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My Eyes! - Lady Lydia


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If you go check out Home Living, you can be treated to Lady Lydia's latest fashiona creation. It reminds me of dresses we wore back in my fundy church - when I was a small child in the mid-80s.

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The dress did have a 1980's Laura Ashley style to it. Print is too busy. Never visited her blog before. She has completely overdosed on the Victoriana!

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She won't publish my comment but I told her I liked it except I could never wear the rickrack or whatever the hell she calls that stuff around my neck or sleeves. And I'd have the sleeves at 3/4 length as well. She must buy the cheapest and ugliest fabric she can find at Wal Mart and think she's making the silk purse. She was going to make some dresses out of some handkerchief fabric as well ( see the post before this one).

I hate things on my neck and around my wrists. I had to stop wearing a wrist watch because it irritated my skin so badly. But she told me a long time ago she'd never ever publish one of my comments.

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The matching hair clip makes it that much more...um...special?

I googled "Lady Lydia" to get to her blog, and this was the first thing that popped up:

The virtual domain of Lady Lydia McLane, Seattle BDSM Mistress

I didn't actually go to the LL McLane site, but I'm sure it would give our Lady Lydia a serious case of the vapors!

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Lady Lydia is one of those ladies I'd like to lock in the 1900 House...and throw away the key. It was not all froufrou and bows, honey.

ETA: that zigzag stitch on the bow is lazy, lazy, lazy. If you're going to make a bow or a tie or something, either sew it from the inside out and use a turner to pop it right side out, or fold in the raw edges and use a matching thread and sew a straight stitch. But a white zigzag on black fabric (even if patterned)--tacky!

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Oh good grief - she also has an blog post all about how homemakers need to rest. Her advice includes such gems as "start by laying down for 5 minutes per day, then increase it until you can rest for 20 mins" and "you can save on your health care by resting each day."

Now, ok, I will freely admit that in the US, we do tend to be workaholics. And mothers of small children probably *wish* they could have 20 uninterrupted minutes. But wow - she must think women are seriously weak, the way she goes on and on about how women should rest, about how they shouldn't have small business, how life can be so stressful, and on and on.

Pretty sure most mothers on this board could teach her a thing or two about the capabilities of women...

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Lady Lydia is one of those ladies I'd like to lock in the 1900 House...and throw away the key. It was not all froufrou and bows, honey.

ETA: that zigzag stitch on the bow is lazy, lazy, lazy. If you're going to make a bow or a tie or something, either sew it from the inside out and use a turner to pop it right side out, or fold in the raw edges and use a matching thread and sew a straight stitch. But a white zigzag on black fabric (even if patterned)--tacky!

I've made costumes with more care than that hair bow. And her whole making sure your house is completely in order, including "rest time" before helping others just shows her own selfishness.

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The matching hair clip makes it that much more...um...special?

I googled "Lady Lydia" to get to her blog, and this was the first thing that popped up:

I didn't actually go to the LL McLane site, but I'm sure it would give our Lady Lydia a serious case of the vapors!

I couldn't find it on google either...er, OUR Lady Lydia, that is...

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Does she think that her dress looks anything like the one in the painting she posted above it? What was the point of that painting? And I want to see a picture of Lady Lydia wearing it complete with the bow. How old is she?

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Does she think that her dress looks anything like the one in the painting she posted above it? What was the point of that painting? And I want to see a picture of Lady Lydia wearing it complete with the bow. How old is she?

She's older. There were some pictures of her floating about a while back, and her clothing and hairstyle choices are very much "mutton dressed as lamb".

She peppers all of her posts with pictures of old paintings from an online retailer - they are affiliate links in hopes that people will click on them, look around, and buy things from the site so she will earn money off them.

The bow just looked bad, lopsided and out of proportion, even if you planned on wearing a matching hairbow.

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Family members should desire the comfort and happiness of the lady of the house; the homemaker, and should aim to ease her burdens, not heap more on her……Sometimes children want detailed descriptions of work related things that take up the homemaker's time, and put more stress on her. Explain that you are currently trying to preserve your strength and get more out of your day, and that you have to be calm, cool and collected, and that they may help you be that way and become the woman God wants you to be, by co-operating, figuring out how best to do what they are responsible for, and how to lift the burdens of the homemaker by exhibiting good habits and manners…Before children judge their mother's temperament, they should ask if they are doing all they can to eliminate unnecessary stress in her life

Because apparently she's done her duty simply by bearing you little brats, so it's now YOUR job to make her life as easy as possible...how dare you ask her HOW she wants a job done - JUST DO IT without instructions (perfectly, of course, or you will stress her even more). :roll: :roll: :roll: Because one eyeroll is completely insufficient

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That print is way too busy for the entirety of an adult's dress, but the "trim" is the worst in my opinion. Sorry, LL, but just because it looks like a daisy doesn't mean it matches the daisies in the dress. And there's certainly no need for a flower trim when the whole dress is already covered in flowers :handgestures-thumbdown:

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I used that same trim on a dress....for my then five year old.

I might use that trim on a dress for my 3 year old niece.

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That looks eerily similar to a dress I had when I was six, except it was yellow sunflowers on a blue background. And you know it came to my knees and had short sleeves so I could actually move around.

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This may have already been pointed out, but I just noticed this link on her blog:


It's a hilarious list from the 60s of reasons why women should not wear mens clothing, and includes such gems as,




Also, I am very confused as to why she is linking to a Catholic website... is she not one of those "Catholics are evil" fundies?

*edited to fix the link

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