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Ann Coulter


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:lol: I would say Bill is as heterosexual as it gets. His only real flaws in the Presidency stemmed in some way from his inability to keep it in his pants.

Amen! ;)

Anyway, I think that may be a case of Coulter protesting a wee bit too much.

All that anger......all that repression......hmmmm. If anyone is closeted in that situation, I'd look at her before anyone else!

(edited because I always think of more I want to say, after the fact)

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Coulter is an unmarried 50-something and has never had any kids.

Considering what the whole Fluke matter was about, are we to assume that Ann is either a virgin (cough, sputter, cough) or a lesbian?

Same with Rush. No kids. Does the Viagra simply not work for his little peenie?

It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that when it detects Rush Limbaugh's sperm swimming up to meet the eff, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down.

Likewise, Ann Coulter's body is saying, "no way your mean genes are staying in the pool. End of the line, rhymes-with-witch."

ETA to take out the bad word.

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I try not to criticize folks for the way they look, but since AC cultivates a certain image (but fails) the best description of her is that she looks like she's going to happy hour at the Ramada Inn.

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If those are Google AdSense, it costs the advertiser every time someone clicks on the ad. I'll let your conscience decide whether you should click on them and help them burn through their advertising budget. Keep in mind that if you click then Google will think you're interested in that kind of thing and will direct more ads like that at you, no matter where you go on the web. There is a way to clear that history with Google, but it's hard to find.

I keep getting ads for Chik-Fil-A on my Gmail. Must be all those equality newsletters - they do have a lot to say about Chik-Fil-A, none of it positive.

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