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Ray Comfort 'debates' AronRa


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And basically got trounced.

(sorry embedding never works for me)

It's about 50 minutes long but it is well worth the listen. Ray tried to misdirect and tried his 'bait and switch' techniques several times but AronRa didn't fall for them. Particularly funny was when the Banana Man got irate that he couldn't get a word in edgeways, and when he said 'Dont tell me what I think, I know what I think' - such irony there.

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My computer has decided not to play sound so I have to wait to hear it. Does Ray try to remain on script? I've noticed that both he tries not to deviate too much from certain set answers.

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My computer has decided not to play sound so I have to wait to hear it. Does Ray try to remain on script? I've noticed that both he tries not to deviate too much from certain set answers.

He tries, but fails. Whenever he was faced with a difficult question there was a short silence from him, then he tried to either bait and switch (gets called out on it), misdirect or just plain said he didn't understand and ask AronRa to keep it simple.

He tried to get the Ten Commandments/Good Person thing in, but he'd hardly got the first sentence out before he was pulled up on it.

I hope somebody puts up a transcript - I had to listen to it on my daughter's laptop as my sound card is dying and only works when it feels like it.

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Ray is coming across as an idiot.

AronRa speaks so calmly and explain things in depth, while Ray just screams "you believe something comes from nothing!" while AronRa "Replies, no I don't."

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I'm listening to this slowly as I get the chance and I have to say that Ray really, really can't debate anyone who doesn't give him the answers he is expecting. Once he is given an answer that throws off his script he doesn't know what to do. And I love that it is pointed out that he has been debating evolution for a long time, yet doesn't even have a basic grasp of what it is. As the guy said, how can you debate against something that you don't even know what it is?!

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I can't watch it right now - forgot my head phones. But give me a quick preview ... does he bring up bananas? Or at least crocoducks?

No, but he does bring up the first dog, who had no eyes and lived in a tree. Or was it a cat? Can't remember, I was to busy pissing myself with laughing. :lol:

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He seriously just rambles and can't debate and when he is finally cornered he just screams "EVOLUTION IS A FAIRY TALE!" I'm not kidding he really screams something like that.

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Who is this man and why does he sound like he doesn't have a clue about what he is talking about? Seriously, I am Christian and the atheist is sounding a lot more intelligent and well reasoned.

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The thing is, is that you can't prove God. And there is no point in trying to do that. That is the whole point of faith. Believing in something for which there is no evidence. If there was evidence there would be no need for faith.

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No, but he does bring up the first dog, who had no eyes and lived in a tree. Or was it a cat? Can't remember, I was to busy pissing myself with laughing. :lol:

He seriously just rambles and can't debate and when he is finally cornered he just screams "EVOLUTION IS A FAIRY TALE!" I'm not kidding he really screams something like that.

Loves it.

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Whenever AronRa brings up science, species classification, or asexual reproduction, Ray just completely loses his shit. I mean totally loses it. You don't have much ammo when your entire understanding of science is gleaned from a book written thousands of years ago. I mean you can't teach science from something that is 50 years old.

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Who is this man and why does he sound like he doesn't have a clue about what he is talking about? Seriously, I am Christian and the atheist is sounding a lot more intelligent and well reasoned.

You really need to look him up. Ray Comfort tried to argue once that the modern day banana was a perfect example of why evolution is wrong, because only God could make something so perfect for eating... Except he forgot to learn the fact that it was created by man to be the way it is!

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If Ray doesn't get to do his schtick, and do it with unusually uneducated people, at that, he is really helpless.

As an aside, I'm glad nobody picked up on the host's "the dog looks guilty" story (although, of course, Ray had to affirm that he loves dogs :roll: ).

"She knows she did wrong, she's acting guilty, and if I physically punish her, she'll learn" is one of the most problematic attitudes humans have about dogs.

end of sidetrack

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I listened. AronRa talked too much, I thought; he uses too many long explanations that while thorough, are too hard to follow if you are not already informed on the topic.

Comfort is a moron.

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Ray: So you believe nothing created something?

AronRa: No, not at all. That is not scientifically possible.


AronR: No, I do not believe in God.

Ray: So you believe nothing created something?!

AronRa: No. (then goes into a very polite, detailed scientific explanation of his beliefs.)


AronRa: Have you thought about learning the basic definitions of the things you are debating?


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Ray: So you believe nothing created something?

AronRa: No, not at all. That is not scientifically possible.


AronR: No, I do not believe in God.

Ray: So you believe nothing created something?!

AronRa: No. (then goes into a very polite, detailed scientific explanation of his beliefs.)


AronRa: Have you thought about learning the basic definitions of the things you are debating?


That was a strange exchange -- AronRa mentioned that he was working on creating a dictionary for scientific terms that are not properly defined in standard dictionaries. While I think it makes sense, he didn't capitalize on it properly (in my opinion) and Comfort tried to jump on it being stupid, which he also totally failed to do.

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I listened. AronRa talked too much, I thought; he uses too many long explanations that while thorough, are too hard to follow if you are not already informed on the topic.

Comfort is a moron.

He was debating someone who is supposed to be informed on the topic, so I can see why he did that. Ray obviously is only capable of sticking to his script.

Ray's whole thing about AronRa not being able to prove his wife existed made no sense at all. He was just grasping at straws trying to say something smart.

If I ever had the chance to converse with Ray I would ask him why he keeps wanting to "prove" God is real. If there is proof, there is no need of faith and the Bible is very clear that Christians should walk by faith, not by what they have seen proven. So by trying to show proof of God, he is saying that there is no need to have faith and that the Bible is wrong. Once he proves God is real, then he has destroyed the need for faith so men will be walking by sight not by faith.

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I listened. AronRa talked too much, I thought; he uses too many long explanations that while thorough, are too hard to follow if you are not already informed on the topic.

Comfort is a moron.

I have found it hard to get into some of AronRa's videos because of that...many of the things he says are way over my head, while I prefer the animated videos of DarkMatter2525 ;) But I have no problem believing that he is a very smart man who knows exactly what he's talking about, and he gets points in debating because he is very well-informed and his style is calm and inflappable.

Ray Comfort already had his ass handed to him a couple of years ago while trying to debate Thunderf00t. A quick glance at some of AronRa's videos should have told him that another debate would have been even more difficult. He's devoted his life to things like this, and he should be better at responding by now. But since he is indeed a moron, he still sucks at it.

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