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Attacked By Tolerance (Anti-Gay marriage protestors attacked


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people should not attack them that's wrong. but they are not peaceful either though they think they are.


Well, quit spreading hate and maybe you won't receive as much?

Well, quit spreading hate and maybe you won't receive as much?

it's not hate it is jesus's love they are spreading. can't you feel the love?


it's not hate it is jesus's love they are spreading. can't you feel the love?

Yeah, I've felt it upside my head and in the ribs more times than I would like to remember.


Okay, people. Let's have some lessons in effective advocacy and freedom of speech 101:

1. Freedom of speech works both ways. You have the right to peacefully assemble and say whatever you want, but others have the right to do the same thing. You don't get to cry when someone yells at you, destroys pamphlets that you are freely handing out, swears or rips off something that you consider sacred.

2. Physical violence is never justified, by either side.

3. If you want to use evidence of physical attacks to discredit the other side, make sure your own hands are clean. Have pro-marriage equality demonstrators faced similar attacks? If so, then attacking people who hold positions that you don't like isn't a pro-homosexual thing, is it?

4. If you want to get maximum official cooperation, media support and public sympathy, don't behave like a violent lout. Learn about effective non-violent protest instead. Read up on sit-ins during the civil rights struggle and Ghandi's method of gaining Indian independence. As well, with technology today, THINK VISUAL! When I was in law school, we had a silent visual protest against the leader of a right-wing party who was scheduled to speak at the school, 12 days before a federal election. We were quiet and didn't disrupt, so they had to let us in, and we had sent out press releases to the major media outlets. The TV cameras caught the signs. They also got to see the leader being confronted with racist quotes from the party's local candidate. It became the lead item on the national news that evening, the local candidate got tossed, and the party tanked in Ontario that election because everything thought they were scary.

I've been part of groups that deliberately avoided partnering with others who claimed to have similar goals but also had a history of police confrontation. Organizers worked hard to make sure that all events were peaceful, and that counter-protesters were ignored. They got tons of official cooperation in return - which is useful when you want to close downtown streets so thousands of people can march every year.

You can get really creative and get great press and viral-worthy footage while keeping within the law. For example, a massive open-air showing of Free To Be You and Me would be just the right measure to counter the pastor who thinks that you should punch your limp-wristed 4 yr old. A kiss-in would also work.


At first I thought it was one of the weirdly named spawns of fundies who attacked someone :P


I agree that you shouldn't resort to violence, but most of the people in the video aren't actually violent. Throwing bottles at people or using pepper-spray instead of just walking away? Definitely not cool.

However, I think my eyes almost rolled into the back of my head at the *OMG dramaz!* music at someone burning or ripping the fliers that they were forcing on people. The sheer audacity of some people to get rid of what basically amount to unwanted adverts (that also at the same time are intended to insult you personally)! Don't they know they were supposed to frame them and then hang them in their living room?

About the bible ripping: I'm pretty sure that you're allowed to rip up your personal belongings while saying that they are shit, even if someone else thinks it's super-duper awesome. They were clearly intending to aggravate people, so they need to shut up about someone else essentially doing the same.

Same with the guy who was wearing a mask. They were basically standing around chanting at gay people about how they're evil. The guy in the mask just decided to chant louder to drown them out. Why exactly do their actions warrant harps while the other guy gets trombones and thunderclaps?

Also, they are all extremely smug - especially the guy at the beginning - but am I the only one who got a gay vibe from the majority of the church members? Are they some sort of ex-gay ministry?


I got to the part where they burned their fliers and had to stop because listening to them piss and moan about people not showing them tolerance for their own intolerance made me want to vomit.

I got to the part where they burned their fliers and had to stop because listening to them piss and moan about people not showing them tolerance for their own intolerance made me want to vomit.

Don't you just love how the least tolerance bitch the most about others not tolerating their intolerance?


I hate that people think that we simply need to tolerate those that are different then us. We need to respect each other and embrace our differences.

I hate that people think that we simply need to tolerate those that are different then us. We need to respect each other and embrace our differences.




Yes, but.....at the end of the day, respect and acceptance will reach their limits. Would I expect that someone who was gay would embrace and respect someone who was actively campaigning in public against gay rights? Would I expect that someone who was very religious would embrace and respect someone who was ripping up their holy book?

It's at that point, when we reach the limit of acceptance, that tolerance kicks in. Tolerance is the concept that that people have certain rights and a can expect a certain level of treatment REGARDLESS of whether others accept or respect them.


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