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Artemis (Cynthia Jeub) 3: The Grift Goes On

Coconut Flan

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Still no donations.  I sure hope they are trying to come up with plan B.  A single $100 donation isn't going to help them move. 

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The other thing that occurred to me about moving closer to Ryann's family is that while they may support Ryann, they may not be willing to support Art, and things could get very awkward quickly.

4 hours ago, keepercjr said:

Still no donations.  I sure hope they are trying to come up with plan B.  A single $100 donation isn't going to help them move. 

Plan B is probably stay put, because inertia.

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Seattle has multiple "food banks" for pet supplies. Some even deliver.  If Art was really interested in a way to stretch the little money they have coming in, they would be googling these things. They could also have bought a bed from Costco instead of a superspecial adjustable bed. They can go to the library for writer's workshops and all the leisure activities they feel like they deserve. I

I'm not saying they aren't poor and that they don't need to get more money coming in. But they are doing literally nothing to make that happen, so they need to find a way to cut costs - and I'd say that they could go to the food banks for both people and pets; and start using those resources 

They want to complain about their education? They can go to the library. There are classes and help available. There's GED prep if they want to go that route. 

I can't imagine why anyone would donate to them at this point. They don't seem to want to do anything to improve their situation beyond asking for more and more money. 

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Why did I think they already had their GED? 

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9 hours ago, marmalade said:

Why did I think they already had their GED? 

Well they did a little bit of college. But maybe it was some kind of exemption with a homeschool diploma? I'm searching now. Artemis has shared their story many times in many places. This is what I found a few min ago: 


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13 hours ago, marmalade said:

Why did I think they already had their GED? 

They were in a high school equivalency program that focused on intensive learning periods instead of tests. They had to leave Olympia before finishing, and they haven't mentioned being able to pick it up since.


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14 minutes ago, Willowfer said:

They were in a high school equivalency program that focused on intensive learning periods instead of tests. They had to leave Olympia before finishing, and they haven't mentioned being able to pick it up since.


What happened to all that work on improving their condition and education?  It sounds like it was all for nothing.  

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New blog post is up "explaining" why they are moving again.  Except there's nothing really explanatory or novel in there other than to say that they are moving to be closer to Ryann's sister(s), who expressed surprise over Seattle's expensiveness.  Said sister(s) did not volunteer to help out with their costs of living, or at least if they did, Art did not specify that on the blog.  Art realized that pie baking was dumb and dropped it, but is still "helping the fundraiser along" by selling paintings.      

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1 hour ago, Coconut Flan said:

What happened to all that work on improving their condition and education?  It sounds like it was all for nothing.  

It was the bluster part of the grift. Back then, I think they were still well enough to pursue non-monetary pursuits, and found that by writing about it it increased both their patreon subscribers and the regular internet requests for money. 

We've seen a total decline since they got with Ryann, in every possible way, since they went from being roomies to partners. Impossible not to notice. I'm not a psychologist but as an armchair internet observer, it seems like Artemis picks up on their partner's traits and becomes them. And this partner is disabled, so Artemis is now disabled. Makes sense, right? 

Ryann does nothing for survival, so Artemis follows suit. I also think that big win of $5.5k last year went to their heads. That was a lot of money for them. Probably all they can think about is getting a huge grift like that again. 

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The long, drawn out explanation about moving and putting stuff into storage just sounds like life. If you don't want to move stuff into storage, sell it, and move less stuff. They complain about capitalism but are still constantly consuming - on other people's generosity. 

Art is exactly what Republicans complain about - a person who doesn't want to work. Maybe I'm being ableist but I just don't understand the years long self-pity wallowing. I'd like to see them take some steps to become a functional human. Shower and leave the house every day is a good first step. Even if it's just a walk around the block, get fresh air and look at the flowers and see other people. Seattle has tons of free activities and they aren't working anyway, go volunteer or walk. Build the muscles necessary so it doesn't hurt to get out of bed. 

Everyone I know is constantly doing something - moving, going on vacation, buying and selling homes, getting married, getting divorced, having kids, kids moving out, bigger house, smaller house. 

Art acts like moving is only something the poor have to deal with but it's really not. 



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3 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

Art acts like moving is only something the poor have to deal with but it's really not. 



Great point! Also, omg adulting is hard. 

I never fully understood how important gratitude is for mental health until watching Artemis this past year. They went from successfully crowdsourcing an urgent move (should have been empowering, that took so much hard work and co-ordination on Artemis' part), and instead somehow reinforced all of their negative views about the world. 

Gratitude helps us all be thankful for the little things, and appreciate the big things. But it is a habit, and if you don't make any effort to acquire it, no matter what good things happen in your life it's impossible to appreciate anything positive because of the constant pity party.

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Art officially has 15 dollars in donations.

They also made a anti Taylor swift post. I'm not a swift but to hate her because you think she's a Neo nazi sympathizer billionaire is ridiculous, she's a a lot of things, this not being one of them in my opinion. 

Apparently even hard working self made women who earn there own money to become extremely wealthy don't deserve their acclaim either.

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8 hours ago, raayx01 said:

Art officially has 15 dollars in donations.

They also made a anti Taylor swift post. I'm not a swift but to hate her because you think she's a Neo nazi sympathizer billionaire is ridiculous, she's a a lot of things, this not being one of them in my opinion. 

Apparently even hard working self made women who earn there own money to become extremely wealthy don't deserve their acclaim either.

I don't get the Taylor Swift thing.  I went to the original post and someone was asking the same question and the person couldn't explain it.  White nationalists love(d) Taylor Swift but she isn't a white nationalist.  She briefly dated a guy who has said some questionable things but other than that, I don't get it.  I think the problem is that she is rich.  That's it.  They have to find some reason to hate her. 

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On 5/7/2024 at 2:42 PM, Maggie Mae said:

Maybe I'm being ableist but I just don't understand the years long self-pity wallowing.

This is where I have a lot of compassion for Art. I've only recently gotten out of an almost decade-long depression in which I couldn't do much of anything productive or useful. The biggest difference is that I was lucky enough to be financially stable and emotionally supported by a partner the whole time. "Burnout" is an annoying trend word right now, but shit can be real. Those little steps of finding happiness where it's possible are life-savers.

On 5/7/2024 at 2:42 PM, Maggie Mae said:

Everyone I know is constantly doing something - moving, going on vacation, buying and selling homes, getting married, getting divorced, having kids, kids moving out, bigger house, smaller house. 

I think you're right about the moving thing. Maybe it's easier to believe a potential stasis when you grow up in such a chaotic and unhealthy environment. But life never stops, for better or for worse, no matter what your income bracket.

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On 5/8/2024 at 5:16 AM, formerhsfundie said:

We've seen a total decline since they got with Ryann, in every possible way, since they went from being roomies to partners. Impossible not to notice. I'm not a psychologist but as an armchair internet observer, it seems like Artemis picks up on their partner's traits and becomes them. And this partner is disabled, so Artemis is now disabled. Makes sense, right? 

I agree the decline is noticeable, and that's not a bad theory for why. 

On 5/8/2024 at 5:42 AM, Maggie Mae said:

Even if it's just a walk around the block, get fresh air and look at the flowers and see other people.

Apart from anything else it would give them a break from each other, and I think they really need that. At the moment it feels like they are trapped in a very small, very closed off circle of two.

On 5/8/2024 at 4:02 AM, LilMissMetaphor said:

they are moving to be closer to Ryann's sister(s), who expressed surprise over Seattle's expensiveness. 

I can see no way in which this goes horribly wrong. Does Ryann's sister know that they are moving to be closer?

On 5/6/2024 at 1:20 AM, HumbleJillyMuffin said:

Well they did say last year and this year that if they had any leftover funds in the month of February they would give it to persons of color because it's Black History Month. Besides, they light up the world so much by just being themselves, that means they earned their aid. 

And the other 11 months?

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Given the cost of moving, and how these two people have zero savings or extra $$ each month beyond their expenses, wouldn't it make more sense to figure out a way to get through the next year by planning in advance?

From their social media yesterday (in light of their one, $15 donation so far):



This ableism excuse makes no sense. Plenty of people operate under capitalism who have disabilities or significant disadvantages and they find a way. And Artemis is so intent on proving their disability that they won't explore their abilities, despite many of them being blatantly obvious.

I wonder what will happen when their year lease is up? Will they stay or will they go? If they go there will be trouble. If they stay there will be double.... 

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They are still at $15.  I doubt they will even break $100, let alone $5450

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Why would capitalism need ableism? 

That makes no sense. 

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Posted (edited)

How does capitalism and ableism prevent Art from working? Yes, capitalism sucks and ableism is everywhere. They still have marketable skills and are capable of doing things that bring in income. Just because a person was injured doing a particular job doesn't mean they're incapable of performing all jobs.

Are Art and Ryann ever along for anything other than relieving themselves? If Art were to find one or two places where Art could volunteer once or twice a week for 2 or 3 hours each time it could be so beneficial! Which also means Art won't consider it.

Art seems defiantly anti anything that might be even slightly beneficial to Art long term. My impression of Art's narrative is: I am bedbound and physically incapable of doing anything for myself at all and if I do anything without Ryann I will instantly spontaneously combust. 

Edited by Giraffe
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9 hours ago, formerhsfundie said:


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up? Will they stay or will they go? If they go there will be trouble. If they stay there will be double.... 

They’ll clash…..

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Both of them should be walking each day for even 15 minutes. It would help Art’s pain and getting outside would improve both of their mental health. 

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7 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

Why would capitalism need ableism? 

That makes no sense. 

The only thing I could think of is that capitalism is based on a certain level of unemployment, but that's not really needing ableism, it's needing a certain number of people unable to find work. Also socialist democracies e.g. in Scandinavia still have issues around ableism, it's not like it only exists in one political system.

I really wish Art would get out of the bubble, audit some lectures and maybe listen to a wider variety of opinions and research.

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If one wanted to, for whatever reason,  alienate one's readership, mindlessly hating on Taylor Swift would be right up there at the top. 

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I’m pretty far left when it comes to social supports.  I believe in the value of UBI in creating safer, healthier, better educated communities.  I think the threshold for disability payments should be lower and I think that rich people should pay a ton in taxes. Bring back the death tax. 

But these two confound me.  They don’t seem to feel the need to contribute at all.  And that isn’t how it works.  Relationships need both withdrawals and deposits.  They take a lot of financial withdrawals, but I don’t see evidence of any kind of deposits.  Pie making aside….

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What disability / disabilities does Art have? Besides clear depression…someone mentioned ADHD meaning they could never meet deadlines? 

What’s the cause of the pain, inability to shower and need to remain in bed all day? I’m assuming there’s some sort of diagnosis?

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