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What if you do fundie things for non-fundie reasons?

O Latin

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hmmmm, let me see....

I dress conservatively - long skirts (not ankle length - mid-calf length since that is what works for me) quite high necklines, and usually long sleeves.

I have long hair which I plait. I'm thinking about starting to cover it.

I knit, crochet, can do basic sewing (think - repair a burst seam on a jacket lol), am learning how to quilt, make lace and a variety of other things.

I cook and bake from scratch.

I play four instruments.

I don't watch that much TV - the place I'm moving into doesn't have a tv, and I am juuuuust fine with that.

I love Jane Austen :D

I use a debit card or cash to pay for things, and I'm not in debt (as someone else said, thank God!)

But aside from that, I'm a university educated bisexual pagan who is in a relationship where I am not thinking about marriage. The horror!

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I do censor what my kids watch on TV, the music they listen too, the video games they watch and the movies they watch to a degree, but it's more for age-appropriateness than anything else. I don't want my 5 year old watching rated R movies, or my 9 year old listening to gangsta rap y'know.

I also won't let my daughter (9) walk out the door looking like a hoochie. We do wear pants and shorts, but they're of reasonable length and fit. No low rise skinny jeans or short shorts here.

This is not fundy-ness. It's called being a responsible parent.

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I'm quite a modest dresser. Admittedly, I wear tank tops in summer, and tight shirts and I wear pants on a regular basis, but I hardly ever show cleavage (also because I have small breasts). I used to wear a miniskirt once in a while when I was younger but feel that over 30 it's a bit silly.

I also think in some occasions, for instance any job that's not in an extremely informal context, it's not appropriate to show too much skin. I don't wear sleeveless shirts at work, for instance.

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I let my daughter wear skinny jeans provided they stay up at the top. For some reason, that is a challenge.

There are a lot of overlaps between hippie and fundie. Growing up, my mom wore head scarves and long skirts; we were not allowed for a long time to watch Disney movies that objectified women, and I was not allowed to have Barbies for the same reason. As we got older (and Mom realized that the censorship fed the flames of wanting these things) she loosened up.

I have high standards for my children. I don't think I am overly controlling, but I am definitely the type of parent who will talk them out of things that I don't approve of. My teen pretty much does as he likes, but he generally does not want to do anything that bad.

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I used to have REALLY long hair. It was because my mom always cut my hair insanely short as a little girl, and having long hair was a mystery to me. So, I've always wanted really long hair. A few people have thought it was for my religion, but I prefer not to identify with any religion at all.

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