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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 18


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"TikTok Agitators"


Do you know what I love about conservatives using the word “agitator?” Because it was a favorite word of southern racists back in the 1960s when northerners went to the south to register black voters. It’s what the racists called the people they murdered in Neshoba County, Mississippi in 1964 during what was called “Freedom Summer.”

Donald Trump talked about “heritage” Saturday night in Tulsa where only 6,200 Trump-supporting racists showed up. When Donald Trump talks about heritage, he’s giving out a dog whistle to racists. And just like he did with taking “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” from a southern sheriff in the 1960s, he’s now using “agitators.” All Donald Trump is missing is his “sheriff’s star” and white hood. For the record, he also used the racist term “Kung flu” at Saturday’s hate rally.

Donald Trump sent out a hate tweet before his Saturday Tulsa flop that said, “Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!”

Donald Trump is the president (sic) of the United States and he equated protesters with terrorists. Protesting is legal in this country. And while he wants to designate “Antifa” a fictional organization as a federally-recognized terrorist group, he ignores that white supremacists are responsible for the majority of terrorist acts in this nation. He talks about Antifa burning churches while it’s white supremacists who burn churches. How long will we have to wait for him to express outrage about a noose left hanging in the garage of NASCAR’s only black driver, Bubba Wallace? To Donald Trump, that noose is “heritage.”

For the lack of a crowd in Tulsa, the Trump campaign is blaming Black Lives Matter and the media for scaring people off. But, but, but, but I thought it would be a different scene and they wouldn’t allow any “agitating” in Tulsa? From the photos of Trump walking across the White House lawn from Marine One after arriving home from the rally, he looked pretty agitated.

Trump is livid that TikTok teens, K-Pop Stans, and assorted Zoomers punk’d the Trump campaign. Brad Parscale, the soon-to-be-shit-canned campaign manager, tweeted that the Zoomers didn’t really prank them. But, but, but, but, Brad…why did you and the guy who’s soon to fire you, President (sic) Trump boast about a million people registering for your Tulsa hate rally? Why, why, why, why, Brad? Why?

Basically, Brad, you got rocked by the TikTok. You got panned by the K-Pop Stans. Your rally got put in a tomb by the people on Zoom. You’ll claim you retired but you’ll actually be fired. As Paula Abdul once sang, “Ba-ba-ba-ba-bye-ba-ba-bub-bub-bye.”

There’s another hate rally scheduled for tomorrow (in case you’re a Republican, tomorrow is Tuesday, June 23). This MAGA party is scheduled for a megachurch that will only hold 3,000 people. I’m sure this one will be filled but the oversize crowd, or lack of one, will probably still fuck with Trump and Brad if he’s still around.

Personally, I’m looking forward to a campaign season for Donald Trump with half-empty venues for his hate rallies. I don’t know if that’ll ever get old for me because I’m going to laugh my ass off every time it happens.

I’m hoping this is a sign America is tired of Trump. Defeating Trump will be a defeat for evil. It’ll be a slap in the face to his racist supporters who need some major slappage. America can move forward again and the Joe Biden administration can start to repair the damage Donald Trump inflicted upon this nation.

I’m sure Joe Biden’s inauguration will be larger than Donald Trump’s. But there could be a huge turnout for Donald Trump’s goodbye party.



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The Lincoln Project has been commissioning work from some great cartoonists. Here's the latest.



They have taken up residence inside the empty orange cranium.

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59 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:


Yeah we might have 72 states some day if all the sane parts of states want to split away from the Vichy parts of their states. For example if eastern Iowa decided it had enough of Vichy Iowa. 

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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:


Yeah we might have 72 states some day if all the sane parts of states want to split away from the Vichy parts of their states. For example if eastern Iowa decided it had enough of Vichy Iowa. 

The far Christian right is already trying to do that in Oregon.

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