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NCFIC: 'Gospel Centered Marriages' event.


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Did anyone read any of the captions and what I assume someone thought were notable quotable quotes from the talks? None of them made a bit of sense.

Not that it shocks me, but that one of Kevin Swanson was almost hysterical and might be a commentary on how sickly meshed these men are with their daughters. Letting your daughter pursue courtship is comparable to being boiled and oil and skinned alive? (I read it to my DH, and he cracked up laughing.)

These people have not only jumped the shark, they're not even in the water anymore.

And then the thing about arranged marriages. Look at that quote. What has that got to do with arranged marriage? It is what Christians ought to do concerning everything: consider the full counsel of the Word of God. Big shock. So what does that have to do with courtship? Is that the most important relevant and significant thing that the man had to say on the subject? Utterly ridiculous. People paid money to sit there.

Bolded part- exactly correct. I was going to comment on the event, but I can't even come up with any words.

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Bolded part- exactly correct. I was going to comment on the event, but I can't even come up with any words.

Someone guessed, some months back, that this was less a conference than a two-way casting-call: Find a suitor for my son, find a courter for my daughter. If indeed 2,200 persons attended, migosh, we should be seeing a spate of weddings in the spring!

Where is my travel budget when I need it? Forget fundie weddings. We need FJians to crash NCFIC conferences [sic] to see who is there. My guesses: Upper-middle-class families with children to marry off and money to spend in doing so. The conferences [sic] are not cheap, and I suspect neither was the lodging and dining at the venue.

And why are they there? Are there so few eligibles within their own home-churches and h-s co-ops? Another guess: more than one set of parents have thought sure they had found a potential mate for Geneve or Triomphe, online -- only to find out that IRL the family they're corresponding with live in a single-wide with dogs tied up on the dirt yard.

Of course I am not disrespecting folks who live that way. I'd be disrespecting some of my fondest friends. But reality is reality. Srevens are not so interested in Sabins. In fact I imagine that the original, ramshackle state of the Loomii's present residence was one of the factors involved when Marcus refused Steven's request to court Rebecca.

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MJB, You may be correct on the actual motivation.

This is still SICK. These people have totally lost touch with any semblance of reality.

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MJB, You may be correct on the actual motivation.

This is still SICK. These people have totally lost touch with any semblance of reality.

I take your meaning, but I think we give them an advantage if we seriously think of them as out of touch with reality.

If indeed most of these folks are entrepreneurs who are succeeding, they're very in touch with marketing, merchandising, persuading and selling. Even if they aren't succeeding in business, they seem to be quite in touch with the political landscape and understand the concept of developing support and power from the grassroots on up.

They're still voting, husbands and wives, if we are to suppose that they follow the lead of Mr. & Mrs. Chancey and Mr. & Mrs. Phillips.

As I said, I know what you're saying - it all sounds so counter-cultural and backwards. But we can't dismiss them. They've got their agenda. Happily, we have ours.

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