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Schedule your imaginary mammogram at Planned Parenthood

Maul the Koala

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shesinsane, do you know for sure that Michelle Malkin was an anchor baby or was that just used as a slur? Either way, bringing up her parents' immigration status has nothing to do with cutting down her argument. It's stupid and racist when the right wing does it, and it's still stupid and racist when liberals do it.

For the record I think Michelle Malkin is appalling.

I don't know for sure, that's just how I hear her referred to, so that's how I typed her name. I've removed it. If her parents did come to this country illegally, given her position on illegal immigration, it's another illustration of hypocrisy. I don't see pointing out hypocrisy as stupid or racist, but to each their own.

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My understanding is that PP is also a financial screener for mammograms, in that if you go there and qualify financially, they give you a voucher for a free mammogram at a local provider.

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I'm worried that after my pretend mammogram they'll try to give me an abortion- even thought I'm not even pregnant! Or maybe they'll just give me birth control pills, which we all know (thank you, Michelle Duggar) cause miscarriages!!!!eleven!!!

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And the idiots just keep on coming. It's the unwanted gift that keeps on giving.

"Jan Hidalgo

I just called Planned Parenthood in LA asking to schedule a mammogram, and she said "We dont do them here, we refer you to another clinic", and I said well to what clinic, a PPH? to what she responded "We only perform the manual breast exam" and I asked "Then PPH doesnt do mammograms?" and she said "I am not going to answer that question!" I asked her again and she sighed and hung up on me!! Well Obama, I want my mammogram for free!! Those employers are rude very rude, all I wanted was a free mammogram."

https://www.facebook.com/events/3561227 ... 631068949/

"Virginia Hobaugh

Your ectopic, placental abruption, and other medically abnormal things are an excuse to abort living fetuses and babies. These are not the reasons why girls are having abortions right now...these days... and you know it. Quit making excuses for them."

https://www.facebook.com/events/3561227 ... mments=110

"Virginia Hobaugh

How many time does this extraordinary situation happen compared to the total amount of abortions. Yes these circumstances happen but at the same time you are making excuses for the very cold-hearted who just what an excuse to have an abortion. Do you not realize that there are women who just want to abort their baby?"

https://www.facebook.com/events/3561227 ... mments=110

"Emma Nadeau

I called and was told that they do not perform mammograms :) We win!!" <---This one, what?

https://www.facebook.com/events/3561227 ... 787742800/

"Aileen Barreca

Why give an organization who kills babies money whether they do mammograms or not. Because the Government wants minority babies to die. And that my friends is why the government gives money to PP. They could care less about women's health. If they did, they would out law contraceptive pills that are dangerous to women's health"

https://www.facebook.com/events/3561227 ... omments=33

I think these people need to be wacked upside the head with a medical textbook.

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