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Sarah Palin to be a grandmother again.


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Congrats to the new parents. I can't snark on Track because I don't believe in snarking on the kids of the famous unless they opt to be in the public eye, like Bristol, or get themselves arrested.

I wouldn't worry about. He should have been arrested for some of the things he did in high school.

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I wouldn't worry about. He should have been arrested for some of the things he did in high school.

Oooo what did he do?

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Oooo what did he do?

Allegedly, cut the brake line on some school buses IIRC. Word on the street is he joined the military to stay out of jail. A goggle search will probably bring up links on the topic. I'm rushed for time atm, I just hopped on to answer a tech support question or I would dig around for you.

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I'm sorry the post offended you; that was NOT its intent; it was made in jest and I qualified it as such. The post was meant to refer to the PALINS as redneck hilbillies (and I've heard them call themelves that).

As for Willow, I'm basing my post on an expletive-laced facebook war which her sister Bristol also participated as she was running around preaching about abstinence. This is the example Willow has to look up to and if Sarah hasn't been able to control her older ones, chances are not good that Willow, who is showing signs of strong rebellion, will manage to avoid teen pregnancy, drugs, or both.

I'm not holding my breath with that one. I hope the younger girl (who is absolutely adorable), given there is a big age gap and hopefully more parental attention than the older ones got, has a chance at a normal life untouched by pregnancy (safe sex!) or drugs, unlike the older 3.

PS: Now you know how I feel when some idiot on FAUX "News" takes potshots at the Bay Area, be it the evil "Liberal" moniker, or more typically now, as being a bunch of fags and lezbos. It's not what they say, we're used to the abuse, it's HOW they say it, with a smirk. Again, NOT my intent.

Once again Sarah P demonstrates her vast ignorance; hillbillies are eastern folk!!!!! She ain't one of us'n!!! Unfortunately, I agree with you about the young ones; I think there is something emotionally unhealthy within the Palin family.

As for ebil SF: a non-liberal might actually be found there :shhh: I won't tell.

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Allegedly, cut the brake line on some school buses IIRC. Word on the street is he joined the military to stay out of jail. A goggle search will probably bring up links on the topic. I'm rushed for time atm, I just hopped on to answer a tech support question or I would dig around for you.

That's not the only thing. It's a very small state, and everyone knows everyone. I've heard a few other stories from people who had kids in school with the PalinSpawn. I've heard about "harmless" pranks that are borderline assault, bullying, teasing, harassing, and a number of things that would be expel-able offenses in other parts of the country. But to be fair, everything I've heard concerns things he did with his group of friends.

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I'm not snarking on the possibility of Willow getting pregnant at 16; it isn't her fault that her mother and sister are hypocrites, and poor role models. Nor is it necessarily a sign of slutdom to be pregnant before marriage. And, kudos to Bristol (who I think has made a series of bad choices) for at least not marrying Levi, even if he might have been the one to call it off.

And, yes, I'm a tad prickly about their being called "hillbillies." We hillbillies are proud people of Appalachian descent. I'm sitting smack in quintessential Appalachia -- and about 20 minutes from the town of Appalachia -- as I write this. I rather resent the juxtaposition of whitetrash and hillbilly,

When I think of hillbillies I think of the "Beverly Hillbillies" to be honest. Sure, they weren't highly educated and sophisticated, but they always came across as decent, loving folks. You can't say that about the Palins.

When Sarah Palin and her brood first hit the scene, and I expressed my dislike of them, I was hit with the elitist label. Yes, I may be a college-educated, city-dwelling, white wine-drinking liberal. But I grew up in a small town, and I am very familiar with people like the Palins. I was surrounded by people who like the Palins, were underecuated, incurious, vindictive, bigoted, meanspirited and petty. They had a total "us vs. them" mentality, and hated anything that smacked of "different." Being a bit quirky, these people made my life a living hell and I'm still feeling the effects even though I escaped this small town soon after HS graduation. To see someone like Sarah Palin get so far in life shows how fucked up our society is.

Oh, and she's getting back on the bus. Scary:

http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/ ... tical.html

As for Track, I hope he can rise above his family and the misbehavior of his teen years, especially because he has a wife and a new baby girl (I like the name Kyla Grace). Track doesn't seem to have the nasty streak his sisters Bristol and Palin do, so maybe there is hope for him.

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Willow has already has a pregnancy scare, IIRC. She also was in trouble over the summer(?) about some bad vandalism and if memory serves me correctly, she was pulled out of school and is being "homeschooled" presumably in an effort to keep her on lockdown in case Palin does declare temporarily.

I don't have links handy for any of that, but I'm sure some googling or poking around Immoral Minority will bring up the relevant information. I will try to find links after I have slept.

Willow and vandalism: http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/ ... silla.html

Regarding Piper, she is already a Mini Me, unfortunately. There was a bit of a kerfluffle during Palin's bus tour/family vacation where Piper essentially hip checked a member of the press and after people started commenting on it pretty heavily, Sarah sorta tried to walk in back and make Piper apologize, but really it was Sarah giving a half-ass excuse/apology. There is video of both the hip check incident and the weird ass apology on Immoral Minority.

Piper Hip Checks the Media: http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/ ... child.html

Piper and the hip check: http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/ ... nails.html (also talks about Willow being pulled out of school)

More weirdness with the Piper Apology..was there a do over?: http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/ ... -from.html

There is probably hope for Trig, since no one has seen him in ages and he is likely being raised by a nanny somewhere with little contact with Sarah anyway now that he's not a compliant prop baby anymore.

edit: Found some links after all.

In that third link, I didn't see any apology, just some speculation over whether they'd filmed her leaving a hotel twice.

(For what it's worth, it's plainly obvious that one was filmed after she returned from a trip to Ellis Island, and the second was before she left for Ellis Island. It's just that her answers are so rehearsed it's like deja vu.)

I can't snark on Piper too much. When I was her age I was brimming with attitude - granted, I was grounded a good chunk of my life between 10 and 12 for it, too. But questionable consequences aside, she seems to be the only one in the family who's being honest.

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