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King James I: A Gay Homosexual


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So, how do our King James Only fundies reconcile their dedication to this particular Biblical version with the fact that James I (despite his marriage to Anne of Denmark, which produced eight children) had three very well documented sexual relationships with men?

Just wondering.

ETA that, by using the term Gay Homosexual, I am quoting from the estimable Cartman.

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That is a liberal lie created by the Gays as part of their agenda.

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So, how do our King James Only fundies reconcile their dedication to this particular Biblical version with the fact that James I (despite his marriage to Anne of Denmark, which produced eight children) had three very well documented sexual relationships with men?

Just wondering.

ETA that, by using the term Gay Homosexual, I am quoting from the estimable Cartman.

Come on now. This is SOTDRD we're talking about. They either don't mention it or go "See? That's why Amurika left England, and that's why the country is such a speshial snowflake!"

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That is a liberal lie created by the Gays as part of their agenda.

Yes--back in the 1600s. ;)

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That is a liberal lie created by the Gays as part of their agenda.

Just like George Washington Carvers penchant for massaging and wrestling other able bodied men in college...

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Yes--back in the 1600s. ;)

The gays have been pushing their ebil agenda for a long time. :lol:

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Just like George Washington Carvers penchant for massaging and wrestling other able bodied men in college...

They did not include those bits of info in A Beka or Bob Jones history books. And lord knows they weren't in any Wisdom Books. In the past, all important people were straight Christians.

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They ignore any and all evidence, that's how.

While it's true that there no factual evidence to say, without doubt, that he was gay, there is a ton of circumstantial evidence and enough to make pretty good educated guesses.

I believe the word educated is where it all goes haywire with King James bible worshipers.

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In the past, all important people were straight Christians.

And all important people saved sex for marriage and certainly didn't do it with their slaves.

(Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson...)

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Guest Anonymous

Shhh! What are you doing questioning things? Aren't we supposed to be accepting God's word submissively and unquestioningly? We aren't even supposed to know who King James was, let alone which gender he was interested in.

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Yes--back in the 1600s. ;)

Or maybe...King James was the original creator of the Gay Agenda! :lol:

Or more likely they'd say King James was just the manliest of men so of COURSE he needed all those manly friendships (Just like Doug Philips, who is a tool!) And those liberal elitist just want the world to turn into Gayland so they're seeing gayness in the glorious Past where it does not belong because the past was just so perfect and Godly and we need to get back there.

Or something like that.

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What a boring life Fundies must lead. There is nothing better than some good historical homoerotic secrets!

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Shhh! What are you doing questioning things? Aren't we supposed to be accepting God's word submissively and unquestioningly? We aren't even supposed to know who King James was, let alone which gender he was interested in.

I'm not terribly familiar with the Bible so if you could point me to where it says "And lo, James Buchanan doth lust after each comely lass who passeth him."

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I think most likely don't know this fact. They're not known for their understanding of history. That said, if they do know, they won't see it in their texts, which would allow them to say "AHA! Liberal bias in the history book. 'Tis of the Devil!!!Eleventy!"

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