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The sonograms of HELLLLL!!!


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When I had my endoscopy I brought home the pictures because my kids wanted to "see someone's insides". I wonder if that was immodest. I realize it was "weird" but one of my kids really is thinking of becoming a doctor so I pretend her morbid curiosity is okay.

But, but . . . she's a girl! And she wants to be a doctor! And curiosity is a sin! And . . . obey!

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I left the terse comment, "Are you insane, sir?" I don't expect it to get through moderation.

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This makes me want to scan the pictures of my husband's recent sonogram and post them for everyone to see on Facebook. With the caption "It's a fatty liver!" Husband has recently been diagnosed with Fatty Liver Syndrome. He does not fall into any of the normal risk categories to develop this syndrome- he's not obese (5 foot 5, 145 lbs), rarely drinks, is very active and has a healthy diet. As a result, he's been getting scans on a pretty regular basis, just to see what's going on.

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This guy has problems.

And ultrasounds have been around for a long time. Did he just now notice them or did it just now start offending him?

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Hoooraaaaayyy! One more thing has been banned! There is sure to be a party somewhere in fundie-land tonight.

I swear these people go through the Bible only to come up with new things to ban and forbid.

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Then in his book I must be a super slut. I'm unmarried and have a framed x-ray of my spine & my CD rods on the wall. You can even make out the fatty tissue of my lovely lady lumps. I love to show it off to one and all.

My brother has framed x-rays of the rods in his leg and arm and the plates in his jaw. Do you think he's defrauding unsuspecting womenfolk by not keeping his interiors for his wife's eyes only?

(my brother and I are very competitive when it comes to surgeries, scars and/or metal - he's won with surgeries and metal thus far. If I get a heart valve replacement one day I will only be glad because it will be another scar to add to my collection and I'll win on scars - we both have 9 right now - but they must be from surgeries, not just a scar where my dog bit me, etc. There are elaborate rules. Don't ask 'cause we're weird enough to tell you)

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An ultrasound is an immodest peak at a woman's body which should be revealed only to her her husband, but this guy then writes this article


telling the world that he likes that his wife has kept her weight under control, gives good back rubs, and snores.

That Mrs. Trieber sounds like a real fun gal to be around. :roll:

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So sonograms are immodest. I am guessing X-Rays for broken bones are out too? Or are foot x-rays OK, just not x-rays above the knee or below the neck?

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Then in his book I must be a super slut. I'm unmarried and have a framed x-ray of my spine & my CD rods on the wall. You can even make out the fatty tissue of my lovely lady lumps. I love to show it off to one and all.

My brother has framed x-rays of the rods in his leg and arm and the plates in his jaw. Do you think he's defrauding unsuspecting womenfolk by not keeping his interiors for his wife's eyes only?

(my brother and I are very competitive when it comes to surgeries, scars and/or metal - he's won with surgeries and metal thus far. If I get a heart valve replacement one day I will only be glad because it will be another scar to add to my collection and I'll win on scars - we both have 9 right now - but they must be from surgeries, not just a scar where my dog bit me, etc. There are elaborate rules. Don't ask 'cause we're weird enough to tell you)

But Gizmola, inquiring minds want to know!

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"I understand that, in this modern day, our hospitals have equipment that allows us to see a baby prior to birth—and to have such an opportunity can be exciting for a young couple."

And couples who expect their second or third child don't need such nonsense any more, because sonograms and ultrasounds are only there to heighten the anticipation for your beautiful baby, and do not serve to catch potentially fatal illnesses early on, no sir, never!

I read an article today (sorry, didn't save the link) that described how one twin was born with a malformed (is that the right word? :think: ) heart and was rushed to surgery directly after he'd been born by caesarean. If his condition hadn't been diagnosed prior to birth, the necessary arrangements for immediate surgery couldn't have been done, and he would be dead.

Luckily, his twin brother is completely healthy.

In related news: This guy is creepy.

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No wonder no comments are showing. I bet that not one positive comment has come through.

This is like when upper class women of a different era had to stay inside when they started to show and until they had given birth. You didn't want them walking around with pregnant bellies which just screamed "I had sex at some point".

This reminds me of a story my gran once told me. According to said gran my great-grandmother (her mother) was very old fashioned because she didn't think pregnant ladies should be out when they were showing, and consequently would cross the street in their small town if she met my gran while she was pregnant. When my gran died we found out it wasn't so much the "pregnant ladies should be in the house" but rather "one should not have sex outside of wedlock" that my great-gran objected to.

Yeah I'm a third generation slut 8-) :D :twisted:

My gran and great-gran were catholic, me I'm UU :)

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I can't wait to get pregnant again - my uterus is kind of tucked back, so all of my early ultrasounds have to be transvaginal. I'm going to tweet the hell out of the pics with #transvaginal ultrasound; maybe I'll type it right on the pic and use it for my profile everywhere. I might be getting an MRI of my pelvis - wait until I get to post that defrauding image! :D

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:lol: <--- my current state after reading just a few lines of that article. Really? It is not like women are whipping up their skirts (or pulling their pants down) and telling people to look up her vagina to see the baby! It is a picture of the baby in the womb... no one is see the woman naked belly, just a picture inside of her (not sure I wrote that well...)

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This guy would have a heart attack at my church. Our pastor stopped service one night to let the couple who is expecting in the next couple months share sonogram pictures. What would he say about a group of friends celebrating a very wanted pregnancy after a tubal pregnancy? I mean, we sat through the sermon passing around 3D sonogram pics while listening to the sermon.

We are a "family integrated church" in the sense that we have no children's ministry because we are so small. We have a small side room that is being set up as a cry room though so when the little one gets here people can watch the baby so mom can enjoy service.

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I want to take this fundy and put him in front of one of the anti-choice men who stand around with ultrasound pictures on signs and watch them lay into each other.

I thought fundies were all about de-sexualizing birth, hence Smuggar letting Anna show her legs while giving birth to Michael on the can. Now apparently the outline of the inside of my uterus is sexayyy? That's honestly really creepy. It's my internal organ. He has the hots for people's internal organs.

And he does realize he's not actually looking at a picture of the uterus (or the naked fetus - why no outrage over the naked fetus?) right? He's looking at computer-generated silhouettes based on reflected sound. That's like complaining that you can see the shape of someone's body under their clothes. Which fundies do complain about, but Mr. Treiber doesn't make anyone in his family wear particularly baggy clothes. I'm looking at a picture in which I can see his wife's ankles, which have to be at least as defrauding as an internal organ ffs.

I wonder if this man just has no concept of the female anatomy. Maybe he thinks that "womb" is a nice word for "vagina", and the baby is chilling out in the lady bits for 9 months

That could very well be the case. I recently learned that my partner has no idea where babies grow, despite living with me of all people. He thought "that whole thing" was a vagina and uterus was just a fancier word for it. I shudder to imagine how little the average dude knows about reproduction, and could see a fundy pastor having no idea what's in there beyond the magic baby hole.

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Exactly! There is a more expensive option, I believe, to see an actual PICTURE of the baby, but most ultrasounds aren't even pictures... they're black and white... thingies... When I looked at my friend's ultrasound, I actually wasn't looking at the baby at all. Heh.

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I want to take this fundy and put him in front of one of the anti-choice men who stand around with ultrasound pictures on signs and watch them lay into each other.

I'd pay good money to see that! :lol:

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I find this rather incongruous. Usually fundamentalists of the ilk that are followed on this board are very into viewing sonograms as pictures of children rather then pictures of the women who happening to be housing them for 9 months. This is especially true when you look at anti-abortion rhetoric and the like (example: The Silent Scream). Traditionally, the mother is erased in favor of the "child." So to have him come out and say that a sonogram is an indecent picture of a woman seriously breaks with the party line.

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Exactly! There is a more expensive option, I believe, to see an actual PICTURE of the baby, but most ultrasounds aren't even pictures... they're black and white... thingies... When I looked at my friend's ultrasound, I actually wasn't looking at the baby at all. Heh.

How does that work?! I watched a movie in the sex ed portion of grade 9 science that contained video footage of live embryos and fetuses in utero, but I assumed sticking a camera in there was risky and wouldn't be available to the public. Well great, now I've got to look it up.

And another thing about the inside of my uterus being indecent - has that dude never looked at a sonogram? You need to be an expert to even know what you're seeing. Otherwise, besides a discernible fetal head, it's random shapes. I've had ultrasounds done of several of my internal organs, and I didn't know what the fuck I was looking at. He could be getting a boner from his wife's intestines and never know it. *enter anal sex joke*

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Well, I'm seriously in trouble then. Mom passed around the sonogram pictures of my brother and myself, I've seen my cousin's sonogram photos, and the photos from friends...

I should probably be sent to the prayer closet for those ones. I've got carrot cake if anyone wants to join me.

I find the subject very odd as so many of these fundies are "Think of the babieeeeeeeeeeees!" You'd think they'd be happy to see photos of another fetus.

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