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Rick Perry Blames Separation Of Church And State On Satan


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Like America would be great if we were the Taliban of the USA. Sorry religion needs to have outside control over it or it gets out of hand and hurts the ones it is supposed to help. When are they going to stop electing this ass monkey? show me how many countries are good countries who base their government on religion.

I blame Satan for bring rick perry into the world to torment us. Or maybe he is Satan hard to tell for sure does he have a birth certificate?

http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.c ... fpnewsfeed

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Oh my, this hurts the brain cells. Come on Rick, you can't be that dumb. Well, maybe you can.

I mean, this method of religion in government works so well right? It can't be that America was founded on the principle that church and state shouldn't mix because of past issues back home in England, right?

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I want the following on a t-shirt:

Satan runs across the world with his doubt and with his untruths and what have you

Ah, Mr. Perry -- you are a masterful speaker. :roll:

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That was hard to read. The stupid...it hurts.

So the 1960s were when we first had "problems" with separation of church & state? Disregard that constitution thing, that's doesn't count. It was Satan. Totally.

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You know what else we can blame Satan on? Clothes. I mean; before Eve was tempted to eat the apple by Satan, she didn't even realize that she was naked. :o How come fundies don't see clothes as evil? :think:

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You know what else we can blame Satan on? Clothes. I mean; before Eve was tempted to eat the apple by Satan, she didn't even realize that she was naked. :o How come fundies don't see clothes as evil? :think:

Anxious Girl, you need to stop being so logical -- Rick's head will explode!

Naked Fundies sounds like a great band name, though, doesn't it? :D

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I dont get it, why do people complain about the seperation of church and state, but then freak out if they dont think the president follows their religion? The seperation of church and state makes the presidents religion irrelevant, so things cant happen like they used to in England about 200 years ago, where the king or queen could decide what religion the country was and ban all the other religions.

Its here to protect all of our religious freedoms, even those of religious people.

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