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Big Butter Jesus Burns Down


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Some of you might be familiar with this monstrosity:


It was hit by lightning and burned down. Message from above?

Here is the news story http://www.qbn.com/topics/634907/

And here is the epic song that gave the statue its nickname, which is worth watching even if you don't care about the statue. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq01UYiMyHg

There *were* videos of it burning on Youtube, but many have been taken down for some reason.

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I don't live far from this. It was a big joke around here, we all called it "Touchdown Jesus"

They are planning to rebuild, but nothing yet. It was made of a lightweight foam, otherwise it would just sink in the pond.

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Aww...I was in the burn unit at UC when that happen. Terrible storm and the next day everyone was talking about it. I was sad...but BBJ lives on in song! Praise the buttery goodness!

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I live about 30 min south of there. Touchdown Jesus was definitely the subject of lots of local snark, especially after the lighting strike. Personally I think it would be much more "Christian" of this church to take the thousands they plan on spending to rebuild it and use that money for some type of charity work.

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Personally I think it would be much more "Christian" of this church to take the thousands they plan on spending to rebuild it and use that money for some type of charity work.

my thoughts exactly. but, you know, that would make sense, and god forbid we do anything like that! :roll:

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my thoughts exactly. but, you know, that would make sense, and god forbid we do anything like that! :roll:

common sense is the devil! (channeling Kathy Bates in The Waterboy :) )

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Now see, if that had been a Big Butter Secular Idol - I mean Symbol ;), and it got hit by lightning, the fundies would have said that Jesus smote it because it was a false idol. So who smote Big Butter Jesus? hehehe...

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I live about 30 min south of there. Touchdown Jesus was definitely the subject of lots of local snark, especially after the lighting strike. Personally I think it would be much more "Christian" of this church to take the thousands they plan on spending to rebuild it and use that money for some type of charity work.

I bet Jesus sent the lightening himself to destroy it to try to convince them that charity would be a better way to spend their money. Why do they need such a thing?? Doesn't seem very "Christian" to me. Seems kinda wasteful too.

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I live about 30 min south of there. Touchdown Jesus was definitely the subject of lots of local snark, especially after the lighting strike. Personally I think it would be much more "Christian" of this church to take the thousands they plan on spending to rebuild it and use that money for some type of charity work.

Sorry about this soapbox I'm about to climb onto.

When I was a teenager, my church spent a ton of money to expand the building. There's nothing wrong with that, especially because we had a growing congregation. But at the same time some community outreach was reduced, and there was one specific case of a homeless man that used to sleep in the hallway occasionally (all doors to offices had internal locks) but then they kicked him out because some people didn't want the his taint of poverty infecting our shiny new church. I was so angry and I complained it. What good is spending all this money if we can't use it to help the people who need it most? I was just a teenager so I was brushed off, and got the worst excuse ever. Someone said it was better to spend the money on a brand new gym and kitchen than on helping the homeless man, because the brand new building might lure in some people from the community who would then be "saved". Yes, luring people in with glitter with the intent of pressuring them into converting is apparently more important than giving shelter to a homeless man. So I suspect it's a similar reasoning with this giant Jesus. It works as advertising for the religion, and that will put more butts in the pews and more money in the offering plate than any amount of helping the poor. It's a business and poor people are a waste of time.

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Some of you might be familiar with this monstrosity:


It was hit by lightning and burned down. Message from above?

Yeah, it's God telling us that butter attracts lightning and is flammable.

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Kinda related: my family sings this song ALL THE TIME. We are going to have to learn a new verse now!

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Some of you might be familiar with this monstrosity:


It was hit by lightning and burned down. Message from above?

"Um, you know that 2nd commandment, guys? I meant that."

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Sorry about this soapbox I'm about to climb onto.

When I was a teenager, my church spent a ton of money to expand the building. There's nothing wrong with that, especially because we had a growing congregation. But at the same time some community outreach was reduced, and there was one specific case of a homeless man that used to sleep in the hallway occasionally (all doors to offices had internal locks) but then they kicked him out because some people didn't want the his taint of poverty infecting our shiny new church. I was so angry and I complained it. What good is spending all this money if we can't use it to help the people who need it most? I was just a teenager so I was brushed off, and got the worst excuse ever. Someone said it was better to spend the money on a brand new gym and kitchen than on helping the homeless man, because the brand new building might lure in some people from the community who would then be "saved". Yes, luring people in with glitter with the intent of pressuring them into converting is apparently more important than giving shelter to a homeless man. So I suspect it's a similar reasoning with this giant Jesus. It works as advertising for the religion, and that will put more butts in the pews and more money in the offering plate than any amount of helping the poor. It's a business and poor people are a waste of time.


I've tried twice before to respond to this, but my computer keeps shutting off. Given the subject matter, I wondered if it was an act of God or all my typing! :mrgreen:

This reminds me of that second chapter in the Book of James where it discusses how church leaders cater to the rich and then tell the poor and needy to go in peace after they are told to be "warmed and filled" without anyone actually doing anything to help them. I would have more of a problem with Big Butter Jesus if that church did not take care of the poor and the needy, or shunned those who did not look right to them. How would we know? If they are kind to the needy and offer help to them, then it doesn't matter as much, I don't think. There are also aspects of this that remind me of that old Christmas movie with David Niven, "The Bishop's Wife." At the end, he decides not to build his big cathedral with the impressive spire, but the money seems to come through. The message is that both things are important (the needy and the cathedral), and that God provides for all of our needs.

And I am reminded by your comment of churches that I attended where I did not look the part which made life difficult. Or I didn't act right or fit in, and I was told to be "warmed and filled" without anyone making an effort during difficult times when I needed support from in the church. It isn't always about money, and it these patriarchal types of churches, sometimes is all about conformity.

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I am seriously bummed to see this topic drop down to page two. I chuckled about it during the day today.

I went online to see if they did rebuild, and they've abandoned the Touchdown Jesus for Jesus walking on the water. I told my husband that they were going to pump water out at his feet, and he said, "Yeah, and it will look like he's taking a leak." (I was the way they described it in the online article.)

They've apparently started working on it, but I couldn't find whether it was ever completed.

Does anyone in Ohio know how much progress they've made on it?

http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/day ... 91724.html

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