went through honestly breaks my heart. Especially those trapped above the impact zones. None of those people made it out of the north tower, and only 18 escaped from above the planes in the south tower. Cantor Fitzgerald lost over 600 employees. People were calling their loved ones from inside, hopeful at first, but then panicked and desperate. They had to live with the fact that they were going to suffer terrible deaths. I can't even imagine what that does to someone's mind. The fact that anyone can compare that to a baby who can't even think or feel, that makes me sick.

And all of this, too. I was at the WTC site earlier this year. I didn't even get to see the memorial (didn't have enough time to wait in the line before I had to catch my flight home) but walked around the area and went inside the visitor center, where there were objects from the towers, from the first responders, and from some of the people who died there on display. Gah, I'm starting to tear up just writing this. Just walking up the stairs from the subway station, imagining what it was like that day - there is no way those deaths should be compared to abortions.

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I remember 9/11 very well. I was up late working on a history project and my brother was watching tv. We were both just doing our own thing until the news came on with the story of the towers being attacked. At first the reporters thought it was an accident, then the second plane hit, and it started to look really dodgy. What I remember about that night is waiting for the workers above the planes to be rescued. Neither of us could understand why the top floors weren't being evacuated via the rooftops. We were like wtf, where are the helicopters? What really stays with me is how scared all those people must have been. How eventually they would have figured out that they weren't going to be rescued and were going to die. I can't even imagine how that must have felt.

At any rate, these people really suffered. They didn't get a quick death. It wasn't a simple procedure like the majority of abortions are. Some of them had to choose between being burned alive or jumping from the windows. The ways in which they died were pretty bloody horrific.

I don't understand how anyone could compare these deaths to abortion. I mean, the people who died on 9/11 were, like pretty much all of us, loved and valued. They had friends and family who cared about them and were absolutely destroyed by their deaths. They actually had something to give the world. They were more than a clump of cells. It's pretty revolting to see fundies comparing abortions to mass slaughter. Abortion is a medical procedure, not the new Holocaust or a tragedy 10x worse than 9/11. Christ, have some fucking respect for the dead.

Well said.

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Wait. They are comparing abortions to 9/11? :evil: :angry-cussingblack: :angry-screaming: :obscene-birdiered:

Using smilies becauase I have no words.

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What, you mean like the babies' families who can't afford healthcare because the repubes don't want to support the "lazy" poor, the babies who aren't currently getting adopted, the babies who don't have enough diapers and food to keep them healthy? Oh, wait. You care more about unborn cells, not actual living breathing babies that need the above necessities, plus heat and shelter. Oh, and for people who compare abortion to national tragedies such as you? You can go fuck yourself(/ves), ourfullhouse. People that are poor and have children and are trying to support them in the best way possible probably hate people like you care more about the "unborn" whatever the hell that means than the already born, because it doesn't cost as much to be pro-birth rather than actual pro-life (donating to organizations that are trying providing as many families as they can with the necessities they need to care for their children and for themselves and letting them do what they want with their bodies because they want to and wanting the government to provide less fortunate with healthcare) amirite?

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Another thing that's ridiculously offensive about this stupid comparison - taking this to its logical conclusion they are also calling women who choose to have abortions terrorists. They are saying that these women are as bad as the perpetrators of 9/11.

This just makes me so mad! Fetuses and embryos are not the same thing as living and breathing humans who had thoughts and feelings and knew they were going to die and can feel the pain of it. Abortion is a medical procedure, 9/11 was a tragedy where so many innocent people died. REAL PEOPLE. Not fetuses. I can still barely believe that there are people who don't find this comparison as offensive as I do. Comparing the abortion to the holocaust, or even just murder, is also offensive. I'd like someone who says they believe life begins at conception to also say that they believe women who get abortions should be treated like any other murderer. If they don't admit that, that's the same thing as admitting they don't think a fetus is really a life.

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(Addressed to the Redman Children, not FJ)

Jack Grandcolas's wife was pregnant, she died on Flight 93. Who do you think Jack misses every day, his wife or the fetus? Who does Jack cry for, the woman he loved, married, and spent years of his life with, or the potential child he never met? How can you equate a thousand might-have-beens with thousands of dead people?

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This. All of this. I didn't know anyone who died that day, but thinking about what those people went through honestly breaks my heart. Especially those trapped above the impact zones. None of those people made it out of the north tower, and only 18 escaped from above the planes in the south tower. Cantor Fitzgerald lost over 600 employees. People were calling their loved ones from inside, hopeful at first, but then panicked and desperate. They had to live with the fact that they were going to suffer terrible deaths. I can't even imagine what that does to someone's mind. The fact that anyone can compare that to a baby who can't even think or feel, that makes me sick.

Exactly. I read a short story from a woman who did survive it, and it was absolutely sickening and horrifying. I had nightmares for days. I can't even imagine.

ETA: Here it is for anyone who wants to read it. :cry:

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005HF ... k_ro_title

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Is it interesting some people are so obsessed with abortion that they can't focus on the 5 million children that die from diarrhea related diseases every year? Or the 11 million children that die from poverty? Where's the outrage for the lack of inaction there? I guess it's not a big deal since all those are post-born children....

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I thought that, too! SOTDRT strikes again... I believe that she thinks that there are only 10 days in a year, as a quick search for the statistics revealed that in 2008 (most recent year I could find cited) there were 1.2 million abortions performed in the US.

every sperm is sacred :lol:

She's counting every woman's period if she is having intercourse during the last cycles....

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Is it interesting some people are so obsessed with abortion that they can't focus on the 5 million children that die from diarrhea related diseases every year? Or the 11 million children that die from poverty? Where's the outrage for the lack of inaction there? I guess it's not a big deal since all those are post-born children....

There's an attitude that emerges when certain anti-abortion people are confronted with miscarriages, God being a super-abortionist and the fact that they have done nothing to support miscarriage research despite it being a bigger "killer" than cancer, heart disease, diabetes, you name it. It's the attitude that it's okay if it happened naturally, but baaaaad if a human being knowingly did it. If they use it to excuse not funding blastocyst non-implantation research, I could see them writing off poverty and starvation as natural and therefore none of their business. 'Cause doing good is pointless if you're not handslapping someone in the process, I guess.

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