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Random blog bits. Manners


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"Social grace seems to be a dying art. As young ladies we are no longer taught how to be a good hostess (unless perhaps you are from the south, then I envy you for being taught correctly) or how to keep conversations interesting and flowing without periods of awkwardness.

Our cultures progression seems to have moved to being tolerant of others and accepting bad patterns of behavior as being socially acceptable. It is now normal to see a girl burping, telling inappropriate jokes and sitting in very unladylike ways in a social setting. We also tell inside jokes and laugh with groups of people and don't explain them to those who perhaps weren't there, which can be extremely uncomfortable for those outsiders."


So anythingother than being quiet and meek is selfish.

"I didn't dream of fancy dresses and parties but of kitchen pots to be scrubbed and clothes to be mended. A little strange I am sure as most people seem to imagine being rich and living the high life in the past. Looking into my family tree most of my ancestors were farmers or tenant farmers. There are servants and dress makers and velvet cutters but no society ladies. I wouldn't have had gleaming hair and soft white hands!"


Cheerful poverty????? Not sure that even exists.

"As bloggers, our sphere of influence is much wider than just the people we meet in person every day. Our words enter the homes and hearts of hundreds and even thousands of people each day"


Sounds kinda like I am special and reach allllllllll these people and help them with their little lives.

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"Social grace seems to be a dying art. As young ladies we are no longer taught how to be a good hostess (unless perhaps you are from the south, then I envy you for being taught correctly) or how to keep conversations interesting and flowing without periods of awkwardness.

Our cultures progression seems to have moved to being tolerant of others and accepting bad patterns of behavior as being socially acceptable. It is now normal to see a girl burping, telling inappropriate jokes and sitting in very unladylike ways in a social setting. We also tell inside jokes and laugh with groups of people and don't explain them to those who perhaps weren't there, which can be extremely uncomfortable for those outsiders."


Well, I'm sorry but maybe she should rather bring it up with her parents for giving her a shitty education? It's like the Forgiven Former Feminist who can't boil an egg and blames feminism.

My parents gave me a completely secular education (and in a communist country as well :o ) and they still managed to teach me not to burp, and not to make people feel excluded. As for jokes, my father tends to say that there are few inappropriate jokes but many inappropriate situations.

Just my two cents - I simply get annoyed when somebody produces this kind of verbal diarrhea.

Basically, you burp, have no sense of humor, bore your guests to death and sit slumped? Work on it, stop whining.

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"Social grace seems to be a dying art. As young ladies we are no longer taught how to be a good hostess (unless perhaps you are from the south, then I envy you for being taught correctly) or how to keep conversations interesting and flowing without periods of awkwardness.

Our cultures progression seems to have moved to being tolerant of others and accepting bad patterns of behavior as being socially acceptable. It is now normal to see a girl burping, telling inappropriate jokes and sitting in very unladylike ways in a social setting. We also tell inside jokes and laugh with groups of people and don't explain them to those who perhaps weren't there, which can be extremely uncomfortable for those outsiders."

ooooh, this shit pisses me off! I'm from New England. I have never in my life burped in public, I know how to be a good hostess, I can carry on a conversation with just about anyone, and I can sit like a lady. I also know when it's ok to tell a dirty joke and when it isn't. The south most certainly does not have more manners than the Yankee states. Now, please go shove your southern manners up your ass, Bitchy Blogger, kaithanxbai

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What pixydust said. Fellow Northeasterner here. I cannot count the number of people from other parts of the US who come here and are shocked--SHOCKED!--to find us friendly, polite, and hospitable.

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