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Pants made me vain


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This colleague of mine is a priceless source of observation, and unwillingly taught me something interesting:

When she talks with people she regularly mentions flattering things about herself, in a very casual manner ("oh, I wish I could get a fuller figure, but it seems whatever I eat I keep slim", or "I have trouble buying skirts because I have such long legs that they all seem like minis on me" or "I guess I'm lucky, I inherited a great complexion from my mom").

And IT WORKS!!! People who had those talks with her describe her as "oh yeah, X is so thin, with beautiful skin, she could be a model" - whereas people who only know her from afar find her plain/ok-ish, with a bit of an acne problem...

Where I'm from, that's called a bitch-to-brag. You're complaining, but only in a way so that you can show off. "Guys, my wallet is so full of money that I can't fit it into my pants!" "It's so irritating how all those hot guys were hitting on me all night!" "I'm so naturally thin that it's difficult for me to find clothes that fit, how annoying." That kind of stuff.

Edited to add that when people do that, I roll my eyes hardcore and think of them as irritating.

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That font, oh my god.

Comic Sans, isn't it? :lol:

I used that back when I was 12 and wrote in my online diary. Oh, it was horrible. LOL!

She sounds like a loon.

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A notch. In her pants!

Yeah. The pants made her vain. It had nothing to do with her jeans being several sizes too small – a situation that caused the camel toe and hence her immodest pant-notch.

On a related note, my bewbs are soooo big that I have to special-order my bras. I should consider a burqua so men won't be defrauded by the bewbs that would otherwise be rrrrrripping their way out of my sweat-soaked blouses.

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On another post she answers a question that's been asked here many times: what happens if a fundy is unable to conceive?

http://cornerofjoy.blogspot.com/2012/04 ... ested.html

I guess they're not considering adoption.

At least she's not being a hypocrite about it. (And yes, that's exactly how I view refusing to use birth control because of "God's will" but then going ahead with fertility treatments. Of course, given that even the best BC fails sometimes, how arrogant is it to assume that you can subvert God's will by using a condom? Whoops, sorry, tangent.)

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So, women can't wear pants because the "notch between their legs" is visible...

But men are still allowed to wear pants??? :doh:

These people make no sense. Either women should be allowed to wear pants too, or men should have to wear skirts.

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So, women can't wear pants because the "notch between their legs" is visible...

But men are still allowed to wear pants??? :doh:

These people make no sense. Either women should be allowed to wear pants too, or men should have to wear skirts.

No no no aren't you forgetting that women aren't visually stimulated in any way, and have self-control, but men are aroused by the slightly sight of women, and then can't control what might happen next?

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No no no aren't you forgetting that women aren't visually stimulated in any way, and have self-control, but men are aroused by the slightly sight of women, and then can't control what might happen next?

...and that's why Christian supermen are our superiors.

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The warmth of skirts with tights in the winter is much better than the warmth of pants

Clearly this douchebag has never been to Bay St in Toronto in the middle of winter.

I used to have to wear a kilt/tights to work at an 'Irish' pub and it was fucking horrible in the middle of winter if I didn't have my snowboarding pants overtop of them for the walk home. She can suck the notch between my legs.

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Skirt and tights are warmer than trousers (sorry can't say pants as I see them as under wear) what tosh. Try living in Scotland in the summer never mind winter

As for showing the shape of you is her skirt shapeless to not show any curves of the body cos my headship finds me alluring in anything and only me.

As for the notch :lol: it's camel toe hen buy bigger trousers. Simples

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Exactly. And how full of yourself to think that men just can't handle seeing you eating fruit?

There is a SNL sketch I can NOT find the video of, with John Malkovich and Kristen Wiig, that would fit in so well here.

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On another post she answers a question that's been asked here many times: what happens if a fundy is unable to conceive?


I guess they're not considering adoption.

2) I don't want to know if there is a problem with me or with my husband. Because I know that deep down we would end up blaming each other for the inability to have children. Therefore, I would prefer not knowing which one of us has a fertility issue (if any).

They must be INCREDIBLY awful, shallow people.

(says the person missing half of each ovary whose husband has lousy swimmers. I speak with much bias here, obviously, seeing as I would still have terratomas growing, messing w/ me, if I hadn't gone in for testing. They could have destroyed what's left of my fertility, caused more migraines, and become a big hairy deal. As it stands, they were just hairy and gross)

To be so incredibly shallow that you don't believe you could overcome that resentment just astounds me.

(I'm not saying that the 'blaming' doesn't happen or that there can't be a bit of pain and resentment. Just that being so small minded that it'll affect your relationship negatively is sad. for both of them.)

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2) I don't want to know if there is a problem with me or with my husband. Because I know that deep down we would end up blaming each other for the inability to have children. Therefore, I would prefer not knowing which one of us has a fertility issue (if any).

They must be INCREDIBLY awful, shallow people.

(says the person missing half of each ovary whose husband has lousy swimmers. I speak with much bias here, obviously, seeing as I would still have terratomas growing, messing w/ me, if I hadn't gone in for testing. They could have destroyed what's left of my fertility, caused more migraines, and become a big hairy deal. As it stands, they were just hairy and gross)

To be so incredibly shallow that you don't believe you could overcome that resentment just astounds me.

(I'm not saying that the 'blaming' doesn't happen or that there can't be a bit of pain and resentment. Just that being so small minded that it'll affect your relationship negatively is sad. for both of them.)

Well, at least they're consistent about allowing god to open/close the womb :? But yeah, that's nuts. Maybe she's worried her husband won't be able to get over it? There are a lot more things that can go wrong with a woman than a man, fertility-wise. I wonder if she'll be so ready to wait on god's plan if they go 3 years, or 5 years, or more without a baby.

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At least she's not being a hypocrite about it. (And yes, that's exactly how I view refusing to use birth control because of "God's will" but then going ahead with fertility treatments. Of course, given that even the best BC fails sometimes, how arrogant is it to assume that you can subvert God's will by using a condom? Whoops, sorry, tangent.)

I'll continue with the tangent.....

Why is fertility any different than any other medical issue? Would she say, "I'll surrender control of my blood sugar levels to G-d"? It's just as (il)logical. Or, to take it a step further, why bother having sex at all? If someone was truly "leaving it up to G-d", couldn't they get pregnant without it?

It's another illustration of how my religious worldview is different when it comes to the whole idea of taking action vs. relying on miracles. My religion teaches that we are actually required to make an effort ("making a vessel for G-d blessing" is one way that it is described). In a way, those practical efforts are almost seen as a form of prayer as well - they demonstrate how much we are REALLY committed to something. If you look at the Biblical account of Rachel in Genesis, she takes fertility drugs (Gen. 30:14) and constantly prays/begs for a child, even saying that she'll die if she doesn't have kids. It's different than just sitting back and saying, "whatevs, G-d knows best". Here's an article illustrating this different perspective on infertility and treatment: http://www.chabad.org/theJewishWoman/ar ... Babies.htm

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:angry-banghead: Why in the ever loving hell do these fundies assume everyone is checking them out and perving on them so hard they're about to jizz in their pants at the mere sight of them? Concieted much? Do they even realize there is more to being modest than wearing a frumper? Wish they'd all just go ahead and put a trash bag over their heads for modesty and breath deeply.

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:angry-banghead: Why in the ever loving hell do these fundies assume everyone is checking them out and perving on them so hard they're about to jizz in their pants at the mere sight of them? Concieted much? Do they even realize there is more to being modest than wearing a frumper? Wish they'd all just go ahead and put a trash bag over their heads for modesty and breath deeply.

Plus, why would she consider it's her duty to take the lustful thoughts off men's minds? To quote Golda Meir: "Men are committing the rapes. Let them be put under curfew."

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I'll continue with the tangent.....

Why is fertility any different than any other medical issue? Would she say, "I'll surrender control of my blood sugar levels to G-d"? It's just as (il)logical.

The scary thing is, she might. Others have. It's how they end up dying (or killing their kids) waiting on faith healing that's never going to work.

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She's such a twerp... you're so vain... you probably think my pants give a shit about your shitty opinion :P

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I always find this "skirt justification" so bizarre. If you want to wear skirts, wear them, but lay off on the argument that they are more modest. They are no more modest than pants which "outline the legs". Have they ever considered the horror of men possibly fantasizing about looking UP their skirts?

As luckystone said above, those who obsess over modesty as people are OMG LOOKING AT THE NOTCH IN THEIR PANTS are the most vain of anyone.


Pants Wearing Harlot

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:angry-banghead: Why in the ever loving hell do these fundies assume everyone is checking them out and perving on them so hard they're about to jizz in their pants at the mere sight of them? Concieted much? Do they even realize there is more to being modest than wearing a frumper? Wish they'd all just go ahead and put a trash bag over their heads for modesty and breath deeply.

Is it wrong that I read that in Andy Samberg's voice? Fundys and they're stupid modesty ideas need a Lonely Island sketch dedicated to them.

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