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Do fundies believe in ghosts? Do you?


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I know they don't believe in Halloween but, ghostly spirity stuff? Do you?

I stayed a weekend in a 'haunted house' once. Didn't see anything but shat myself all weekend.

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I'd like to believe in ghosts and I've seen some freaky stuff but I think the supernatural is possibly something science will be able to explain in the near future. I think our minds are incredible things and we just don't understand their full capacity yet.

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I highly doubt fundies believe in ghosts. All righteous people are hangin' with God and the unrighteous are chained up in hell; spirits choosing to visit us here on Earth? Heathenous!

With that being said, the intellectual side of my brain tells me ghosts don't exist. The other, 12 year old side of my brain really wants to believe.

I was in a pub one time and a friend took a picture of me with his cell phone. He immediately started freaking out because in the picture, behind me, was a white fog. It had no features, but you could clearly see the outline of a body, shoulders and a head. Smoking isn't allowed in bars here, and there were no tables behind me with hot food (and therefore steam). So, weird camera fail or ghost? I think it's more fun to think ghost.

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I get flak for it, but I'm an atheist who believes in the possibility of paranormal phenomena. I don't necessarily believe that grandma has come back from the dead to walk around the house at night. There is evidence that there is something going on, and instead of dismissing it we should study it and learn more.

I love watching Ghost Hunters, and sometimes I think they are borderline on what they define as paranormal, but they have also caught some pretty interesting evidence in their investigations I wouldn't dismiss completely.

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Fundies, for the most part, do not believe in ghosts. There are angels and demons and that is it.

I, personally believe in ghosts. I have seen too much to not believe in them. But I have a strange opinion as to why there are ghosts roaming around. I don't believe in heaven or hell, I think that when people die their energy just sort of hangs around. I believe that life and the afterlife are both here. I believe that some energy is more organized than others and I believe that some people are ore sensitive to it than others. I can tell you that in my entire life I have not lived somewhere that there was paranormal stuff going on, and most places that I have worked at there has been stuff....I do wish that the current work ghost would stop playing with my hair when no one is around, it's kind of creepy.

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Yikes! My oldest son wont go to a certain friend's house anymore because he says his hair is always getting yanked when there's no one in the room. Parents laughed it off but it has him creeped (and me a little bit).

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I get flak for it, but I'm an atheist who believes in the possibility of paranormal phenomena. I don't necessarily believe that grandma has come back from the dead to walk around the house at night. There is evidence that there is something going on, and instead of dismissing it we should study it and learn more.

I love watching Ghost Hunters, and sometimes I think they are borderline on what they define as paranormal, but they have also caught some pretty interesting evidence in their investigations I wouldn't dismiss completely.

Are you my twin? I feel pretty much the same way. I'm a skeptic. I like to believe in scientific explanations for everything, but part of me is still open to possibilities. I believe that there could be natural explanations for the supernatural. Science just hasn't really discovered these forces yet.

I love Ghost Hunters too. I like to compare them with Ghost Adventures. I think those shows do prove how powerful belief can be. In the former show, they go into a site with a skeptic view that it's not haunted and then try to disprove everything. In the latter, they go in believing a site is haunted, and seem to find much more evidence of a haunting - even at the same sites.

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Ghosts defined as "spirits of people caught between here and the afterlife" was not something we believed in when I was fundy or fundie-lite. It was very clear to us that you either went to heaven or hell. There was no space in between to be.

Any supernatural seeming activity was either explained away as imagined or it was all demons. Those were the only two options. The demon part was decided completely arbitrarily. If you had demons though, it meant you did something super wrong like have peace signs in your house or playing Ouija. OR if you were righteous and had demons it meant that you were truly doing God's work and the devil was trying to stop you. Again, the line between "dirty heathen" and "a man after God's own heart" was drawn completely arbitrarily. If the preacher liked you, they were demons sent to destroy your witness. If he didn't like you, they were demons sent because you were in league with the devil.

My house growing up had some stuff happen and we were told it was due to my rebellious spirit regarding music and "lifestyle choices". My particular problematic "lifestyle choice" was enjoying science fiction.

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I'm an atheist, forced to go to fundie lite churches, and Southern Baptists most certainly do not believe in ghosts or paranormal "occult" stuff. They disbelieve.so strongly I got flak just for reading Harry Potter books.

I dont believe in ghosts though. Even watching a.few.episodes of Ghost Hunters hasn't convinced me. The power of belief is amazing, as is the power of suggestion. Our minds can trick us into thinking and sensing the most impossible things. I have a feeling that if there is any scientific explanation for ghosts or other paranormal stuff, that it will only reinforce how powerful the human mind can be.

I think a belief in ghosts requires some belief in an afterlife, which I do not believe in at all.

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Even though I am an atheist, I do sort of believe in ghosts. I have experienced loads of weird things that I cant explain, and done paranormal investigations, and I try and look at things skeptically and not instantly believe something is a ghost though, I like to rule out all possible natural explanations first.

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I was once sitting in my office and out of nowhere, I got that feeling of a cold breeze going right through me. Not a "chill," but the cold breeze many would attribute to a specter or ghost or demon. That one creeped me out - especially because I didn't then, nor do I now, really believe in ghosts.

Not sure about fundies, but all I've ever heard from them has to do with angels or demons and mainline Christians pretty much ignore angels & demons, too, with nothing to say about ghosts.

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No reason to believe in ghosts. May as well believe in magical drunken pixies zooming around the world on electric gin bottles.

Well said. I agree.

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Of course we do! The Holy Ghost. Sorry, couldn't resist.


I don't discount them. Many things happen that have no explanation. If I believe in them why not ghosts? I do believe in heaven and hell but I actually think that since there is no time in heaven and that God is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End that He exists in both the past, present and future simultaneously, so I’m not sure how long the waiting period is between when a person goes to heaven or hell and the final judgment. It may not be that long at all or the first person who died gets to/has to spend 10,000+ years there longer than the last person who dies. I wonder if there is some suspension of time so that everyone arrives at their eternal destination at the same time and who knows what they might do in that time-- become ghosts maybe?

Besides, I want to believe because ClibbyJo said I would find a life partner. I do wish I had asked if that meant a romantic life partner or just my cats. . .

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To keep it simple, yeah, I believe in ghosts. I've seen too much to not believe there's something more going on. There's a forest near my home that's widely considered to be haunted and some spots really feel it.

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I didn't believe in ghosts until I moved into my house in '05. Now? Yes, Like others I've seen/experienced too much not to believe, but I'm not scared at all by any of it. I was terrified of the dark my entire life, but since living in a haunted house & studying/researching the paranormal, I can't sleep with a light on anymore. Not skeered a bit! :lol: Go figure!

My sister (I can't figure out if she's fundie or fundie-lite; she wears pants but belongs to a kjv1611 BJU affiliated IFB) says ghosts are evil demons sent to harm & confuse Christians.

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I'm a Methodist and I do not believe in ghosts. The way I see it, when I die I will either go to heaven or hell. My spirit does not stay on earth.

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I would think that the hardcore fundies don't, they probably think that anything that doesn't fit into their neat little world view is of the devil. For myself (I'm agnostic) I think that ghosts probably do exist, and that science will eventually find evidence. Just because there is no current hard proof doesn't mean that there never will be.

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I think I want to believe in ghosts because it means that their might be SOMETHING that happens after we die (and I believe that something could be defined by science eventually), but I am a skeptic. Until I see with my own eyes I will never 100% believe. But that little part of me that wants there to be ghosts LOVES reading about paranormal experiences and watching Ghost Hunters (although I miss the older Ghost Hunters - I want more houses and regular people, and I Grant!)

I read through this thread and loved it - some are completely ridiculous and abviously made up, but some are very very interesting.

http://allnurses.com/general-nursing-di ... 08202.html

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Fundies, for the most part, do not believe in ghosts. There are angels and demons and that is it.

I, personally believe in ghosts. I have seen too much to not believe in them. But I have a strange opinion as to why there are ghosts roaming around. I don't believe in heaven or hell, I think that when people die their energy just sort of hangs around. I believe that life and the afterlife are both here. I believe that some energy is more organized than others and I believe that some people are ore sensitive to it than others. I can tell you that in my entire life I have not lived somewhere that there was paranormal stuff going on, and most places that I have worked at there has been stuff....I do wish that the current work ghost would stop playing with my hair when no one is around, it's kind of creepy.

This is pretty much how I feel. I could write pages of stuff that's happened to me in various places, and I have also been present at deaths where other things happened, but suffice it to say - yes. I do believe that there is some sort of energy that remains after people die, some good, some not so good. The worst was when we lived in a home where there was a violent suicide. It's odd because we live in a super, super old house now - over 100 years old with a million nooks and crannies and old houseish cupboards under stairs, etc., and I get no supernatural feeling in this place at all. It's like it was just cleared of all bad energy.

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I doubt fundies would believe in ghosts. Out of the fundies I've known none of them believed.

I do believe in ghosts and the paranormal. I've had some weird stuff happen to me that I can't explain.

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I am a professional intuitive psychic. I have removed ghosts from houses, one trying to push me out the door as I was doing it. I was just in someone's attic yesterday telling her about the girl who lives there.

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