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Nuns Claim Birth Control Causes Homosexuality


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http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/0 ... more207214

I can't watch the video on my computer. The Huffington Post says that the nuns are claiming BC causes homosexuality. Sadly, this is not the first time that I've heard this argument. Apparently, some far right people think that hormones from the pill somehow makes men-not women- more likely to be gay. I think that their reasoning is that bc puts hormones into the water system but it is still a strange argument.

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So what's their argument for people who were gay long prior to the pill?

Stop being logical. You know that fundies don't allow that.

There argument is so easily broken apart that I'm not certain how it stands in their own minds. Yet, these nuns are not the first that I've heard claim that BC somehow creates homosexuality.

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Stop being logical. You know that fundies don't allow that.

There argument is so easily broken apart that I'm not certain how it stands in their own minds. Yet, these nuns are not the first that I've heard claim that BC somehow creates homosexuality.

Really? I've never heard that before. How do they explain lesbians then? These people always forget about the lesbians. Apparently women on birth control are also not desirable....because...they say so? These people seem against evolution, yet they're saying monkeys and people are the same thing. The BC causing homosexuality is only one of the ridiculous things these people are saying. I could only watch about 5 minutes before I had to stop. So are they saying in this video that when most women are on birth control, men don't desire them anymore and turn to other men?

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I'm sorry... this is sad, but it makes me giggle.

Technically, my brother should be gay. My mom used birth control.

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I'm sorry... this is sad, but it makes me giggle.

Technically, my brother should be gay. My mom used birth control.

According to them, that should have made your father gay, which is funnier :lol:

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Really? I've never heard that before. How do they explain lesbians then? These people always forget about the lesbians. Apparently women on birth control are also not desirable....because...they say so? These people seem against evolution, yet they're saying monkeys and people are the same thing. The BC causing homosexuality is only one of the ridiculous things these people are saying. I could only watch about 5 minutes before I had to stop. So are they saying in this video that when most women are on birth control, men don't desire them anymore and turn to other men?

It is a subject that makes me tune people out so I don't know. Even on a superficial level it isn't very logical. I think that the argument is that hormones caused by using BC is secreted into the water system and therefore will make men gay. Here is an argument that doesn't make the jump to homosexuality but does say that using BC will hurt the enviroment.


Here is an article from WND(Yes, WND is crazy but people read it) The article does not say that BC causes homosexuality either.


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Here is a quote from a woman that is discussing the possiblity of bc causing homosexuality


the pill feminizes male fish, what does it do to male children? It must do something - decrease fertility? feminize boys, i.e., create gays?

I'm sure the Left is not touching this pollutant for all the reasons Lopez and Murray noted.

But could there be an insidious motive for allowing estrogen to remain in the human water system?

http://www.jillstanek.com/archives/2008 ... _poll.html

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It is a subject that makes me tune people out so I don't know. Even on a superficial level it isn't very logical. I think that the argument is that hormones caused by using BC is secreted into the water system and therefore will make men gay. Here is an argument that doesn't make the jump to homosexuality but does say that using BC will hurt the enviroment.

Gotta love the religious right's concern trolling abilities.

Factories polluting rivers? But regulating them would hurt their corporate freedom! Birth control might pollute rivers? Oh noez the environment!!!

Equal pay? Fuck that shit. Sex selective abortion? Look at those evil patriarchal cultures that value women less than men!

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I'd be more concerned about runoff from huge industrial animal raising operations (sorry, I refuse to call them farms; they're essentially flesh production lines). Antibiotics and hormones are tossed to these poor animals like sweets to a fat child. Not to mention waste from factories producing plastics. I'm not sure there's as much to worry about re bpa as people think, but assuming that this compound and others like it are harmful and interfere with hormone production, then there's a lot to be worried about just from factory waste. Then there's also the wretched plastic packaging floating around in waterways and landfill.

In the grand scheme of things, I just can't see birth control being worse than any of the above. That said, a few flamboyant young men are a small price to pay for the ability to make it to 30 without four children to your name.

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Yes, because all that heterosexual sex without the need for barrier methods and without worry of producing offspring is such a turn off for men.

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How does this explain Oscar Wilde and other homosexuals that existed long before the Pill was created?

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Here is a quote from a woman that is discussing the possiblity of bc causing homosexuality


http://www.jillstanek.com/archives/2008 ... _poll.html

Wow...that link is insane. First thing that pisses me off is that feminine boys does not = gay. A boy can like playing with dolls and cooking want to be a stay at home dad and be sensitive - all the things thought of as feminine even though they're not - and still be totally straight. My gay guy friends are mostly super stereotypically masculine...one was the quarterback of his highschool football team and loves to talk about cars, but is still super gay. Of course there is much ridiculous about this, that's just what stuck with me. I guess they don't want to explain the existence of lesbians...people like this never do. I think because the idea of men being like women is so horrible for them, because they hate women so much.

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But could there be an insidious motive for allowing estrogen to remain in the human water system?

This coming from the people who want to keep us all pregnant for the rest of our fertile lives. A quick look at [link=http://www.jfmpc.com/article.asp?issn=2249-4863;year=2012;volume=1;issue=1;spage=39;epage=42;aulast=Maduka]these[/link] [link=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6743735]two[/link] studies shows that the estrogen levels in pregnant people's urine can be hundreds of times higher than the estrogen levels in the urine of people on birth control.

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That doesn't explain my gay uncles as my grandma was such a devout Catholic that she didn't use any birth control. One of those uncles died of alcoholism because he couldn't be his true self around my grandparents, and the other uncle is still in the closet while my grandma remains alive. I also have a gay cousin who is out to everyone but my grandma.

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I'd be more concerned about runoff from huge industrial animal raising operations (sorry, I refuse to call them farms; they're essentially flesh production lines). Antibiotics and hormones are tossed to these poor animals like sweets to a fat child. Not to mention waste from factories producing plastics. I'm not sure there's as much to worry about re bpa as people think, but assuming that this compound and others like it are harmful and interfere with hormone production, then there's a lot to be worried about just from factory waste. Then there's also the wretched plastic packaging floating around in waterways and landfill.

In the grand scheme of things, I just can't see birth control being worse than any of the above. That said, a few flamboyant young men are a small price to pay for the ability to make it to 30 without four children to your name.

This!! There's also caffeine and antimicrobials in the water. I wonder what kinds of sins those might cause us to commit!

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Here is a quote from a woman that is discussing the possiblity of bc causing homosexuality


http://www.jillstanek.com/archives/2008 ... _poll.html

Is the Murray cited perhaps Charles Murray, the same guy that co-authored The Bell Curve and wrote Coming Apart which is about the "sorry" state of white America. (The Bell Curve was all about the inherent intellectual inferiority of blacks. I have not read Coming Apart, but it's bound to be vile.) Anyhow if it does refer to Charles Murray, I'd trust his opinion about as far as I could throw my house.

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Is the Murray cited perhaps Charles Murray, the same guy that co-authored The Bell Curve and wrote Coming Apart which is about the "sorry" state of white America. (The Bell Curve was all about the inherent intellectual inferiority of blacks. I have not read Coming Apart, but it's bound to be vile.) Anyhow if it does refer to Charles Murray, I'd trust his opinion about as far as I could throw my house.

It's an Ian Murray, but I wouldn't put citing Charles Murray past Jill Stanek. Jill Stanek is a piece of work...

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According to them, that should have made your father gay, which is funnier :lol:

So... I'm turning my fiance gay then?

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Yep. Every time you have straight sex with him on the pill you are making him gayer and gayer. My husband is now FLAMING.

Jezebel.com breaks it down for us:

http://jezebel.com/5948186/birth-contro ... video-ever

Hmmm. He has been cooking a lot recently... And he did tell me he liked my outfit the other day... OMG, he's so gay.

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Really? I've never heard that before. How do they explain lesbians then? These people always forget about the lesbians.

Please, everyone knows that lesbians just need a real man to show them the awesomeness of penis.

This all explains why my husband's favorite movie is The Sound Of Music. Thanks for clearing that up.

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But wait, if we are turning the men gay with our hormonal birth control products, that must mean that being gay ISN'T a choice after all and therefore, presumably, can't be reversed! How do they reconcile those two arguments?

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