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Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation Hearing


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Fuck America, fuck Kavanaugh, fuck Trump, fuck the Supreme Court, fuck the republicans, fuck women for Kavanaugh, and fuck Congress. Obama spent eight years as president, yet couldn't get a hearing for one nominee. Yet the orange turd has two appointments? In less than two years? Congress cut Obama's balls off. If this republican-controlled congress doesn't get voted out, this country doesn't have a chance, it will be Gilead. At least I was expecting this to happen, it was obvious that the repugs didn't give a fuck about anything but ramming through this asshole's confirmation. And the ones that could have kept this disaster from happening were too chickenshit to do so. Fucking white man can act like a bitch and it is just fine. I never though I would get to this point but I hate this fucking country. It's a horrible shithole. The chickens will come home to roost.

I can't watch anything about this Titanic level disaster, and may be absent from these threads for a while. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

At least that murdering cop Van Dyke got convicted yesterday.

I originally put this in the wrong thread I think, I am so mad I can't see straight.

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2 minutes ago, SilverBeach said:

Fuck America, fuck Kavanaugh, fuck Trump, fuck the Supreme Court, fuck the republicans, fuck women for Kavanaugh, and fuck Congress. Obama spent eight years as president, yet couldn't get a hearing for one nominee. Yet the orange turd has two appointments? In less than two years? Congress cut Obama's balls off. If this republican-controlled congress doesn't get voted out, this country doesn't have a chance, it will be Gilead. At least I was expecting this to happen, it was obvious that the repugs didn't give a fuck about anything but ramming through this asshole's confirmation. And the ones that could have kept this disaster from happening were too chickenshit to do so. Fucking white man can act like a bitch and it is just fine. I never though I would get to this point but I hate this fucking country. It's a horrible shithole. The chickens will come home to roost.

I can't watch anything about this Titanic level disaster, and may be absent from these threads for a while. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

At least that murdering cop Van Dyke got convicted yesterday.

I originally put this in the wrong thread I think, I am so mad I can't see straight.

What she said. 

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41 minutes ago, SilverBeach said:

Fuck America, fuck Kavanaugh, fuck Trump, fuck the Supreme Court, fuck the republicans, fuck women for Kavanaugh, and fuck Congress. Obama spent eight years as president, yet couldn't get a hearing for one nominee. Yet the orange turd has two appointments? In less than two years? Congress cut Obama's balls off. If this republican-controlled congress doesn't get voted out, this country doesn't have a chance, it will be Gilead. At least I was expecting this to happen, it was obvious that the repugs didn't give a fuck about anything but ramming through this asshole's confirmation. And the ones that could have kept this disaster from happening were too chickenshit to do so. Fucking white man can act like a bitch and it is just fine. I never though I would get to this point but I hate this fucking country. It's a horrible shithole. The chickens will come home to roost.

I can't watch anything about this Titanic level disaster, and may be absent from these threads for a while. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

At least that murdering cop Van Dyke got convicted yesterday.

I originally put this in the wrong thread I think, I am so mad I can't see straight.

Yes, what Silverbeach said. I'm so fucking angry. 

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RBG has got to stay on the bench.  The fucking yam cannot appoint another judge.  I am sick.  I was appalled by the lies (devil's triangle is NOT a drinking game), the arrogance, and  how unhinged Kavanaugh was when he went on his tangent about the Clintons.  

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14 minutes ago, PsyD2013 said:

RBG has got to stay on the bench.

Thankfully, the Notorious RBG is a badass who knows how important she is. She won't go anywhere with the Orange Menace running things. 

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So I usually eat pretty healthy but today even though I knew he was getting confirmed I've been eating my pumpkin chocolate chip brownies cause it's so upsetting.

Also I plan on donating any organs RBG needs, even if I have to swap my blood so she can take the organ. 

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Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm sending prayers/good thoughts/hopes for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. I know weird things can happen to younger people too, and I don't want to lose another justice, especially not one of these.

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Well, just in case you weren’t filled with enough rage and or despair - Twitter is filled with loads of people joyfully celebrating Kavanaugh’s confirmation with

# beers 4 Brett - complete with photos of the beer bashes they are throwing.  Senator Cronyn modified his to # bubbly for Brett, with a photo of his champagne glass.

vile, vile people



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What the hell. This is horrible. It’s ridiculous that we couldn’t stop this. I’m so upset with Manchin, Collins, and Flake.Susan Collins is an example of women who don’t support other women.

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Susan Collins' husband has ties to Russia. She plays all nice and innocent, saying she doesn't know how she'll vote, but it's all an act.


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"It would be naive to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of poor people, women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds. Those rights only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike, boycott, rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice."

Howard Zinn: Don't Despair About the Supreme Court


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They stepped back on Rear Admiral Jackson's appointment to lead the VA for less than this, nobody accused Neil Gorsuch of this level of sexual misconduct, just being sexist. There were other conservative judges that could have been put forth over ram this through.

All I can really see it as is a blatant push back on the #MeToo movement. A way of saying power should stay where it's always been, with the good ole' boys.

I can only hope this process and controversy makes Kavanaugh do his job with focused impartially to avoid it being thrown in his face on repeat.

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8 hours ago, fraurosena said:

Susan Collins' husband has ties to Russia. She plays all nice and innocent, saying she doesn't know how she'll vote, but it's all an act.


Susan Collins is a very good friend of the Bush’s. Kavanaugh is the pen ultimate establishment far-right religious conservative plant. Groomed and paid since the ‘90’s. He combines the corporate priorities and disdain for the masses of the monied, genteel, prep school to country club mainline GOP with the true believer  religious convictions to guide him on social issues. He is literally their wet dream

With all of Trumps braying about “draining the swamp” - Kavanaugh is the living breathing embodiment of the swamp. It should be shocking that Trump super fans, and Q annon and all of the conspiracy nuts are supporting this guy- but really what is shocking anymore ? 

If ANYTHING the whole drinking, sexual assault allegations seem to have enabled Trump to add a 3rd branch to Kavanaugh’s appeal with the GOP - the Animal House, Frat Boy, Boy’s will be Boy’s, Good ‘Ol Boy wing. 

So now he has the trifecta - old school establishment,  religious right, and drinking buddy. 

Also, some of the focus on Collin’s bothers me. I understand she can always be counted on to do a bait and switch - and should definitely get some heat - but there were 4 other women Senator’s who voted to confirm. And 45 male Senators - including one Dem. Putting the onus on Collin’s , to me, has a bit of a whiff of always expecting women to hold men accountable. As opposed to expecting men to stand up and take some damn responsibility. 

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I just saw this on Yahoo, and found it an interesting read.


Former Yale Law School Dean: Kavanaugh's Confirmation Is An 'American Tragedy'


Robert Post, the former dean of Yale Law School, minced no words in excoriating Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court in an op-ed published in Politico on Saturday.

“He had apparently concluded that the only way he could rally Republican support was by painting himself as the victim of a political hit job,” Post said of Kavanaugh and the way the judge had attempted to defend himself from the accusations of sexual assault and harassment. “He therefore offered a witches’ brew of vicious unfounded charges, alleging that Democratic members of the Senate Judicial Committee were pursuing a vendetta on behalf of the Clintons. If we expect judges to reach conclusions based solely on reliable evidence, Kavanaugh’s savage and bitter attack demonstrated exactly the opposite sensibility.”

The whole article is an interesting read.

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The only reason they were so focussed on getting Kavanaugh confirmed is because of his stance on the ability to indict a sitting president. Yes, Kavanaugh is a repugliklan's wet dream. But there are more of those where he came from. The only thing really setting him apart is the fact that he will protect the presidunce once the Dems have taken over and once Mueller's report has been filed. This is why they were willing to dismiss his sexual misconduct, his disqualifying partisanship and perjury under oath.

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7 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

The only reason they were so focussed on getting Kavanaugh confirmed is because of his stance on the ability to indict a sitting president. Yes, Kavanaugh is a repugliklan's wet dream. But there are more of those where he came from. The only thing really setting him apart is the fact that he will protect the presidunce once the Dems have taken over and once Mueller's report has been filed. This is why they were willing to dismiss his sexual misconduct, his disqualifying partisanship and perjury under oath.

And that's why the Q Anon'ers are okay with his confirmation... he's "protecting" Trump, which is of course necessary because of those 'evil libs'.

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There's absolutely nothing funny about what happened on Saturday, but sadly, SNL's cold open almost seems like a documentary, based on how shitty the repugs have been.

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Now Bitch McConnell  is refusing to rule out the senate confirming a Supreme Court pick in 2020 (if a seat should become open).   A total reversal of his stance on Merrick Garland.  Fucking Asshole.   

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I wonder if anything will ever come of these complaints, as Tymkovich is on the shortlist for a Supreme Court nomination.

Chief Justice Roberts transfers Kavanaugh misconduct complaints to 10th Circuit


Chief Justice John Roberts said in a letter on Wednesday that he had transferred judicial misconduct complaints related to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Judicial Council of the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals for further review.

Although the complaints were originally lodged with the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Kavanaugh's former court, the circuit executive of that court asked Roberts to transfer the matters to another circuit out of a "concern that local disposition may weaken public confidence in the process."

The complaints relate to testimony that Kavanaugh gave last month during his confirmation hearings, according to a source familiar, and do not pertain to his conduct as a sitting judge.

In a letter addressed to Judge Timothy M. Tymkovich, the chief circuit judge of the Denver-based 10th Circuit, Roberts said he had selected the court to review the identified complaints and "any pending or new complaints related to the same subject matter." Tymkovich can handle the complaints himself, dismiss them or appoint a special committee to examine them.

According to the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings, any person may file a misconduct complaint against a federal judge in the circuit in which the judge sits.

In his letter, Roberts referred to more than a dozen complaints that had been filed between September 20 and October 5.

Last weekend DC Circuit Judge Karen LeCraftHenderson mentioned the complaints in a news release. She said they "do not pertain to any conduct in which Judge Kavanaugh engaged as a Judge."

"The complaints seek investigations only of the public statements he has made as nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States," she wrote in the release. According to a source familiar, Henderson dismissed some allegations because she found they lacked sufficient evidence but chose to forward others along.

Tymkovich is a George W. Bush appointee who is on Trump's Supreme Court short list.


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I've been reflecting lately about how much I was played by Susan Collins.  She seems SO FUCKING SINCERE, but less than a minute into her speech explaining her vote, I knew what the big reveal would be, and turned off the sound.   Never again. 

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2 hours ago, Howl said:

I've been reflecting lately about how much I was played by Susan Collins.  She seems SO FUCKING SINCERE, but less than a minute into her speech explaining her vote, I knew what the big reveal would be, and turned off the sound.   Never again. 

I love that the folks in Maine have now raised millions to give to her opponent. 

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Just came across this quote over at The Wartburg Watch: 


“In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure no one listens.” 
― Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence - From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror

Pretty much sums up the entirety of the Kavanaugh episode. 

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On 10/12/2018 at 1:23 PM, Howl said:

I've been reflecting lately about how much I was played by Susan Collins.  She seems SO FUCKING SINCERE, but less than a minute into her speech explaining her vote, I knew what the big reveal would be, and turned off the sound.   Never again. 

Just another sign of how much she is tied up in repug crap: "Collins blasted ‘dark money’ groups in Kavanaugh fight. One just paid to thank her for her vote."


A conservative group that poured more than $5 million into a campaign to defend Brett M. Kavanaugh launched a new ad buy this week: thanking Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) for her vote supporting the nominee.

“In the midst of the chaos one leader stood out,” one of the Judicial Crisis Network’s ads says. “She did the right thing, supporting him. Thanks Susan Collins, for being a reasonable voice in Washington.”

The ad ends with a phone number for Collins’s Washington office. The group did not disclose the cost of its ad buy but said it would amount to more than $100,000 for television and digital ads.

Judicial Crisis Network is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization — a “dark money” group that is not required to disclose the sources of its funding, regardless of the industry groups or individual donors behind them. It poured at least $5.3 million into its pro-Kavanaugh advertising campaign, much of it targeting vulnerable Senate Democrats in red and swing states. At least $1.5 million of that was spent defending Kavanaugh after Christine Blasey Ford went public with her allegation of sexual assault against him.

A liberal group of a similar stripe, Demand Justice, spent at least $700,000 of a planned $5 million campaign trying to scuttle Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Both groups represented the intense emotion and political energy generated by Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation fight, and both were subject to heated accusations that moneyed interests were clouding the debate.

Collins, who was the focus of a sustained effort by activists concerned by the prospect of Kavanaugh’s confirmation on the court, was one of the loudest of these voices. During a 44-minute speech on the Senate floor last week in which she announced her support for Kavanaugh, effectively sealing his confirmation, she lambasted special-interest groups that spent an “unprecedented amount of dark money” to oppose him.

On Friday, she did not immediately respond to a request sent to a spokeswoman about whether she disavowed the use of “dark money” in the campaign to support her.

Collins’s reelection chances in 2020 are already the subject of considerable intrigue. Her reputation as a moderate has taken a hit because of her support of Kavanaugh, a distinctly conservative judge who displayed a level of partisan fury at one of his hearings that raised questions about his fitness for the Supreme Court.

A group of liberal activists raised more than $3.5 million during the nomination fight to be given to Collins’s eventual opponent. Susan E. Rice, a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and national security adviser under President Barack Obama, hinted on Twitter that she could be interested in the seat. Rice’s family is from Portland, Maine.

This week, Collins broke party ranks to vote with Democrats in a failed attempt to block a plan touted by the Trump administration for short-term health plans as an alternative to Obamacare.


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