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Meghan and Harry: Royal Baby


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The shower and could she please go 10 minutes without her hand caressing the bump?  We get it you're pregnant.  Perhaps buy clothes that aren't so tight that they wrinkle above the bump because there isn't enough ease for them to move gracefully.  

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I imagine she’s extremely self conscious of her changing body. She may also be protective of her baby, and doesn’t realize she’s holding her bump. I would have hated being a public figure during my pregnancy. So much criticism. She looks happy, healthy and beautiful. 

Eta: She may caress it frequently because it’s itchy. It may have nothing to do with her choice of clothes.

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Oh for fuck’s sake! She’s excited to be pregnant with her first child and likely touches her belly a lot because she’s excited. And maybe she feels pretty protective and caresses it to reassure herself everything is ok considering the constant media attention surrounding her. Or maybe her skin itches because she’s in her third trimester and it’s uncomfortable to simply exist at that point and touching her belly helps with that a bit. I - and millions of other women - did the same fucking thing while pregnant. Are we really going to criticize her for acting like a normal human being now?!

She literally can’t do anything right for some people. I have a feeling Meghan could act exactly like Catherine while simultaneously walking on water AND finding a cure for every type of cancer possible and there would still be people ready to pounce. 

(And yes, I’m in a bad mood and yes I’m stressed and yes I know i should just avoid this thread until I feel like a normal human again.)

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And equally she can do no wrong for other people. Everything she does is sacrosanct and amazing and criticism no matter how innocuous, valid or not, is dismissed or met with unwarranted vitriol. She is a grown adult women who knowingly married into the most discussed, picked apart photographed beloved and hated family in the world. She and/or her fans can’t expect constant adoration all the time from everyone.

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I like Meghan for the most part. I feel for her that she has a FUF (fucked-up-family), as do I. I also feel she's had a rough ride with the press, but this is speaking as someone who doesn't usually care what she wears. (I say usually because I did care about her wedding dress). But I'm not sure how I feel about a $300,000 trans-continental baby shower (with gifts!) for a woman married into a family with $88 billion. That's all.

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1 hour ago, ViolaSebastian said:

I like Meghan for the most part. I feel for her that she has a FUF (fucked-up-family), as do I. I also feel she's had a rough ride with the press, but this is speaking as someone who doesn't usually care what she wears. (I say usually because I did care about her wedding dress). But I'm not sure how I feel about a $300,000 trans-continental baby shower (with gifts!) for a woman married into a family with $88 billion. That's all.

My feelings are similar. I'm neither a fan nor a critic of anyone in the Royal Family. This morning I skimmed a headline on People about the "sweet plans" Meghan had for her baby shower presents. And I thought, oh nice, I imagine she had her wealthy friends who hosted this event (that they were well aware would receive a huge amount of press), donate them to needy expectant mothers or something like that. But, no. Turns out her plan was to leave them all wrapped until she got home and open them together with Harry. Are rich people entitled to receive extravagant gifts from their friends and family? Of course they are. Everyone deserves to be honored by their loved ones, no matter their bank account. But the publicity surrounding her receiving these gifts is a bit off-putting. And honestly, I feel like Meghan had to be aware that it could be perceived that way. I'm not going to say it's Kardashian level, but those are the types that you typically see having such publicized parties.


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I neither like nor dislike Meghan. I don’t know her at all, and haven’t read much about her. I feel like criticizing a pregnant woman for touching her bump is ridiculous and comes across as very bec. If that makes me a super fan, oh well. 

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To be completely factual and real Harry marrying Meghan Markle has brought a whole lot  of messy publicity and drama into a Royal family that has been relatively calm and scandal free for many years now. Is it all worth it? Only time will tell. 

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People here weren't the only ones affronted by Meghan Markle's shower:



Another Duchess dilemma! Meghan Markle is in extremely hot water with fans after the seven-months-pregnant royal’s bougie trip to NYC in late February.

Her recent rendezvous and private jet from England to America — which allegedly cost $125,00 each way! — has promoted accusations of “hypocrisy” considering her anti-poverty campaign and Prince Harry’s climate change initiative.

Click through the gallery above for all the details!


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On 2/22/2019 at 5:05 AM, ViolaSebastian said:

I like Meghan for the most part. I feel for her that she has a FUF (fucked-up-family), as do I. I also feel she's had a rough ride with the press, but this is speaking as someone who doesn't usually care what she wears. (I say usually because I did care about her wedding dress). But I'm not sure how I feel about a $300,000 trans-continental baby shower (with gifts!) for a woman married into a family with $88 billion. That's all.

I agree. I’m usually a fan of leaving them alone (cute the snotty ‘leave Britney alone’ meme) but I remember reading when Kate was having George that she was encouraged not to have a baby shower because it could be seen as ‘vulgar’ (media’s words not mine) ... they have enough money to buy whatever the heck they want. On the other hand, every pregnant woman should be spoiled by her friends! I have no problem with a pamper party (unless it involves you planning it yourself but claiming it is your daughter doing it for you so that you can grift multiple bottles of perfume and lots of garish unnecessary gifts). 

Anyway - Kate also didn’t move to the other side of the world and leave her friends behind. A choice Meaghan made, definitely - but anyone would find it hard. I certainly would. I understand a catch up ... but the reported/alleged extravagance with the gifts seems a bit much. Just imo.

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She has a right to a shower if tax payer money was not spent I give her that.  But something Less lavish but equally elegant and not involving private jets paid for by Hollywood Stars would have been been the wiser choice.

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I’m not anti Meghan and I don’t know her personally of course but she does come across as someone who loves attention and finer things in life. Honestly, it’s not that she had a baby shower I just don’t think the baby shower she had was entirely appropriate. The private jets and presents and all that is too too much. Too much celebrity and not something I picture a duchess doing. Celebrating with friends and having a shower and even her going all the way to NYC is okay, but all of it should have been scaled back. The wedding was one thing but I feel like most people don’t want to see princesses traveling around in private jets paid for by the Clooney’s in this time and place. It just makes Meghan look bad.                                 I do agree that her father and his family are pretty terrible. Also, her PR by the palace has been grossly mishandled. 

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Exactly.  Her behavior isn't Duchessy.  She's still being an actress and she's doing the bump cradling deliberately for the photos.  She's trained in body positioning so she knows full well what she's doing and it's planned and staged.  You can see that she's playing to the cameras just like a red carpet.  They've been married less than a year and I wanted to give her all the breaks.  I really liked seeing her on Suits so I'm sad that she's been heading this way.   I don't dislike her, but I fear much of what is going on is misguided although I wouldn't wish her family (except her mother) on anyone.  

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19 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

She has a right to a shower if tax payer money was not spent I give her that.  But something Less lavish but equally elegant and not involving private jets paid for by Hollywood Stars would have been been the wiser choice.

Yes I think that is the problem I have. If the shower was less luxerious and maybe more private it would have been al whole different story

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First time mother is holding her bump and having a baby shower, and this is news? *yawn*

If she didn’t use taxpayer dollars the amount of money spent is none of our business.

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50 minutes ago, Destiny said:

First time mother is holding her bump and having a baby shower, and this is news? *yawn*

If she didn’t use taxpayer dollars the amount of money spent is none of our business.

Looks like we paid for her security. 


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So, I am no Meghan fan, nor am I a monarchist (despite my Canadian status), so I have exactly zero bones in this fight.  I have found this discussion fascinating for various reasons however.  Meghan is an actess, has had an established career, and got married later on in life.  In general, I find most celebrities tacky.  Too much wealth, extravagant lifestyles, etc... etc...

So I agree that Meghan isn't acting very royal.  She isn't.  She is a celebrity, and has been one for decades.  What I find amusing, here on fj of all places, is the disdain for a woman who married later in life, to not completely change everything she is and has been for her past life in order to disappear into her husbands family.  

So her celebrity friends threw her a ridiculously extravagant baby shower.  It isn't regal, no, but they are her friends, they are all loaded and it is well within their rights to do so. It's what some friends do for each other.  So she is a bossy, bitchy person, maybe she is a capable manager of her own affairs and isn't used to letting other people have control like that over her life.  Do I think I would like her based on what I've read. I don't know.  I haven't  met her. She might be a lovely person. She may be awful.  But to rag on an independent woman for choosing to keep her friends and some of her lifestyle from before her marriage seems a bit off to me. 

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43 minutes ago, treehugger said:

So, I am no Meghan fan, nor am I a monarchist (despite my Canadian status), so I have exactly zero bones in this fight.  I have found this discussion fascinating for various reasons however.  Meghan is an actess, has had an established career, and got married later on in life.  In general, I find most celebrities tacky.  Too much wealth, extravagant lifestyles, etc... etc...

So I agree that Meghan isn't acting very royal.  She isn't.  She is a celebrity, and has been one for decades.  What I find amusing, here on fj of all places, is the disdain for a woman who married later in life, to not completely change everything she is and has been for her past life in order to disappear into her husbands family.  

So her celebrity friends threw her a ridiculously extravagant baby shower.  It isn't regal, no, but they are her friends, they are all loaded and it is well within their rights to do so. It's what some friends do for each other.  So she is a bossy, bitchy person, maybe she is a capable manager of her own affairs and isn't used to letting other people have control like that over her life.  Do I think I would like her based on what I've read. I don't know.  I haven't  met her. She might be a lovely person. She may be awful.  But to rag on an independent woman for choosing to keep her friends and some of her lifestyle from before her marriage seems a bit off to me. 

Very well said, @treehugger! You put my feelings into words way better than I could have. Regal or not, Meghan faces an amount of public criticism that has crossed the line into bullying long ago. Racism does play a role and the fact that she’s a self-proclaimed, opinionated and independent feminist might very well add to the current disdain as well. Also, at least to me, she seems not to have “disappeared” behind her role as a dutches the way Kate has. The public knows a bit more about her friends, her hobbies, her former social media profiles and so on. Time might change that, of course. Anyways, she’s pregnant, in the public eye unlike hardly anyone outside the British royal family and in my opinion, she deserves some peace of mind and a calm and loving time before the birth of her baby. 

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The Royal family is not going to change hundreds of  years of rigid tradition/thinking for her and the media is not going to change for her so in the end she must adapt   to the life she chose if she wants peace of mind and calm. Diana could not and ended of frustrated, miserable and ill. 

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15 minutes ago, tabitha2 said:

The Royal family is not going to change hundreds of  years of rigid tradition/thinking for her and the media is not going to change for her so in the end she must adapt   to the life she chose if she wants peace of mind and calm. Diana could not and ended of frustrated, miserable and ill. 

According to my understanding of her current situation, the royals themselves aren’t her main problem. Unlike Diana, she wasn’t essentially tricked into a marriage everyone in the RF knew was not based on love. She’s not a teenager marrying a man in his early thirties but a woman with life experience. It seems Harry and Meghan are truly in love and tied the knot for this very reason. Correct me if I’m wrong (and I’m by no means an expert or even a close follower of the royal family) but she goes about her new duties without attempting to change traditions. 

However, she is a divorced American woman of color with a difficult family. With the exception of her mother, who at least seems less very to me, her family is hell. That’s what appears to be the main issue here. I predict (I’m not Nostradamus 2.0 so take this with the necessary caution) her to become less surrounded by controversy as time goes by. Her presence in the family won’t be new and newsworthy anymore and people will move on... Charlie and CPB will become king and queen sooner rather than later, W and C will become the new Waleses and the focus will shift. 

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10 minutes ago, FluffySnowball said:

However, she is a divorced American woman of color with a difficult family. 

That's not the issue though. The issue is that she had an over the top baby shower thrown for her and although the party itself, didn't cost the taxpayers money, public funds were used. I get that she's excited about her first child and she should be, but that doesn't mean that she gets to live like the actress she once was. She's not an actress, she's a duchess, she has people to answer to. Certain things just won't fly and that may be new to her. 

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2 minutes ago, Carm_88 said:

That's not the issue though. The issue is that she had an over the top baby shower thrown for her and although the party itself, didn't cost the taxpayers money, public funds were used. I get that she's excited about her first child and she should be, but that doesn't mean that she gets to live like the actress she once was. She's not an actress, she's a duchess, she has people to answer to. Certain things just won't fly and that may be new to her. 

Oh yes, I get what you’re saying and I think you’re right. My statement was more general and not specifically about the baby shower. It wasn’t regal, that’s true... Personally, it hasn’t rubbed me the wrong way so I just shrugged it off but yes, Meghan should have anticipated the backlash I suppose. I reckon she could have had a similar party in NY without the media witnessing just as much. 

On a different note: Do you guys think her mum will move to England soon? 

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