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DOUGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But he'd soooooooo luv it, especially if delivered by those studs pictured in another thread on this board.

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No idea who Karl Rove is but I second Gustava's idea that Dougie should be glittered bombed as soon as possible.

I also think that JimBoob would be a good candidate for it too.

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Read some of the post from people outraged over glitter bombs. Seriously, unless it gets in your eyes, glitter doesn't hurt you. It washes off.

dont care if its Rove, Obama, anyone. These loosers need to get the maximum, whatever that is. This could be considered terroristi­c threatenin­g and they should get thrown in jail. You can disagree with people and debate. Good, moral people don't do this......

Really? A terrorist act?

Throwing anything at a human being is terroristi­c threatenin­g brain surgeon. Do you want me to come up to you on street and throw glitter on you you disrepectf­ul P........

So what, is that news? That sort of intolerant bashing have been the corner stone of Liberal and University political activities for years.
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While I don't agree with the glitter bombing, I think it's a pretty big stretch to call it a terrorist activity.

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I love glitter to an inappropriate degree for a woman of my age. I blame my East Indian heritage (you can take a girl out of India but you can NOT take the India out of a girl). It is an act of control every day not to cover myself in glitter (I know how bad this sounds believe me). So I have got to say: I would love to be glitter bombed. Terrorist act or not. :D

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It's illegal to throw GLITTER on someone? How terribly specific. I guess the art supply closet at my preschool is kind of like a crack den or a weapons silo, then.

I think glitter bombing seems like a fabulous way to protest! It doesn't hurt anyone...doesn't destroy anything...it just annoys its target and makes the world more shiny for a little while!

The only thing that I object to is the fact that those douchebag politicians won't have to clean up the glitter themselves. Cleaning up glitter can be torture! I'd hate to think of a janitorial staff having to clean up after a glitter bomb.

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I think they originally tightened up those laws because of the pie-in-the-face thing in the '90s.

American politicians are wimps. Pie a German politician, they wipe it off and make a joke. Pie an American politician and they cry terrorism and sic the FBI on you. (When GW Bush was President, after he choked on a pretzel, the FBI arrested people for throwing pretzels in the air in a crowd watching him arrive here in town.)

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Here in Canada, we seem to like to cream-pie folks, except for one politician who actually got creamed with a carton of milk.

Or maybe nobody does that anymore and I am really not up on the latest ways of expressing dissent.

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I love glitter to an inappropriate degree for a woman of my age. I blame my East Indian heritage (you can take a girl out of India but you can NOT take the India out of a girl). It is an act of control every day not to cover myself in glitter (I know how bad this sounds believe me). So I have got to say: I would love to be glitter bombed. Terrorist act or not. :D


Glitter here, glitter there, glitter everywhere!

Being glitterbombed would be a highlight of my life.


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Seconding recommendation it should happen to the Pissing Preacher! How great would that be.

Political policing, unfortunately, is getting to be commonplace here and in the US which is probably why dafties think a glitterbomb is terrorism. In the olden days a politician making a stump speech could rely on a wide variety of things being thrown at him, up to and including dead cats. Nowadays if you tried that you'd probably get done for bioterrorism.

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I want to glitter bomb John McCain, but that is because I can’t stand the man-he’s an idiot- and I am a card carrying Conservative Republican!

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I want to glitter bomb John McCain, but that is because I can’t stand the man-he’s an idiot- and I am a card carrying Conservative Republican!

Oh my gosh, I don't want to start a big debate inadvertently (I'm a hippy-dippy liberal), but, as a Republican, have you become annoyed with his pandering and flip-flopping?

Just curious. :)

(I wanted to glitter bomb him for his DADT stance, FYI)

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I would like to know where 2000 John McCain went and why he seems to have been replaced by a zombie.

And forget glitter bombing Michelle Bachmann- glitter bomb her husband. He's the one who needs it, if you ask me.

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Marcus Bachmann and Dougie would both loooovvvee to be glitter bombed. (Sidenote, if you google michelle bachmann's husband, google fills in "is gay" for ya, bahaha)

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I would like to know where 2000 John McCain went and why he seems to have been replaced by a zombie.

And forget glitter bombing Michelle Bachmann- glitter bomb her husband. He's the one who needs it, if you ask me.

For FaustianSlip and others: Horde of Gay Barbarians Glitterbomb Marcus Bachmann's Clinic:

http://gawker.com/5823490/horde-of-gay- ... nns-clinic

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The glitterbomb thing is fun, but the guy who started it got locally famous for punking Tea Party and anti-immigrant rallies - he'd get up and start ranting about illegal immigrants bringing disease and crowding out the people who belong here and get them all nodding along and then say "Europeans go home! North America for Native America!" It was pretty awesome.

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A wise person once said that glitter is the herpes of craft supplies. It's so true- I'm still finding bits of glitter all over the place from when my little cousin visited and made arts during the summer of 2010. :P

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