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Gwen Shamblin 6: Billy Madison Is Smarter than Gwen Shamblin

Coconut Flan

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Today's devotional says thin eaters get most of their calories from bread. 


It is sad to see that so many professional dieters have gone against the body’s need for bread. All naturally born Thin Eaters eat most of their calories from breads, which includes rice, potatoes, and cereals, and they do not deny themselves sweets. The needed “glucose” is most easily derived from breads and sugar. Much of the non-dieting Third World countries get 80 percent of their calories from breads. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” That had meaning in Jesus’ day and has meaning to most of the world today. Breads were and still should be the staple. A large percentage of the calories that Thin Eaters eat is from bread, which is just long chains of glucose—the food is already in the chemical shape that is needed by each cell and is less taxing on the body, the liver, and the whole system. This gives you more energy.


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Gwod is repeating herself!

Her verbatim Facebook status from Sunday was just posted again today. Apparently her babble is so tiresome and forgettable even her staff can’t remember it.




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"Breads" includes rice and potatoes...?  I....... what.  I guess she's trying to make a starch/ carbohydrate comparison, but... can you imagine this woman trying to cook dinner for anybody?

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If you go to Gwen's house if she asks if you would like a some bread with your dinner, you might just end up with a bowl of rice since she apparently thinks rice and bread are the exact same thing. 

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Random/Side Note:

Is anyone excited as I am for the title of the new Gwen/RF/WD related thread?

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1 hour ago, formergothardite said:

If you go to Gwen's house if she asks if you would like a some bread with your dinner, you might just end up with a bowl of rice since she apparently thinks rice and bread are the exact same thing. 

Ha, ha!  "Bread by any other name..." 

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Things get lost in translation so easily.

A little known fact: When Jesus blessed bread and  gave it to his disciples, and told them to eat it as it was his body, Jesus was in fact giving them potato chips.

 When Jesus fed thousands with seven loaves of bread, in actual fact he had seven boxes of Rice Krispies.

1 hour ago, formergothardite said:

If you go to Gwen's house if she asks if you would like a some bread with your dinner, you might just end up with a bowl of rice since she apparently thinks rice and bread are the exact same thing. 

It makes no difference as you won't eat it anyway and just sip on your diet soda.

27 minutes ago, RFSurvivor_2 said:

Random/Side Note:

Is anyone excited as I am for the title of the new Gwen/RF/WD related thread?

A thread by any other name is still a thread.

2 hours ago, sajetime said:

Gwod is repeating herself!

Her verbatim Facebook status from Sunday was just posted again today. Apparently her babble is so tiresome and forgettable even her staff can’t remember it.





How the heck is that self control? If I don't even want to eat something, refraining from consuming it requires no particular effort. Self control only comes in when I want it but try to skip it because it's not good for me.

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1 hour ago, RFSurvivor_2 said:

Random/Side Note:

Is anyone excited as I am for the title of the new Gwen/RF/WD related thread?

Damn we’re at page 25...thanks for the reminder.  I’ll start a new thread just as soon as I get to a pc (or at lunch on my phone if I want to show off my dedication.)

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13 hours ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Not being snarky here ...her rambling speeches remind me very much of everyone I've ever known who had a pill habit.

I am not saying she's on anything as I have no way of knowing ...but her actions are indistinguishable to me from people I've known who abused meds.

It is an actual side affect of Anorexia. This part of an article from "Eating Disorder Hope" and the article was written by a MS, RDN, 


Brain Fog

Another common occurrence in anorexia is a state often referred to as “brain fog”. The more technical term for this would be “Organic Brain Syndrome”, or cognitive difficulties that result from actual physical damage to the brain.

With extreme starvation and malnutrition, the brain will actually shrink in size, which decreases the amount of gray and white matter.

This can result in a confused state, inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, depression, apathy, etc. These symptoms are frequently seen the person with anorexia who is underfed. On the outside, it may seem that this individual is disconnected, unable to engage in conversation, and withdrawn. The reality behind it is that their brain is literally unable to function properly due to the lack of nutrition available to the body.

link to article: https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/information/anorexia/anorexia-and-nutrition 

I'll try and see if I can find an article from Mayo, Cleveland or CDC (for more reputable source) 

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4 hours ago, formergothardite said:

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” That had meaning in Jesus’ day and has meaning to most of the world today.

"I am the potato chip of life.", just doesn't have the same ring to it. 

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13 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

"I am the potato chip of life.", just doesn't have the same ring to it. 

Ngl it sounds good to me. 

But it is lunchtime.

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Continuing to watch the video. 

Gwen: Go for the feeling of not wanting food anymore. She then catches herself and says be in control of food, don't let food be in control of you. But I think she really means the first thing she said. 

Once you get to the point Gwen is talking about, your weight will come off quickly because you can deny yourself and you can fast. Fasting is not a weight loss gimmick. It is bad to get to the point where you can't fast because you want food. Fasting is beautiful. Start with one meal and then keep removing meals. If you can't deny yourself then you have something wrong spiritually. You got to get it together so you can fast. 

Diet food feeds greed because it never lets you get over the greed of chewing and swallowing. Dieting increases greed. Gwen wants people to decrease their greed(again she says this while sitting in her massive house surrounded by things she doesn't need). 

The way Gwen says hi is very weird. I should also point out that at almost no point is Gwen saying these things in full sentences. 

The next question is hard to hear but it sounds like someone went to a birthday party and almost had a panic attack over food choice. Gwen can't seem to understand the question so they skip to the next question. 

And that is all I can listen to right now. 


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Anorexia is beautiful. Start with one meal and then keep removing meals. If you can't deny yourself then you have something wrong spiritually. You got to get it together so you can anorexia.

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47 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

Continuing to watch the video. 

Gwen: Go for the feeling of not wanting food anymore. She then catches herself and says be in control of food, don't let food be in control of you. But I think she really means the first thing she said. 

Once you get to the point Gwen is talking about, your weight will come off quickly because you can deny yourself and you can fast. Fasting is not a weight loss gimmick. It is bad to get to the point where you can't fast because you want food. Fasting is beautiful. Start with one meal and then keep removing meals. If you can't deny yourself then you have something wrong spiritually. You got to get it together so you can fast. 

Diet food feeds greed because it never lets you get over the greed of chewing and swallowing. Dieting increases greed. Gwen wants people to decrease their greed(again she says this while sitting in her massive house surrounded by things she doesn't need). 

The way Gwen says hi is very weird. I should also point out that at almost no point is Gwen saying these things in full sentences. 

The next question is hard to hear but it sounds like someone went to a birthday party and almost had a panic attack over food choice. Gwen can't seem to understand the question so they skip to the next question. 

And that is all I can listen to right now. 


There are websites and subreddits taken down that glorified Ana less.  Because this type of disordered thinking kills people.

is there ANYONE reading this who can’t see she is actively and enthusiastically advocating for people to deliberately cultivate eating disorders.

I was treated (including some inpatient) for an ED in my teens.  I conquered the physical aspect of it before I had kids but the mind fuck is still there.

not usually active.  Usually hidden away in some forgotten recess of my mind for very long periods of time but certain triggers combined with certain types of stress and it’s right there yapping away.

telling me how much better I’ll feel if I limit myself to 4 bites of food a day.  How the hunger pangs (sorry Gwen / never growled) meant I was in control.  I didn’t need food fuck what people said, I was in control.  How if someone really hurts me in a personal way the best way to get back at them is to refuse to eat and not tell them...becusse my pain is none of their business.

Refusing to eat will sure show them!  Makes no logical sense ...but there have been times when that was the most rational thought in the world to me.

on another thread I just commented how I hate internet diagnosing - and I do - but she is sick and she’s encouraging others to join her in her illness and thats fucking evil.

at my most disordered thinking around food I never wished this upon anyone else.  

I have been better for decades.  I don’t always have the best eating habits but that’s because peeps are delicious, but overall I have a pretty healthy relationship with food, as I just bit into a cookie becusse I skipped lunch...I was busy!! I digress :) ....

there is no vaccine against the illness she’s actively, deliberately spreading.   

I just hope her victims have someone in their lives who can help them.  Not all will.

Her words will kill someone some day.  

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49 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

on another thread I just commented how I hate internet diagnosing - and I do - but she is sick and she’s encouraging others to join her in her illness and thats fucking evil.

I agree, she is a manipulating cult leader (redundant, I know). I liken her to the drug dealer and helping her druggies to take their drugs

50 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Her words will kill someone some day.  

I bet she already has, i bet there have been people that followed her that died because of the extreme nutrition advice. It could have been a diabetic not taking their meds, it could have been a anorexic or bulemic person, could be someone that only had 1 kidney, etc. 

I also think her daughter will be one of the ones she kills. 

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I agree, Gwen is going to kill someone if she hasn't already. I personally think Gwen probably has an eating disorder. Her obsession with hunger and not eating isn't a sign of someone who has a healthy mindset about food. It is insane that she has managed to convince so many people that not only is her horrible advice good, but that it is the only way God wants you to eat. 

Back to the video. 

When you are overweight and can't move around a lot you need to eat less. Your body heals better if you eat less. Your energy wont' go to digesting extra food which is really draining. 

She jumps into how children have so much energy after eating and she really snidely says that only overweight who make their kids wait before jumping into a pool after eating. She looks so nasty and mean when she says this. She says cramps is a myth because by the time a child takes their last bite they have already digested all their food because their bodies are so hungry and want food that it goes through really fast. I'm thinking if you feed your kid on a regular basis they won't feel the need to scarf down food because they are starving. But an overweight adult will feel tired after eating. 

The prayers at RF are just amazing. Apparently they have special prayers? They do FB live prayers on Wednesday and send in your prayers so you will see a difference. 

Someone asks if Gwen fasts does she cut out her diet soda. Gwen practically scream no and acts like it is ridiculous to thinks she would cut out her diet drinks. She drinks all sorts of stuff when she is fasting, which seems to negate the whole point of fasting for Jesus. I thought the point was to go without so your focus is on Jesus. She is just filling up on diet drinks. 

We get into a story about how she loved orange crush as a child. She would be so hot and she would go buy one and it was fun. There wasn't enough soda in the bottles, though. 

Back to fasting. The whole point of fasting is to see if you are fine without it  Sounds like she wouldn't be fine without her diet drinks. 

Next question. The lady is following Gwen's advice and waiting for hunger. After 36 hours she hasn't felt hunger so she ate a little bit and still doesn't feel hunger. 

Gwen doesn't make a lot of sense in this answer. She starts sentences and stops them. She says it might be possible to bypass hunger because it can be just a little blip(which contradicts her other advice on hunger.) Gwen then says well the woman isn't hurting anything by not eating so hunger should eventually come around. She then pretty much starts to blame people if they don't feel hunger she says they aren't tuning into their bodies and are missing the essence of the program. 

Gwen says well she didn't have time to eat because she is just so busy so during the live chat she bypassed her hunger. She then holds up her hands and says "I'm still alive!" then she sings "I'm still alive!" She says she is doing fine.

We move to the next question which is about a thyroid disease and eating for energy. 

I am not understanding her answer. She again starts and stops sentences. She says that we have to get rid of bad habits and we need to do this for the next generation . Kids are getting overweight. There is a video somewhere about pregnant women who lost all their weight. The easiest thing during pregnancy is to say you have no energy and you eat. We must understand that eating wears you completely out because you have to digest it. It drains blood from your head and makes you go to sleep. "That is how much tired you will be if you eat. It is a lie."Those sentences don't make a lot of sense. 

She then brings up someone who has lost a lot of weight with Weigh Down. 

I went back to see if I misheard the last question, but no it was about having a thyroid disease and Gwen answered about pregnancy. 

That video was only thirty minutes but it seems to have lasted an eternity. 

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My middle sister nearly died of an eating disorder. At her sickest, she made more sense than Gwen.

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1 hour ago, formergothardite said:

She says cramps is a myth because by the time a child takes their last bite they have already digested all their food because their bodies are so hungry and want food that it goes through really fast.

Omg. First, Thank you @formergothardite for listening through this awful sounding video!

To the quote, OMG! That isn't how digestion works! I know I obtained my business education degree and my science class in college was psychology and the national parks of the USA but even I know digestion takes more than 5 minutes! 

Holy shit, how do her people keep following her? She is seriously dumber than Billy Madison and at this time i think she is dumber than my grandparent's dog that got hit by cars 7 times because he would run at cars (like a deer). Before anyone asks why he wasn't contained, he lived on a 700 acre farm, on a dirt road with little traffic, nearest neighbors were 1/2 mile down the road. 

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Disordered eating is only something that I consider a minor part of my issues yet this thread is so triggering. She brings it all out.

Her and Zsu's effing sugar addiction.

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5 hours ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

There are websites and subreddits taken down that glorified Ana less.  Because this type of disordered thinking kills people.

is there ANYONE reading this who can’t see she is actively and enthusiastically advocating for people to deliberately cultivate eating disorders.

I was treated (including some inpatient) for an ED in my teens.  I conquered the physical aspect of it before I had kids but the mind fuck is still there.

not usually active.  Usually hidden away in some forgotten recess of my mind for very long periods of time but certain triggers combined with certain types of stress and it’s right there yapping away.

telling me how much better I’ll feel if I limit myself to 4 bites of food a day.  How the hunger pangs (sorry Gwen / never growled) meant I was in control.  I didn’t need food fuck what people said, I was in control.  How if someone really hurts me in a personal way the best way to get back at them is to refuse to eat and not tell them...becusse my pain is none of their business.

Refusing to eat will sure show them!  Makes no logical sense ...but there have been times when that was the most rational thought in the world to me.

on another thread I just commented how I hate internet diagnosing - and I do - but she is sick and she’s encouraging others to join her in her illness and thats fucking evil.

at my most disordered thinking around food I never wished this upon anyone else.  

I have been better for decades.  I don’t always have the best eating habits but that’s because peeps are delicious, but overall I have a pretty healthy relationship with food, as I just bit into a cookie becusse I skipped lunch...I was busy!! I digress :) ....

there is no vaccine against the illness she’s actively, deliberately spreading.   

I just hope her victims have someone in their lives who can help them.  Not all will.

Her words will kill someone some day.  

Add my to the list that think her daughter Elizabeth will be one of the people that she causes the death of.

I think Gwen has an eating disorder and I think most people on FJ think so.  She does not look healthy at all, but she does not look as close to death as Elizabeth looks.

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it’s like she is trying to kill them. 

I was sad that I was late to the celery discussion, but we came back to fiber, so this add is totally relevant. I personally hate celery. 




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She is like a broken record now, just repeating the same things over and over in an attempt to defend her love of red meat and junk food. 


All foods have varying combinations of these six units: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, vitamins, minerals, and water. Your main need is for energy or fuel to run the body. We have made selecting foods (something intended by God to be enjoyable) into something complicated and burdensome and worrisome. The food industry has picked up on our fears and has capitalized on them. If the heart associations have alerted you to be careful of too much whole milk due to heart disease, then the dairy associations will alert you to be sure to drink milk because of its possible association with preventing osteoporosis. The chicken industry has soared while the poor beef industry continues to struggle because of the hype on fat sources and heart disease. I personally love red meat, but I enjoy all foods in moderation, and the body calls for modest amounts of meats. The more we try to monitor and control our health, the unhealthier we become. Let go and listen to what the body calls for, and watch young children go after a variety if you give them choices. Sensitivity to volume is the dietary habit of most 90-year-olds. You may know some overweight 60-year-olds. But how many overweight 90-year-olds do you know? Amounts are the first priority, and then learn the sensitivity to the “what” you eat.


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I’m stuck on the fact that she advocates eating pork while making everyone celebrate Jewish holidays.  You don’t get to pick and chose, you either follow the Torah or you don’t Gwenny. 

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1 hour ago, formergothardite said:

Sensitivity to volume is the dietary habit of most 90-year-olds. You may know some overweight 60-year-olds. But how many overweight 90-year-olds do you know?

Maintaining the weight of a 90+ year old person is no joke. They aren't "sensitive" to volume, they are struggling to eat. Their appetite has decreased and at that age a few missed meals can mean a loss in body fat and essential vitamins and minerals. It makes already fragile bones susceptible to breaks and lower energy levels could mean a fall. I cared for my 94 year old grandma during the last five years of her life and diet was a constant worry.  

Gwen is so very, very stupid. But I guess it all makes sense if you're a skinny, dried up, self indulgent bitch who already looks 80.

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1 hour ago, SuperNova said:

Maintaining the weight of a 90+ year old person is no joke. They aren't "sensitive" to volume, they are struggling to eat. Their appetite has decreased and at that age a few missed meals can mean a loss in body fat and essential vitamins and minerals. It makes already fragile bones susceptible to breaks and lower energy levels could mean a fall. I cared for my 94 year old grandma during the last five years of her life and diet was a constant worry.  

Gwen is so very, very stupid. But I guess it all makes sense if you're a skinny, dried up, self indulgent bitch who already looks 80.

When people saw my 100 year old great grandfather, they didn’t believe he was 100. I think the biggest factor was his weight. He was not super thin. He was a decent weight. Luckily he didn’t struggle with appetite. But he was an exception. Many other elderly people in my family were quite thin in their late 80s and 90s. Even after they were overweight for much of their lives. I had one family member who had to drink Ensure every single day. Because eating was such a huge issue. 

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