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Doug Phillips excommunicates family


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From about 2007 or so....

Jen's blog is looong and rambling. Suffice it to say she has a beef with him in a number of areas, one of which is that he excommunicated her entire family from their church.


continued by these people in their blog AGAINST Jen:


and more people discuss and counter Doug's power to excommunicate:


and on and on and on

Edited to add: Holy cow!

Doug Phillips is known as a leader in what is known as the “Patriarchy†movement. However, his conduct as a pastor makes it apparent that he is more of a misogynist than a Patriarch. “Let the women keep silent†(1 Cor. 13:34) is taken to such an extreme at BCA that women cannot make prayer requests or even introduce their guests. Women aren’t even permitted to get the elements of the Lord’s Supper for themselves. If their husbands aren’t present, they must be served by another man, or one of her sons, even if that son is too young to take the Lord’s supper himself. Mr. Phillips’ treatment of women is degrading and demeaning, and he does not treat them as fellow heirs of Christ Jesus.

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The results - as in each of the three links below - just need to be pasted into the browser bar. Hit Enter, and the magic gremlins will automatically restore the http://www. and take the reader to the blogs.

Thanks for letting me have my say. ;) Enjoy.




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Thanks. I didn't know that. I will edit the original post.

It's so much easier than breaking posts and adding "dot" and deleted "." to just paste the url into your message, then delete the http://www. part

The results - as in each of the three links below - just need to be pasted into the browser bar. Hit Enter, and the magic gremlins will automatically restore the http://www. and take the reader to the blogs.

Thanks for letting me have my say. ;) Enjoy.




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Doug really does hate women, doesn't he? What would he say about the woman at the well in John 4? Wow, Jesus, talking directly with a woman....

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Doug really does hate women, doesn't he? What would he say about the woman at the well in John 4? Wow, Jesus, talking directly with a woman....

Interesting response, mirele. I recently read a review by JR Corry (Jenny) over at amazon.com about one of Doug's books which addresses his apparent attitude toward women.

ETA this excerpt from JR Corry's 3-star review of "The Little Boy Down The Road":

With Phillips, a great deal of his dialogue sounds pretentious, even if he's sincere. Since womanhood, for example, is so downgraded and limited by him, he attempts to pull out the trick of many complimentarians before him to make up for it: over-compensation. When he speaks of women or daughterhood, he pours syrup, honey and sugar into his words, the mixture of which sounds more like a recipe for a diabetes attack than anything resembling real feeling or empathy. Since he thinks manhood, on the other hand, is the most holy thing under Christ Himself, you can practically see him flexing muscles and waving a flag for Viagra when he speaks of it. Topics from his blog include, "Manly men write manly letters. Matt Chancey wins the Art of Manliness Man of the Year Award!" Really, why all this stressing over the fact that he's a man and thinks of manly things? Does he think we'll forget this? (Well, maybe he does; after all, he did nickname a feminist he hates after a villain from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and that would give some people reason for concern...)

The entire review is found at http://www.amazon.com/Little-Boy-Down-Road-Stories/product-reviews/1934554340/ref=cm_cr_pr_hist_3?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&filterBy=addThreeStar

I'm not sure if Doug's attitude toward women is simply hatred or if there's also fear or a simple disdain involved. A study of the Howard Phillips family would yield tons of interesting insights, I'm sure! ;)

But seriously, JR Corry's review really is most fascinating - I highly recommend it.

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If he hates women that much, I bet he's a closeted homosexual.

I don't know that he's a closeted homosexual, but there's something seriously wrong there.

Yo, Interns! Why don't you ask Dougie to explain John 4 to us? You know, Jesus talking to a Woman Of Ill Repute By Himself?

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Do we know anything about his mother, sounds like mommy issues. I still confuse these families.

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Do we know anything about his mother, sounds like mommy issues. I still confuse these families.

I have been curious about this. I've seen him write about how his dad read tons of books, but I don't remember anything about his mom or the rest of the family. Even in this crowd, he's an odd duck.

BTW, for those of you with the book Quiverfull, there's a whole chapter about the Phillips/Epstein saga in there and another chapter just about VF. That pretty much undid any possible remnant of a romanticized view I may have had about the patrio/fundie lifestyle. Scary. As. Hell.

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Jen Epstein was my gateway fundie, to the extent I had one. I found the whole sordid tale very sad. I still don't know what to make of the whole soap opera, actually. I think it's rather a shame that despite her experience with Phillips, Jen still seems to be drinking the koolaid.

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The only time Dougie mentions his mother is to boast about her attendance at a college reunion while pregnant with his youngest brother (visionforum.com/news/blogs/doug/2005/08/1231/):

"My mother had the unique distinction of attending her twenty-fifth college reunion, at age forty-seven, carrying a baby in her womb — my younger brother Samuel Joshua Phillips — whom she would home educate for the entirety of his childhood, finally graduating him last year, and thus completing (alongside my father), nearly forty years of remarkable parent-to-child training in the lives her six children."

Hmmm. Dougie's mom, wife & sisters all graduated from college -- will his daughters be allowed to go?

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If he hates women that much, I bet he's a closeted homosexual.

That is what I think. Before a cousin of mine came out of the closet he was a real woman hater. ETA. He was projecting his self loathing at women in general.

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Or he could be an Androcentrist/Homosocialist, but more likely to an extreme level.

Androcentrism-is the practice, conscious or otherwise, of placing male human beings or the masculine point of view at the center of one's view of the world and its culture and history.

Homosociality-describes same-sex relationships that are not of a romantic or sexual nature, such as friendship, mentorship, or others.

Shakespeare and Oscar Wild were like that as well, although they never had an utter dislike of women that Dougie clearly shows. I wonder if he's also a Narcissist, and maybe he could be autoerotic.

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Whatever he is, he's got serious issues. If he hates women that much, why did he bother getting married?

The more I learn about this movement, the more I realize it really is all about the women. The literature and the preaching is all about the control of women, the role of women, the blame that is put on women. The men have to trek to the Amazon to get anyone to pay attention to them. Well, I don't know, maybe we should recognize that Doug is kind of doing his own thing in trying to bring focus to men (even if it seems to be motivated by his, uh, desires). I think a completely homosocial society really is the ultimate goal of his teachings.

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I wonder up till what degree Dominionists want to gender-segregate.

And ironically, I feel like there is a really interesting dynamic going on in the fundie subculture. In many ways, women are severely limited but in another way, they define much of the culture. I wonder what it is like to be a man in that culture and what kind of pressures you face.

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Or he could be an Androcentrist/Homosocialist, but more likely to an extreme level.

Androcentrism-is the practice, conscious or otherwise, of placing male human beings or the masculine point of view at the center of one's view of the world and its culture and history.

Homosociality-describes same-sex relationships that are not of a romantic or sexual nature, such as friendship, mentorship, or others.

Shakespeare and Oscar Wild were like that as well, although they never had an utter dislike of women that Dougie clearly shows. I wonder if he's also a Narcissist, and maybe he could be autoerotic.

Aw, c'mon--Oscar Wilde was as gay as the Fourth of July.

They went straight from credobaptism to paedocommunion?

Wow. That's a heck of a leap.

Good grief--the theological hair-splitting on that forum makes my head reel. Makes me SO glad I'm a UU!

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I wonder up till what degree Dominionists want to gender-segregate.

And ironically, I feel like there is a really interesting dynamic going on in the fundie subculture. In many ways, women are severely limited but in another way, they define much of the culture. I wonder what it is like to be a man in that culture and what kind of pressures you face.

Oh, this - ten thousand times over. The stuff that goes on behind the scenes with the women has a huge effect on how far a guy goes in these circles sometimes. I saw that play out in my church all the time growing up. If the elders' wives didn't find a woman acceptable, her whole family could get completely frozen out.

I didn't have as much direct experience with the guys' pressures, but I know there's a lot of pressure on the young men to marry wisely. Also, lots of pressure to be a good provider and to have a big, well-behaved brood. There's a definite pecking order based on economics as well as how well your kids are turning out. I have a dyslexic brother and that had to be a big secret for years.

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  • 1 year later...

Why does the theme song from Two and Half Men keep playing in my head when I read this tread? Men, men men, manly men...

Oh, and Doug Phillips is a tool!

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The stuff that goes on behind the scenes with the women has a huge effect on how far a guy goes in these circles sometimes. I saw that play out in my church all the time growing up. If the elders' wives didn't find a woman acceptable, her whole family could get completely frozen out.

I didn't have as much direct experience with the guys' pressures, but I know there's a lot of pressure on the young men to marry wisely. Also, lots of pressure to be a good provider and to have a big, well-behaved brood. There's a definite pecking order based on economics as well as how well your kids are turning out. I have a dyslexic brother and that had to be a big secret for years.

The first paragraph: Nasty creepy passive-aggressive crap and specifically disrecommended in the New Testament they claim to venerate.

The second paragraph: Yeah, making the kids act happy and being rich are well known hallmarks of this hypocritical subculture, but HAVING TO HIDE A FAMILY MEMBERS DYSLEXIA? Did they ever read Jesus' responses when people tried to figure out whether somebody who was going through a bad time had sinned or not, whether they were being punished for somebody else's sins, whether people who had died in accidents had committed secret sins, etc.? It's only, I dunno, ALL OVER THE GOSPELS.

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I'm going to play arm chair psychologist here. Doug Phillips (is a tool) was the youngest in his family for a good amount of time correct? I'd be willing to bet that he was constantly in the shadows of his talented sisters (one of which is now an opera singer) and now resents all women as a result. In an effort to keep women from going out and achieving great success, which in the past cast him aside, he spouts this patriarchal nonsense. Oh and did you guys know that Doug Phillips is a tool?

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