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People Who Find SPanking Humorous


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I've come across a few people who like to tell humorous ancedotes about spanking their kids. This has always struck me as bizarre. Have any of you ever heard anyone laugh about the spankings their kids or they recieved?

One story that has always bothered me involved a friend's young son. She still has a lot of contact with her ex inlaws. When she met her future husband, she introduced him to her inlaws. At his first meeting, he witnessed his future step son, bare butt waiting to be spanked by his grandfather. The grandfather had a cigar in one hand and calmly ordered the screaming, terrified child over his legs. Why this story is funny, I don't know but the stepfather tells it often as though it is hilarious. Ironically, I don't think that he has ever hit his stepson and only rarely spanked his biological son.

Once while at a party, I heard a woman discuss the merits of spanking. The woman's adult daughter told how her grandmother kept a board in her kitchen drawers to use on the kids. After the first spanking, the child got to write his or her name on the board. She explained that she got hit often and it hurt. There was laughter after this story. :shock:

The same old man in the first story was listening as his daughter showed me photos of her very pretty teenager. THe grandfather-out of the blue- said, "Last time I saw her, she was her bare butt was sticking up over my knees." um...what? Again, everyone laughed.

When I was a very young child, a distant relative asked me if I had gotten my daily spanking. When I said no, that I was a good kid who hadn't done anything wrong, the man told me that kids did bad things every day. If I got a spanking for the wrong thing, it didn't matter because I had probably done something else to deserve it. All the grown ups in the room laughed. To my grandmother's credit, she pulled me out of the room and assured me that the man was an idiot and she didn't find the joke funny.

So, have you come across any parents or adults who not only spank but laugh about it? Althoug I no longer agree with spanking, I think that there is something creepy about laughing at causing vulnerable people pain.

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Not really an answer, but the concept of spanking a kid on its bare backside weirds me out, anyway. It just seems not just painful, but also seriously humiliating and just a little gross. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it makes me cringe.

I occasionally got a smack in the face from my mom/dad/grandpa growing up, when I misbehaved, and I know some people probably consider that really wrong, too - but honestly, I think it would have freaked me out way more if they'd been like SHOW ME YOUR BARE BOTTOM SO I CAN BEAT IT. I mean... :shock:

Anyway, I agree. Not funny. Don't get why people think it's funny, either.

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Not really an answer, but the concept of spanking a kid on its bare backside weirds me out, anyway. It just seems not just painful, but also seriously humiliating and just a little gross. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it makes me cringe.

I occasionally got a smack in the face from my mom/dad/grandpa growing up, when I misbehaved, and I know some people probably consider that really wrong, too - but honestly, I think it would have freaked me out way more if they'd been like SHOW ME YOUR BARE BOTTOM SO I CAN BEAT IT. I mean... :shock:

Anyway, I agree. Not funny. Don't get why people think it's funny, either.

Bare bottom spankings have always seemed like an invasion of privacy to me. It adds a layer of humiliation to an painful event.

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I think that if they don't make a joke, maybe they would see the horror of what they have done. It must be some psychological protection, to block your mind, against the fact spanking is just hurting another human being. Worse one who is almost always much, much smaller then you. I don't find spankings funny at all, but admit, I have made light of some pretty awful things that were done to me as a child, I think this disassociation of using laughter is all that kept me together at one point. I mean a parent running at you with a shovel is fucking terrifying, but I did make jokes about it in the past.

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I think the laughter is to make it seem less serious that it really is. To shrug it off like its common and doesn't really hurt anyone, and to reinforce the whole 'I'm not really a bad parent' type thing.

In our house growing up my parents always said the best way to 'punish' us kids when we had done something wrong, was to take away something we liked or enjoyed. So depending on the offence, something like no TV time, no ice cream, no trip to 'where-ever' on the weekend, having my stereo taken away as a teenager, and allowance suspended, etc that kind of thing.

I only ever got spanked twice as a kid, and it was treated as a serious thing. Both times it was because I had been cussing out my parents and had been a deadset terror all day or even a few days or so, and it was only after everything else had been taken away from me, tv time, allowance etc, and I was made to sit in the corner and I still remained a downright terror and backchatted in defiance which we all push occasionally. So I think in those two instances I did deserve what I got, and it certainly didn't hurt. It was just a smack on the butt probably twice, pants ON, enough to sting for a minute, but went away quick, but the lesson was certainly learned that I had indeed pushed things too far!

and I think if a parent chooses to use spanking it should be as a last resort, after everything else has been done to say to the child indeed you're behaviour has gone too far now!

The lessons are always better learned with something like loss of privileges, than spanking. To me to spank first and not be putting down any ground rules and following through the rules and 'threats' you make, is the sign of a lazy parent.

And for sure someone who gets joy out of doing that to a child, isn't normal in my book!

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So I think in those two instances I did deserve what I got

No child deserves to be hit. Period. I know I chime in on this every time, but it kills be to see people rationalize/normalize an adult hitting a child.

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I have no idea how grown ass adults ever thought it was acceptable to willingly inflict pain upon a child. Call it spanking, smacking, whatever you want, but people who hit kids are scum. I dont care how much the child misbehaves - if you can't parent without threatening your children with violence, you're not cut out for raising kids.

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I think that if they don't make a joke, maybe they would see the horror of what they have done. It must be some psychological protection, to block your mind, against the fact spanking is just hurting another human being. Worse one who is almost always much, much smaller then you. I don't find spankings funny at all, but admit, I have made life of some pretty awful things that were done to me as a child, I think this disassociation of using laughter is all that kept me together at one point. I mean a parent running at you with a shovel is fucking terrifying, but I did make jokes about it in the past.

I agree with your post 100%. I've used the same technique with jokes. Not the most healthy sometimes, but you're right, it's like a band-aid.

I have no sympathy for abusers though. Spanking or any other type of abuse is disgusting.

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I'm reminded of what one of my teachers said in high school: "People like to look at/ laugh at things that scare them."

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I think that if they don't make a joke, maybe they would see the horror of what they have done. It must be some psychological protection, to block your mind, against the fact spanking is just hurting another human being. Worse one who is almost always much, much smaller then you. I don't find spankings funny at all, but admit, I have made light of some pretty awful things that were done to me as a child, I think this disassociation of using laughter is all that kept me together at one point. I mean a parent running at you with a shovel is fucking terrifying, but I did make jokes about it in the past.

My hubby used to joke about the abuse he had as a child. I guess because he didn't want to deal with it and it was easier to make it out to be no big deal, because, after all, he never had any broken bones (as he told me once).

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Yeah... I don't spank. I mean, taking away her "tv shows" for the afternoon or sitting in her chair in the corner seems to suffice. *shrug* I think people are too quick to spank. I can't think of any real reason for it.

And I've been known to hug Julia when we're both super mad at each other. It diffuses the sitation enough that I can tell her why I told her no or whatever. That works MUCH better than spanking imo!

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Yeah... I don't spank. I mean, taking away her "tv shows" for the afternoon or sitting in her chair in the corner seems to suffice. *shrug* I think people are too quick to spank. I can't think of any real reason for it.

And I've been known to hug Julia when we're both super mad at each other. It diffuses the sitation enough that I can tell her why I told her no or whatever. That works MUCH better than spanking imo!

Yes this! I think hugging can have a calming effect on the distressed child. (Of course you can't force a hug on the child.) If she/he doesn't feel like hugging, I will just bring a big soft toy and gently push it against her.

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Yes this! I think hugging can have a calming effect on the distressed child. (Of course you can't force a hug on the child.) If she/he doesn't feel like hugging, I will just bring a big soft toy and gently push it against her.

This has been an amazing tool for my youngest! He tends to get really anxious and that causes him to act out, so a hug while I explain why he can't have all of the characters from the Clue game and leave his sister with none helps a lot!

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And I've been known to hug Julia when we're both super mad at each other. It diffuses the sitation enough that I can tell her why I told her no or whatever. That works MUCH better than spanking imo!

And then the all-punitive, all-the-time crowd goes "You're just rewarding her!"

Screw that. If it gets the results you want in the same amount of time, and you're not actually handing her a lollipop, you're probably fine.

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And then the all-punitive, all-the-time crowd goes "You're just rewarding her!"

Screw that. If it gets the results you want in the same amount of time, and you're not actually handing her a lollipop, you're probably fine.

I totally agree. Sometimes they just get frustrated and the very best thing you can do is acknowledge that and give them a hug to let them know you understand and you're on their side. It doesn't mean that they're going to get their way, but it does show that you love them and have their best interest at heart.

The spanking crowd would probably laugh at that, but at least we're not the ones hitting our children.

I love the name Julia btw.

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I have no idea how grown ass adults ever thought it was acceptable to willingly inflict pain upon a child. Call it spanking, smacking, whatever you want, but people who hit kids are scum. I dont care how much the child misbehaves - if you can't parent without threatening your children with violence, you're not cut out for raising kids.

If you view your child as your property (instead of a developing individual), you can treat your property however you please. :roll:

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I think people laugh out of embarrassment. The hitting was in the past, the person telling the story obviously doesn't think there was anything wrong with it so the "audience" just kind of awkwardly giggles. They are either too polite to tell the hitter they are an asshole or they know they have been guilty of hitting themselves. Laughing just allows the moment to pass with the least amount of difficulty.

Now when my husband tells the stories of his treatment at the hands of his mother we laugh mostly because we know she is a crazy bitch and if we didn't laugh we would cry (and we have already done that many times). It's also HIS story so HE gets to decide to laugh about it.

Hitting is LAZY PARENTING!!!!! No ifs, ands, or buts. My children are 19 and 21 and they are polite, engaging, productive members of society. They have not been hit. They probably would have preferred a spank to the 30 minute discussions they got in high school, but they learned more our way. We took privileges /favorite things away at the age they could understand how their actions led to the loss of whatever and before that there were time outs and removal from whatever they were having troubles with. We parent with love. It works.


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Hitting is LAZY PARENTING!!!!! No ifs, ands, or buts. Kristin

Something I really can't understand is why some of the fundie-housewifes (Kelly Crawford for example) who take care of their children on full-time, can't find better ways to raise their children. With all that time with their kids, why do they choose the "easy" way? It's easier to beat a child than to raise it. To actually raise a child would require a lot of effort and work. Beating has nothing to do with raising a child. Period.

This clip shows how effective hugging can be during an argument with a child. Watch 5.00- 5.20. (First you'll see a woman and a kid scream at each other. The woman then hugs the kid, and they seem to find some mutual understanding. )a8cfpDkY6l0

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I saw this when I read the comments left on news websites when Creflo Dollar was arrested for beating his teen daughter. Lots of sick people were whooping it up about how they beat their own kids and how $$ sould've beaten his daughter more.

Sick. :evil:

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God, those "jokes" are disgusting, debrand. I don't imagine that getting a good reaction where I am. If I heard someone so fixated on hurting partially-clothed kids, it would certainly give me more than a moment's pause. :shock: I wouldn't be letting someone like that within shouting distance of my (hypothetical) kids.

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Debrand, This has happened on almost every job I have ever had. I find it really uncomfortable -- triggering, enraging, making me feel really vulnverable and alone because it appears that I am the only one that has a problem with it.

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