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Kansas Town Voted To Put In God We Trust On Police Cars But There's A Twist


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A push by fundies to get their in god we trust decals on police cars didn't go exactly as planned


Two weeks ago, in Haven, Kansas, the city council asked the local police department to remove the “In God We Trust” decals from vehicles and to stop using their official Facebook page to promote Christianity. Council member Sandra Williams raising concerns about it, correctly noting that those were not the “forum to be talking about God.”

To his credit, Police Chief Stephen Schaffer said he would do whatever the council wanted him to do, even if he didn’t agree with it.

DeMars noted that the three “yes” votes were “hesitant.” The council members who flipped did so only after everyone agreed that “similar speech from any other religion (or lack thereof) can also be added to police vehicles.”

You know what that means: There will now be a race between American Atheists and The Satanic Temple to see who can be the first to supply the city of Haven with enough decals highlighting their non-theistic beliefs. I’ve contacted both groups to see what their plans are and will update this post if/when I hear back.

American Atheists and Freedom From Religion are planning to send E Pluribus Unum stickers to the town.  Meanwhile the Satanic Temple has their own thoughts on what should go on police vehicles in Haven.  I hope the "Hail Satan" stickers go on if for no other reason than to say fornicate you to reich wing fundies.

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That's fantastic. I hope literally every religion anywhere near that town starts sending in decals for the cars. 

I have my own suggestion, though I'm not sure the Cybertronian Church of Primus is a recognized religion anywhere...


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