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M is for Mama 3: B is for Baby Boy Born


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As Abbie’s latest pregnancy entered its latest stages she was shown wearing jumpsuits (my autocorrect changed that to Trump suits, which isn’t at all what I meant) and above-knee boots. She has also been receiving ‘reflexology’ foot massages from poor Ezra, whom she describes as a little old man in a 12-year-old’s body. 

Thanks to @JermajestyDuggar and @luv2laugh for letting us know that B-is-for-Baby is finally here. We’ve been promised more details, including why Abbie was wearing large, dangly earrings while giving birth, but for now you’ll have to content yourselves with the pic posted here by @JermajestyDuggar and a regular serving of snark and thread drift. 

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We asked about Shaun and Abbie delivers!

"For some reason, the words to 1 Cor. 13 popped into my head earlier, and I was struck by how closely Shaun's love for me (well, everybody) mirrors them."

Shaun's love for Abbie is what makes him great. Not the kids. Abbie. Always Abbie. No mention of what a great dad he is to all those blessings.

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1 hour ago, SuperNova said:

Shaun's love for Abbie is what makes him great. Not the kids. Abbie. Always Abbie. No mention of what a great dad he is to all those blessings.

That's probably because he isn't a great dad. I'm not saying he's neglectful or abusive, but considering how little parenting Abby does, and the hours he has to work to maintain their lifestyle, he probably makes her look like a hands-on parent in comparison.

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4 hours ago, Captain Obvious said:

That's probably because he isn't a great dad. I'm not saying he's neglectful or abusive, but considering how little parenting Abby does, and the hours he has to work to maintain their lifestyle, he probably makes her look like a hands-on parent in comparison.

It seems like he only shows up for date night or professional pictures. I think I remember him taking some of the older kids out of the house. But I doubt he’s ever watched all 7 kids by himself. 

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Not specific to Abbie at all, but it is suuuuuuuuch a pet peeve of mine when bloggers/instagrammers have to mention what a "hunk" their husband is. Like, it's good and healthy that YOU find your spouse attractive, but please don't try to convince me that I should find them attractive, too. It's not just calling them handsome or good looking (I also am not a huge fan of someone having to point that out. There's a picture there. I can determine for myself that they are handsome), it's trying to make it sound like I should be lusting after your husband. 

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It’s the boots and the dress and the jumpsuit and the Anthropology (ie?! I?) silliness, it’s all so stupidly “girlish “ and contrived. Just..... blergg, so twee and precious.

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3 minutes ago, bea said:

It’s the boots and the dress and the jumpsuit and the Anthropology (ie?! I?) silliness, it’s all so stupidly “girlish “ and contrived. Just..... blergg, so twee and precious.

It seems really braggy to me. I’ve been overdue and the thought of wearing a jumpsuit or thigh high boots while overdue sounds crazy. You just feel like bloated garbage when you’re overdue. It’s almost like she’s bragging that she can still wear those things while overdue. 

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WHY do women put their hand under their belly when they're that hugely pregnant?  It looks SO STUPID.

WE SEE THE BABY.  GTF over yourself.

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15 minutes ago, danvillebelle said:

WHY do women put their hand under their belly when they're that hugely pregnant?  It looks SO STUPID.

WE SEE THE BABY.  GTF over yourself.

When I was overdue you couldn’t even breathe on my belly. Nothing was allowed to touch it. Not even my husband! I wore the largest and lightest clothing possible. I didn’t even touch my own belly. I felt like I was going to pop! Can you tell I hate being pregnant? ;)

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Abbie posted a picture from her bed today. Her mom took the kids because contractions but it didn't lead anywhere. She claims that she must do something and an 18 mile walk is just what she needs. I hope she was joking.

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10 hours ago, Captain Obvious said:

That's probably because he isn't a great dad. I'm not saying he's neglectful or abusive, but considering how little parenting Abby does, and the hours he has to work to maintain their lifestyle, he probably makes her look like a hands-on parent in comparison.

We don’t know that. Abbie reeks of narcissism. His “day job” is working from home for the technology company as a software developer and “side job” is his own consulting business travelling to clients to help with building websites and such. 

He could be a more hands on parent than Abbie. Even if he works more hours than the amount of time Abbie spends shopping for deals online, he may be more loving towards the kids.

Abbie is very open about not sympathizing with her kids, being very tough, and is an extreme fundamentalist. She’s the one that is strict on discipline and she doesn’t appear to bond with them. She has even admitted that her sons inherited her husband’s generosity and patience.

Honestly, I think Shaun would be suited more for the role of stay at home parent and Abbie as a working parent. Abbie doesn’t appear to enjoy motherhood. She enjoys the flexible schedule that comes with being a stay at home mother but she’s been open that it’s hard to have a job that’s thankless and lacks validation.

I don’t know why they keep having children. I think Abbie is a tyrant and Shaun submits to her.

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1 hour ago, SuperNova said:

Abbie posted a picture from her bed today. Her mom took the kids because contractions but it didn't lead anywhere. She claims that she must do something and an 18 mile walk is just what she needs. I hope she was joking.

Did you notice her THREE rugs on top of one another? Omg quit with the fucking rugs Braggie!

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Abbie doesn't post a lot of pictures of Shaun interacting with the kids but who knows, maybe he's great and hands-on and she just can't bring herself to take the attention away from her. On the other hand, I feel she'd brag about him if he were a really involved dad. But maybe he doesn't like being photographed. Ahh social media, you create more questions than answers!

The last pic I could find with Shaun actually interacting with a kid (by which I mean holding one) is from a bit before xmas:


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6 hours ago, SuperNova said:

Abbie posted a picture from her bed today. Her mom took the kids because contractions it's a day ending in Y. 


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Abbie has been pregnant 6 times because of the twins. This is her 7th pregnancy but 8th child.

Braggie has also said that Shaun does not like to be photographed at all.

The reason Braggie is going over the top with her outfits is because she’s desperate to prove that she can be a FIT & HIP mom despite having 8 kids and being heavily pregnant!

She is selling the Quiverfull lifestyle and has a deep desire to prove everyone wrong. In fact, she’s addicted to attention (good and bad), of which her many pregnancies bring her.

I will not be surprised if she takes birth pictures in heels.

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4 hours ago, PlentyOfJesusFishInTheSea said:

Abbie doesn't post a lot of pictures of Shaun interacting with the kids but who knows, maybe he's great and hands-on and she just can't bring herself to take the attention away from her. On the other hand, I feel she'd brag about him if he were a really involved dad. But maybe he doesn't like being photographed. Ahh social media, you create more questions than answers!

The last pic I could find with Shaun actually interacting with a kid (by which I mean holding one) is from a bit before xmas:


Ugh. So self involved. 

1. Look at Abbie's dress

2. Look at Abbie

3. Look at Abbie and Abbie's toddler

4. Look at Abbie's pregnant belly

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How tone deaf to say you're frustrated to be going full term again. "Really? We're going 'full term' again just because???"

5 month hospital stay for not going full term, Abbie. Trust me, it's a lot worse than going full term.

I do get how ready you are to be DONE by the end of pregnancy, and being overdue is hard. But maybe it shouldn't be such an all consuming hardship to have a healthy pregnancy and go full term. 

I'm taking my youngest to specialists because he was born over 3 months early. He started choking tonight because we tried solid food again and nope. I wish I could have gone full term with him. The world does not revolve around you and your Instagram account, Abbie. How about stopping for just a second and thinking of the women who have recurrent miscarriages, or who go overdue and lose their baby because the placenta is deteriorating, or about the mom of the micro preemie who is crying because she is reading about the "hardship" of having to have a full term baby.

Just pause for a second and count your blessings.

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4 minutes ago, Off the Rails said:

How tone deaf to say you're frustrated to be going full term again. "Really? We're going 'full term' again just because???"

5 month hospital stay for not going full term, Abbie. Trust me, it's a lot worse than going full term.

I do get how ready you are to be DONE by the end of pregnancy, and being overdue is hard. But maybe it shouldn't be such an all consuming hardship to have a healthy pregnancy and go full term. 

I'm taking my youngest to specialists because he was born over 3 months early. He started choking tonight because we tried solid food again and nope. I wish I could have gone full term with him. The world does not revolve around you and your Instagram account, Abbie. How about stopping for just a second and thinking of the women who have recurrent miscarriages, or who go overdue and lose their baby because the placenta is deteriorating, or about the mom of the micro preemie who is crying because she is reading about the "hardship" of having to have a full term baby.

Just pause for a second and count your blessings.

I second this. Her post is actually very insensitive to mothers that desperately wish they could have gone full term. 

Once again, Braggie finds a way to humble brag about her pregnancy.

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18 minutes ago, Off the Rails said:

How tone deaf to say you're frustrated to be going full term again. "Really? We're going 'full term' again just because???"

5 month hospital stay for not going full term, Abbie. Trust me, it's a lot worse than going full term.

I do get how ready you are to be DONE by the end of pregnancy, and being overdue is hard. But maybe it shouldn't be such an all consuming hardship to have a healthy pregnancy and go full term. 

I'm taking my youngest to specialists because he was born over 3 months early. He started choking tonight because we tried solid food again and nope. I wish I could have gone full term with him. The world does not revolve around you and your Instagram account, Abbie. How about stopping for just a second and thinking of the women who have recurrent miscarriages, or who go overdue and lose their baby because the placenta is deteriorating, or about the mom of the micro preemie who is crying because she is reading about the "hardship" of having to have a full term baby.

Just pause for a second and count your blessings.

I really hope that you can get your son's swallowing issues straightened out! That has to be scary and frustrating. I've seen family members deal with the stress and fear of having preemies, and I'm very grateful that mine stayed in until they were fully cooked. Mine were late, both times--and a few days extra of being pregnant is nothing compared to seeing your child in the NICU!

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1 minute ago, Lisafer said:

I really hope that you can get your son's swallowing issues straightened out! That has to be scary and frustrating. I've seen family members deal with the stress and fear of having preemies, and I'm very grateful that mine stayed in until they were fully cooked. Mine were late, both times--and a few days extra of being pregnant is nothing compared to seeing your child in the NICU!

Thank you! I totally took advantage of this thread to vent and process. :) He's doing really well overall, so swallowing issues and a few motor delays are really nothing, Abbie just really pushes a sensitive button for me. I wish she would acknowledge how easy she has it (and sound sincere when she does). 

Off topic, it was mentioned quite awhile back that her friend Mandy from Biblical Homemaking disappeared off the internet and shut her blog down suddenly. Does anyone know what happened to her? Is she OK? 

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8 hours ago, danvillebelle said:

WHY do women put their hand under their belly when they're that hugely pregnant?  It looks SO STUPID.

WE SEE THE BABY.  GTF over yourself.

If it's not something she did with her previous pregnancies, she may be doing it now for attention.  Maybe she's seen pictures of Meaghan Markle holding her pregnant belly and she's trying to get the attention back on herself?

I don't remember holding mine when I was pregnant.  I remember when it itched and drove me crazy, but not holding it.

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39 minutes ago, Off the Rails said:

Thank you! I totally took advantage of this thread to vent and process. :) He's doing really well overall, so swallowing issues and a few motor delays are really nothing, Abbie just really pushes a sensitive button for me. I wish she would acknowledge how easy she has it (and sound sincere when she does). 

Off topic, it was mentioned quite awhile back that her friend Mandy from Biblical Homemaking disappeared off the internet and shut her blog down suddenly. Does anyone know what happened to her? Is she OK? 

Instead of acknowledging everything, I think the problem is that she brags about herself all the time. She can’t stop talking about what she feels her accomplishments are. I am surprised she has not taken a picture of her bowel movement for the day. In order to justify her prideful posts, she shares little “problems” that no one can relate to. 

It’s ridiculous and bizarre.

She said Mandy decided to delete everything and they’re ok but can’t say anything else.

I also followed Mandy’s blog and I wish she at least said goodbye instead of disappearing.

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Mandy and family being "OK" leaves a lot of room for something to be wrong. Especially if you can't say anything else. I know, I wish she had said good bye and given a reason. I actually found Abbie (back when she was 5 Days/5 Ways) from Mandy linking to her. Mandy was always a little more relatable. 

And agree. Abbie's "problems" come across as unrelatable. When she was pregnant with Theo or Honor she posted something about doing tuck jumps in her Bodypump class she teaches. I can't remember what the post was. That she tweaked her back, or that she looked ridiculous doing them 8 months pregnant. But the actual message that came across was, "Look at me! 8 months pregnant and doing tuck jumps! No one else can do that!" Unrelatable. 

She says she wants to use her instagram and blog to encourage other mothers, doesn't she? If that was sincerely her intent, she would  have someone help proofread her posts. Or she would seek out someone to talk to about the pride (or insecurity) in her that drives her tone. 

Even a couple of her faithful followers commented last week that they have felt "less than" when reading her posts. I do think she is trying to change her tone. The last few weeks, her tone has been less strident and less critical of her kids. I hope that was done intentionally and that she continues to head the right direction. And the post today maybe wasn't as bad as I perceived it. It just really was an emotional punch to read her prayer about having to have a full term baby. 

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17 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

But I doubt he’s ever watched all 7 kids by himself. 

And if he did, he'd call it 'babysitting'. 

*prepares tar and feathers*

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