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I'm getting really tired of the GOP

Maggie Mae

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http://www.examiner.com/article/gop-off ... -pregnancy

1.) Why do they not realize that they are trying to force their God and their morality onto people?

2.) She has no idea what it's like to be raped. She probably hasn't even read a book where someone is raped or talked to a rape victim.

3.) The anger I've had towards the GOP and it's supporters is really starting to wear on me.

4.) I want to be able to tell my child that I chose to bring him into the world. Why don't other people want that? Even if the option to abort exists, you don't have to choose abortion. You can choose to carry to term.

5.) Rape is Rape. All rape is forcing a part of your body in someone who is unwilling or unable to consent.

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I feel the same way. Rape is rape and I don't know why that's so hard to understand. And why would you want their to be unwanted children? Forcing women to have children they don't want is horrible. It's much better to have an abortion when you feel it's the best choice than making your life miserable. I don't understand how they can't seperate their own personal opinion and religion from the fact that they have no right to make choices for other people. I think that's why they think it's okay to force their God on other people. They can't seperate what they would choose with what should be law.

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This has nothing really to do with rape or children this is about beliefs and it always has been. All it matters to them is to make everyone conform to their faith and or beliefs. You can see they don't support the mothers don't want to eliminate abortions in the only ways possible. they want abortions to just go away and they don't care how it happens and who it hurts. They are Christians only with their mouths never with their hearts. Also to have the government validate their beliefs is very important.

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It isn't about children at all. If they really cared that much about kids, they'd support head start, universal healthcare, extended paid maternity leave, public education, etc. They don't give a rat's ass about children. It's not even about morals. If it were, they'd make it illegal to be treated for STDs. It's all about controlling women. When a woman is burdened with a gazillion children, she loses a lot of life's opportunities to be self-sufficient, independent, and powerful.

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You can't tell me that if this woman's 15 year old daughter was raped she wouldn't get her the morning after pill as fast as possible. What's she going to do? force her daughter to carry the child to term and then give it up for adoption or force her to become a single mother? That's just too hard for me to believe.

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You can't tell me that if this woman's 15 year old daughter was raped she wouldn't get her the morning after pill as fast as possible. What's she going to do? force her daughter to carry the child to term and then give it up for adoption or force her to become a single mother? That's just too hard for me to believe.

She would blame her daughter for "asking for it" because she was rebellious. At least that is what I hear all the time in comment sections of newspaper articles about rape.

I'm just so angry and exhausted from the stupidity of the past few months. It's like the stupidity is multiplying. And it makes it so much worse when people you know are like "YEAH i AGREE WITH THAT!" and "liking" chick-fil-a and paul ryan on Facebook.

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It isn't about children at all. If they really cared that much about kids, they'd support head start, universal healthcare, extended paid maternity leave, public education, etc. They don't give a rat's ass about children. It's not even about morals. If it were, they'd make it illegal to be treated for STDs. It's all about controlling women. When a woman is burdened with a gazillion children, she loses a lot of life's opportunities to be self-sufficient, independent, and powerful.

QFT. It's about punishment too. Punish women for their sexuality...punish women for Eve taking the bite out of the apple.

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What I hear Todd Atkins saying is that if a woman gets pregnant as the result of rape, then it wasn't rape at all, it's the woman's own fault. What kind of a mind imagines this I can't help but wonder? Is there something in the water that has made half of this country delusional? It gets worse and worse every time one of the members of the GOP opens his or her mouth. The only thing worse is the sight of people who just lap it up. I recently read that 3 years after Katrina college students were asked to point out Louisiana on a map of the US. Only one in three could!! Stupid is alive and well.

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She would blame her daughter for "asking for it" because she was rebellious. At least that is what I hear all the time in comment sections of newspaper articles about rape.

I'm just so angry and exhausted from the stupidity of the past few months. It's like the stupidity is multiplying. And it makes it so much worse when people you know are like "YEAH i AGREE WITH THAT!" and "liking" chick-fil-a and paul ryan on Facebook.

Or, she would allow her daughter to get the morning after pill or an abortion, but still think it is immoral for all other women and girls to do the same thing. Many anti-abortion people will either get abortions or support those they know personally who get abortions, then be down picketing the local Planned Parenthood the next day. Somehow the laws they want to impose on women don't apply to them. The hypocrisy is astounding.

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Sarah Ann Henderson · Subscribe · Top Commenter · Owner/Creator at Writing for Recovery

Ok, listen. If you, as a pregnant rape victim, choose to interpret your situation as a blessing and embrace the child you are carrying, then I would tell you congratulations and mean it sincerely. It takes real grace to look at that situation in that way. The same if you chose adoption and decided to make the situation into someone else's blessing. But if you choose to have an abortion, I would hold your hand walk you through the picket signs to the door of the clinic, because I believe just as strongly that you have the right to make that choice and not be condemned or judged for it. What a pregnant rape victim does NOT NEED is a bunch of politicians telling her what her reality is, what she should think, feel, or be able to choose. Get over yourselves, the lot of you.

This commenter for the win!

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A friend posted this image on Facebook earlier today. I think it needs to be passed around the GOP:


That was also posted by one of my Facebook friends, and it should be shared.

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