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Big Butter Jesus Burns Down


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this live stream is down at the moment but the pic from earlier today looks like they're just in the beginning stages.


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Thank GOD! I HATED that damn thing. It scared the CRAP out of me when I drove by it. I love the big butter song lol. I hope they can't afford to rebuild that awful thing.

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I wonder how many 'friends' on facebook would be offended if I posted this with a cheer. Hmm.. I think I need some of you guys as friends on facebook!

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That is just what I needed. I'm typing a paper and that about made me pee my face.....I might have to learn that song......I am going to have to recruit people.

Edited: I just realized I wrote pee my face but I feel like its appropriate because my brain is official mush.

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I've been singing the chorus, and between lines, my cat meows. I couldn't keep up to tempo a couple of times because I couldn't sing for laughing at the cat.

We've laughed here all evening, and I heard my husband humming it a little while ago. I told him that I'd read an article on Yahoo news about preventing the seven year itch, and that the author recommended playing and having fun with one's spouse. He says, "What? Like singing 'Big Butter Jesus' with the cat?" ROFLMAO

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this live stream is down at the moment but the pic from earlier today looks like they're just in the beginning stages.


I live about 10 minutes' drive away from this. The last time I drove that way, very little (if any) had been done.

Also, the senior pastor of that church died very recently; not sure if that will affect the attendance and offerings of the church, potentially including the money for this project(??)

Living nearby, and being a Christian myself, I will say that I just CRINGED every time I drove by the original thing. It was a huge embarrassment to even think that that was how some Christians saw or represented Christ. Then, after it burned, it was even worse. The metal framing just looked like a gigantic horror-movie insect. It seemed like forever before they took the old framing down.

I am quite sure the fire marshal has placed requirements on the future project.

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