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Santorum cartoon really says it all.


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The Democratic power brokers are laughing thir heads off behind the scenes at all the unelectable Republicans!

Democrats are turning out for frothy in the MI exit polls. Gosh the republican party is doomed. I only wish Abby Hoffman were alive to lead the Occupiers at the convention this year. Lets have bread and circuses for all America. :flags-usa:

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Funny! :lol:

But seriously, I still am baffled that he's even still in the running. It's unbelievable.

And he's doing good in polls! I have my tickets to Hawaii ready. If Frothy is anything like Palin, he'll think Hawaii is in Mexico and I can rest in peace!

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Democrats are turning out for frothy in the MI exit polls. Gosh the republican party is doomed. I only wish Abby Hoffman were alive to lead the Occupiers at the convention this year. Lets have bread and circuses for all America. :flags-usa:

Wait, Dems are voting in a Rep primary?

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Democrats are turning out for frothy in the MI exit polls.

I honestly thought about voting for Frothy. Romney might actually have a very, very slim chance at beating Obama while Santorum is going to go down in flames, so I want Frothy to get the nom.

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The sad part is that so many fiscally conservative Republicans are so concerned about the economy that they'll throw social justice issues under the bus just to elect one of their own, on the forlorn hope that a Republican in the White House will magically fix the economy. I've heard and read a lot of "Who cares about stuff like gay marriage and abortions? Everybody's broke!"--as if only one issue matters.

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The sad part is that so many fiscally conservative Republicans are so concerned about the economy that they'll throw social justice issues under the bus just to elect one of their own, on the forlorn hope that a Republican in the White House will magically fix the economy. I've heard and read a lot of "Who cares about stuff like gay marriage and abortions? Everybody's broke!"--as if only one issue matters.


I've been calling them out lately. It's something I never would have done before, but enough is enough. I have too many friends who should fucking know better.

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Wait, Dems are voting in a Rep primary?

Yep. I used to live in the state and saw many many people wrote on facebook today that they went to vote for Romney to keep the crazyman from winning.

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Hell, if I lived in the state, I would have gone to vote for Romney - and I'm a dedicated Dem. Frothy is just waaaaaay too scary!

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Could someone please explain to me why Democrats are allowed to vote in a Republican primary???

This makes absolutely NO sense to me.

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Could someone please explain to me why Democrats are allowed to vote in a Republican primary???

This makes absolutely NO sense to me.

States and their parties determine their primary process, some states primaries are closed some are open, some are all or nothing, some are apportioned regarding delegates gained.

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I just posted that pic on my fb page.

Same here, tkr332, I'm hearing that people went out to vote just to make sure the crazy man didn't win.

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I'm going to be one of the early ones here. I've got a spare queen sized bed and my husband already knows about FJ. If anyone needs to escape (if he wins the actual election), I can provide shelter. I'm slightly North of North Dakota.

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Actually and interestingly, it appears that the Dems who voted in the primary favored Rick Santorum. I think Dems think he's unelectable. I think, however, you should never overestimate the American public.

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I think, however, you should never overestimate the American public.

Amen to that! If Santorum ends up being the candidate, there is a chance he will win. Especially if people think it will be a lock for Obama, and get lazy about voting.

I never thought Bush would get elected for a s second term either.

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I think Dems think he's unelectable.

If I had remembered today was the primary, this is why I would have voted for Frothy. Frankly, I don't think Frothy and Romney are actually all that different, belief-wise. So I'd basically be gambling between the guy who has a slight chance of winning but will make my life hell if he does and the guy who has no chance of winning but is crazy enough to be a lot more vocal about how he's going to make my life hell if he does.

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Actually and interestingly, it appears that the Dems who voted in the primary favored Rick Santorum. I think Dems think he's unelectable. I think, however, you should never overestimate the American public.

Its very important to keep the republican party split until the convention. The ball needs to stay in the air until they meet this summer and their whole circus devolves into infighting. Frothy isn't electable on a national level. The turn out for most of his 'victories' has been small and off on the fringes. You've got republicans in DC applauding the Presidents stance on higher ed calling Frothy the fool that he is. This is all a good thing.

I'm not minimizing the ideology that makes Frothy popular among his backers, merely pointing out that none of the moderate Republican Women for Choice will cast a single vote for him, nor are they in a position to campaign for Mitt either. At this point Noot should wave buh bye and let Ron Paul step up to fuck with Frothy and Mitt.

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Even though I'm a Democrat, I voted for John McCain in the SC primary in 2000 just because Dubya scared me so much . (SC has open primaries.) State party procedures might differ, but voting in the GOP primary would have disqualified me from holding my precinct post and would have also kept me from being a delegate to the county and state conventions.

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