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S'Morton Alan Smith charged with incest, rape, child molestation


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My heart really goes out to the victim(s), of course, and to Katie and family, and to the wider family, who seem to be nothing but supportive.  Rachel isn't just Katie's sister-in-law, she's Alan's sister, and this must be so hard for her as well. 

I'm sure you guys know about this, but there's a model called the Ring Theory, created by Susan Silk, about how to support people in a time of crisis, with a diagram of concentric circles with the people most effected in the centre, and the idea that you support inwards, and vent outwards.  That's a great model to live by when there's something that effects 1 or a few people.  But in this case, everyone is so inter-twined, it's the usual situation where Katie's brother can vent to his wife, or Alan's sister can vent to her husband without , because it's the same set of people. 

I can't imagine how it would feel to be hurting for the victim, and for Katie's family, and for one's own family, and to see one's grandmother making comments like this....  

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Wonder if that video Bret smith just posted yesterday to his fb has anything to do with Alan. 

It's about who you hang out with and your mother. 

Actually pretty sad. Had me bawling...of course I am pregnant haha

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2 minutes ago, uber frau said:

Is there a link or is his FB locked down?

I just searched Bret smith on fb search and he came up.

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7 hours ago, SolomonFundy said:

It's possible. Otherwise, we must conclude that Grandma Scarlett got the news about her grandson's possible sex crimes, then spent a week lighting up her corner of the world with digestively questionable recipes, Steve Harvey clips, anecdotes from her doctor's visits, and a video to help Christians figure out how to vote. (Spoiler alert: when all else fails, they recommend researching the candidate's record and discerning the value of the candidate based on their political history and intentions, in addition to their stated platform. This is naturally not encouraged for all elections, just when God doesn't tell you outright who to vote for.)

I genuinely think that it's possible the family tried to shield her from this. Or maybe just tried to shield themselves from her. 

        Late last night I found it absurdly funny. Honestly, who wants to tell Grandma what happened? She is drawing attention to it, by saying anything at all. I think she makes it worse in fact. She doesn't come of like a nice little granny either. Your great grand children were hurt Granny. I understand being in denial but your better off keeping quiet. Imagine how painful it must be for the people hurt by this. Not being believed about such a thing must be awful. 

        Your post about your ordeal gave me chills. 

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1 hour ago, MamaB said:

Wonder if that video Bret smith just posted yesterday to his fb has anything to do with Alan. 

It's about who you hang out with and your mother. 

Yep, he's laying the groundwork for a "bad influences" defense-- in the court of public opinion, anyway. 

ETA: Emily Gunn is emoji crying over Kennedy's post. Girl, please... Your husband's misogynistic propaganda has put MANY women in these desperate situations, and you are his enabler. Go cry about that. 

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11 minutes ago, DomWackTroll said:

Yep, he's laying the groundwork for a "bad influences" defense-- in the court of public opinion, anyway. 

     Don't they all pretty much isolate themselves and hang out with each other? Ponder that Captain.

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5 hours ago, ophelia said:

@Milly-Molly-Mandy wesleaandcompany.blogspot.de/

@Four is Enough Your honesty really got under my skin and I want to say thank you for opening up! I feel terribly sorry for everything your family had to deal with and I hope that the future will give you all a lot of healing. Sending hugs from Germany!!



Calling a 9 year old "man of the house" is just the same bullshit as sending a nine year old Paul with his mother and sisters as an escort so they are somewhat "protected".

What are this little guys supposed to do?

What kind of job could she actually work? She hasn't got a highschool diploma and I think her only experience in the real world is shopping at thrift stores or buying groceries.

The grocery stories around here hire personal shoppers. Buyers make a list online, pay by credit card, someone at the store shops for them, the groceries are bagged and delivered.

I always thought a friend of mine who's a compulsive shopper would do really well in that job. Sometimes she used to go to the grocery store just to hang out there and absorb the atmosphere, or something. We used to laugh together about it.

ETA: On a sadder note, maybe she'd have a lot of trouble leaving her children in someone else's care so she could go to work. (I'm not snarking at her in this, more at myself. My kids missed out on things like sleepovers and overnight camp because I was -- what's the term? -- hyper-vigilant, I think it's called. A friend's child was molested by a camp counselor and so I wouldn't let my kids go to camp, that sort of thing. Nowadays I know I can't protect them from everything, but back then I tried really hard.)

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1 hour ago, DomWackTroll said:

Yep, he's laying the groundwork for a "bad influences" defense-- in the court of public opinion, anyway. 

Well dang, I can't even imagine what kind of company would force an innocent family man to rape a child. 

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7 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:

Well dang, I can't even imagine what kind of company would force an innocent family man to rape a child. 

The kind of company that believes and reinforces the belief in anyone who associates with them, that man is the top of the power pyramid, "his" wife is a possession, a broodmare with the benefit of having hands to perform every menial thing he doesn't want to tackle (laundry, dishes, floors, diapers, picking up dog doo in the yard, etc. etc. etc.).

His children are possessions, too, bragging rights, a living, breathing display of his virility. The more of them there are, the more virile and manly he can brag he is. No, wait, strike out "living, breathing" because that might imply they have feelings. They are possessions, little more than objects. If properly trained, they'll run to the door when you get home, chanting, "Daddy!" and making you feel like a million bucks.

They'll all defer to your every wish. You get the first and best, the biggest piece of dessert. Your wish is their command.

Since pedophilia probably doesn't spring up out of nowhere, overnight, in a man with eight children, it seems to me that the sort of power a man is given in that culture would encourage a man to follow his desires. It can make a good man hard to live with. A man with a destructive bent? It removes all restraint.

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I would ALMOST be willing to give Granny a pass because it does seem that she truly doesn't understand social media all that well (insinuating that her account was hacked and the GFM was posted there when in all actuality it probably appeared on her timeline from other family members posting it) and calling it a scam when it's VERY clear that Katie's brother made the GFM and many immediate family members are sharing. BUT her denial of Alan's crime is just too much to forgive her for. She's pretty much calling the victim (who could very well be a great-grandchild or grandchild of hers- not speculating on their identity) a liar. As a survivor of incestuous child rape, I kinda want to slap her upside the damn head. The mere fact that this child had the courage to speak up and tell an adult (or not lie to an adult about the crime) and then repeat their story to police/cps despite their upbringing says a lot. 

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Four is enough.  I am sending you hugs for what you and you family went through. I am in awe of your strength and openness in sharing your story with us.  You are one of the strongest women I know -- personally and virtually. 

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This entire situation is bad enough but to have granny playing the 'it's all lies' card just takes the fucking cake.

You are so entrapped in your religion and your family's own self perceived perfection that facts become 'lies' and people attempting to help your grand-daughter-in-law and your own fucking great-grandchildren becomes a 'scam'.

I'm glad she's not my grandmother.

And, really, grow up granny. This is real shit; it's serious. It's not a meme kind of topic. To post such dramatics on Facebook is like a 12 year old screaming "that picture my friend took is not real; it is not me kissing jimmy Johnson at the baseball game" when, clearly it is that 12 year old.

And, can we then talk about your meme about getting back to 'morals'? Um, yeah. Rich coming from the denial train about the man who was arrested because there was enough evidence to do so.

The denial and deceiving self image of perfection runs deep here, folks, and it's obvious the captain and his bride are not first generation narcissists.

I do have to say though that I expected no less from the Smith branch. The Mortons have been a wild card but the Smiths, I never sincerely expected anything else. Not just because he is their son, but because they are so perfect and the world is out to get them and they will stop at nothing to make it so. They have few morals and swim in the bottom of cesspool to begin with. There is no way they'd believe their perfect wittle boy would do anything wrong and it must be all that crazy wife's fault and who knows what the fuck else they're saying to themselves to avoid acknowledging and accepting that they are, in fact, just as human as everyone else and no god ever talked to them directly or told them of their superiority.

Kressent & Rachel are married to Mortons; they're under the headship of their husbands. Their loyalties have been determined for them by that fact.  

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Call me skeptical, but I don't the Smiths and Mortons aren't really there for Katie. They are there to make sure she stays in fundie fold. It also wouldn't shock me if they are somehow blaming her. That's how things go down in fundie families.

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Fundies are still human beings. Unless they are all invariably Sociopaths They have the same kind of attachments and empathy to close family as any other people. Particularly in cases like this.  

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You know, I totally get not wanting to believe your son is a child rapist. I cannot imagine what that would feel like, much less how I would react.

And I hope a parent wouldn't stop loving and supporting their son in such a case, as I wouldn't expect or hope the Smiths to do that. But, there is a difference between loving and supporting your son and denying what he is accused of to the point of calling others liars.

OK, granny loves her grandson and wants him to know she supports him no matter what; she is, however, going about it all wrong- in my opinion.

He has been arrested. There is enough cause for him to be charged. And, his wife and children are suffering tremendously; doesn't granny love any of them? Does her love for family stop at grandchild and not trickle down at all to great-grandchild?

I don't expect the Smiths to become Alan cheerleaders, or automatically 'hate' their son. This is uncharted territory for any family. I would *hope* that they want what is best for all, whatever that may be, but I am usually 100% at odds with Smith thinking so I can't even guess.

But for granny to outright call Katie's family 'liars' and play that game is reprehensible. She is vilifying victims of a horrendous situation - no matter what the future holds, Katie & her kids are living current lives of upheaval and stress and fear and poverty. Granny just mocks that to no end.


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1 hour ago, RosyDaisy said:

Call me skeptical, but I don't the Smiths and Mortons aren't really there for Katie. They are there to make sure she stays in fundie fold. It also wouldn't shock me if they are somehow blaming her. That's how things go down in fundie families.

Staying in the fundie fold doesn't require not repudiating (/or defending) a child rapist or blaming Katie for any of it.

If anything, if fundies are really taking their bible seriously, they should be hauling Alan out themselves into the towns square for justice. And it appears they're doing exactly a modern version of that so far.

Of course Katie is not likely to leave the fundie fold. She doesn't have to, and will be much less likely to in fact - if her fundie family are her chief supporters when it comes to leaving her husband (who broke their marriage covenant big time and provided ample biblical reason to divorce).

Aside from the Smith sisters that married Mortons, I wouldn't be surprised if the Smith family headed by Capt'n Bret didn't support Katie at all. It could cause some serious fractures for Kressant and Rachel if that happens - they'll be torn between. But I think the Mortons are reacting publicly exactly how any normal, red blooded human should react in this case - fundie or not. Yeah, thye're using bible verses to say things instead of their own words, but the sentiments they're expressing are pretty clear: Alan should be at "the bottom of the ocean of with a millstone around his neck. "

Contrast that with some of the not so subtle hints Jill was dropping on IG (about marriage) in the wake of Joshley Madison (clearly implying its the woman's fault)...big difference in reaction IMHO.

I'm hopeful Katie will have tremendous support from her very protective family...have no such expectation from the Smith contingent aside from the other two Smith-Morton sisters.

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8 hours ago, Lurky said:

My heart really goes out to the victim(s), of course, and to Katie and family, and to the wider family, who seem to be nothing but supportive.  Rachel isn't just Katie's sister-in-law, she's Alan's sister, and this must be so hard for her as well. 

I'm sure you guys know about this, but there's a model called the Ring Theory, created by Susan Silk, about how to support people in a time of crisis, with a diagram of concentric circles with the people most effected in the centre, and the idea that you support inwards, and vent outwards.  That's a great model to live by when there's something that effects 1 or a few people.  But in this case, everyone is so inter-twined, it's the usual situation where Katie's brother can vent to his wife, or Alan's sister can vent to her husband without , because it's the same set of people. 

I can't imagine how it would feel to be hurting for the victim, and for Katie's family, and for one's own family, and to see one's grandmother making comments like this....  

As someone who has been in one of two modes for years - medical crisis with my child or working to avoid medical crisis in said child - I must say that I absolutely love 'Ring Theory'.  So simple, yet so on point.  

My mother is known for turning into a drama llama whenever another family member is in crisis.  Recently, a distant relative posted the Ring Theory in FB and my mother 'liked' the post - needless to say, this led to much snorting and eye rolling among my siblings.  

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3 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

Fundies are still human beings. Unless they are all invariably Sociopaths They have the same kind of attachments and empathy to close family as any other people. Particularly in cases like this.  

     I get wanting to support her grandson. If she knew nothing about it she surly would not want people to see the GFM and be mortified. Wouldn't she call her daughter or another family member to warn them of what she saw? Maybe they said it's not true and he was falsely accused and not wanting to break it to her yet. I would hope someone in the family would at least ask her to remove her post about the scam and not donating for the sake of decency. 

       The best way for her to support them is to not say anything. No pass from me. Maybe the Mortons are glad she posted this, it makes the Smiths look vile.

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Maybe she was embarrassed and said it was a scam in the hopes that her friends would think so and not look into it any deeper.

She saw the GFM and unless she's getting senile and does not understand about links, she'd have seen the link to the news article and once she saw this mugshot she must have known it's true that Alan was arrested and the family was without a breadwinner for the time being, like the GFM says,  even if she does not believe that he did what he is alleged to have done. 


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She doesn't want it to be true so if she says it isn't, then it isn't. So there.

I don't understand it either. Like you said, even if she believes him to be innocent of the charges, the current facts are not spam and cannot be denied. Alan has been arrested; Alan is in jail; Katie has no headship to pay the bills.

It's not really all that hard to understand. But, when people hide behind their religion for every fucking thing on the planet, I suppose it's hard to separate what your god can hide and what he can't.

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    At least one of her grandchildren liked her post about it being a scam. 

      Last name was triplet I think. Attractive blond woman with sunglasses. Has a little girl.

Also, no mention of newest great grand child. Her posts are all about cooking and family with a sprinkling of Jesus. She gushes over all the other children.

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