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The Democratic National Convention


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I'm still trying to catch up on the live feed. So I'm about two hours behind.

Confession time: I think I have a little bit of a crush on Joe Biden.

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I am going to miss President Obama. Such a decent man. Weepy eyed goober over here. :PLEURE:

Amazing the difference in the conventions. One group talks about the U.S. being seconds away from a zombie apocalypse while the other group says that while we need to work on many things, we are moving in the the right direction.

Sad thing is the people that need to hear the words of President Obama tonight will never hear them. They have closed their hearts and their minds off. People ask me why I listen to the GOP and watch their conventions and such. I do it because I need to educate myself on their stance. I mainly disagree with most of everything they say, but at least I listen. 

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I finally caught up with the live feed. 

President Obama knocked it so far out of the park I can't even see the ball. Well done, Mr. President. 

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@RoseWilder and Tim Kaine - but that might just be me.  

I missed the very end of POTUS because the power blew in my bedroom.  (However, CSpan had the tail end of his speech on TV this morning as I got ready for work)

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POTUS was of course great.  But Biden knocked it out of the park, completely.


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I thought they all killed it. I most definitely had something in my eye when Gabby Giffords spoke.

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4 hours ago, clueliss said:

@RoseWilder and Tim Kaine - but that might just be me.  

I missed the very end of POTUS because the power blew in my bedroom.  (However, CSpan had the tail end of his speech on TV this morning as I got ready for work)

I really enjoyed Tim Kaine's speech as well. I've been looking around the Internet today to see what the general reaction is and the comments sections on all the political sites I visit were filled with comments from people saying they weren't happy about Kaine as a pick but that they now understand why Clinton picked him. I think he's winning a lot of the skeptical people over. 

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I caught part of Kaine's speech on Saturday.  He may have had me at references to Kansas City, Stockyards and such.  But then that's my general hometown area.

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Khizr Khan's speech was amazing. It's making me cry. I think this is the 5th or 6th time I've cried during this convention. I didn't expect to get this emotional. 

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Wow, Jill Stein has been posting nasty tweets about Hillary Clinton all night. I'm rapidly losing respect for her. She's not being racist and sexist like Trump, but in terms of the bitter, nasty, rude tone of her tweets, she's coming across a lot like him. 

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37 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

Wow, Jill Stein has been posting nasty tweets about Hillary Clinton all night. I'm rapidly losing respect for her. She's not being racist and sexist like Trump, but in terms of the bitter, nasty, rude tone of her tweets, she's coming across a lot like him. 

Jill is writing those tweets in record time. She is going to tweet her fingers off if she does not slow down. 

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10 minutes ago, Mecca said:

Jill is writing those tweets in record time. She is going to tweet her fingers off if she does not slow down. 

Maybe Jill planned them out ahead of time. She doesn't seem all the interested in facts, reason or what is actually happening. She's just trotting out those Republican talking points, one right after the other. 

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11 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

Maybe Jill planned them out ahead of time. She doesn't seem all the interested in facts, reason or what is actually happening. She's just trotting out those Republican talking points, one right after the other. 

I imagine Jill sitting in her living room with the convention on with smoke coming off her fingers. LOL! 

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Gary Johnson is behaving better on his page, although he's still behaving with a lack of integrity. He has some meme up of himself saying "If you're stilling feeling the Bern and feeling burned because the Clinton machine rolled over your ideals, there is another option." 

Well first of all, there isn't another option, because Johnson isn't going to get elected President. It will be either Trump or Clinton. So yeah, there's a chance to throw away your vote that exits. But there's not another real option.

Secondly, Hillary Clinton did not roll over the ideals of Bernie Sanders supporters. She sat down with Bernie Sanders and added a lot of his ideals to her platform. Quite frankly, I'm disgusted by Johnson's dishonest attempt at getting votes. 

I honestly don't know what the Bernie or Bust people are expecting at this point. They keep saying that Clinton has to earn their votes, and yet, she's trying to do that. She's added things to her platform that are important to Sanders supporters. She gave Bernie Sanders a place of honor at the convention, and made efforts to reach out to them from day 1 of the convention. And they booed and stormed out and didn't even give her a fair shot.

I would respect the Bernie or Bust people more if they would come out and say, "No, this isn't an issue of Clinton earning our votes, because we're not even going to give her a chance to do that," instead of these bullshit games they're playing where they pretend like they want her to earn their votes WHILE refusing to listen to anything anyone at the convention has to say. I'm not even expecting them to agree with all of it, but they wouldn't even stop booing long enough to listen.

And I would respect Gary Johnson a lot more if he would say, "If you're unwilling to vote for Clinton no matter what, come vote for me," instead of trying to peddle this bullshit narrative that Clinton is totally ignored the ideals of Sanders supporters. I keep hearing people say that Johnson is a good alternative to those who think Clinton is dishonest or untrustworthy, but Johnson is not coming across as a man of integrity to me right now. 

ETA: To clarify, I'm speaking of the Bernie or Bust people, not all Bernie Sanders supporters. 

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I think Hillary did a good job. Her speech wasn't as good as Obama's (either one) or Biden's, but I thought she did a good job. 

My overall impression of the convention: I think it was fantastic. Obviously there were a few glitches (the rude Sanders supporters who were heckling people) but overall, I think it was a great convention!

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If anyone wants to watch Khizr Khan's speech (which some are saying was their favorite speech of the convention), here's it is: 

A little background info. before watching: Their son was an army captain who sacrificed his life to save his unit: 



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My husband and I both supported Bernie in our state's primary because we felt he best represented what we believe. We did so knowing fully that it was unlikely all of what he promised was plausible - that's usually the case, but Bernie's aims were extremely ambitious. 

Now? We're behind Hillary. Completely and totally. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson don't have the same name recognition that Hillary or Trump do because they aren't backed by major parties. Stein isn't even on the ballot in every state. And from what I've read about Johnson's record on abortion and birth control he definitely isn't the choice for me. Hillary and the Democrats have done a good job at trying to work with Sanders supporters to make sure Bernie's views were incorporated into the official platform and I appreciate that effort greatly. If Bernie says Hillary is our best option for moving forward then I believe him.

I get that a lot of his other supporters are pissed. I'm not even going to argue against people being angry about the Democratic party's nomination process. People have a right to feel how they feel - however, they don't have the right to heckle and harass the speakers at the convention that played no role in the primary process. It's rude, it's childish, and it does absolutely nothing to advance any legitimate grievances they may have.

This election cycle scares me a great deal. We're expecting our first child within days of the next Presidential Inauguration. All I can wonder right now is what type of world my child is going to be born and raised in if Trump wins the election... And those thoughts terrify me.

I don't want my child born into a country where a thin-skinned, loud mouthed, racist asshole has direct access to nuclear codes or the power to send us to War. I don't want them looking up to a President that would rollback all the rights the LGBTQ community ( including my brother) has fought so hard for or a President that would prevent any daughter I may have from obtaining birth control or an abortion. I don't want them thinking that deporting every immigrant or using racist terminology or threatening the use of prison camps is acceptable or normal. 

This is why we support Hillary Clinton. She is not perfect and she is not my first choice, but she is a far better option than any of the other nominees and my child's future is far too important to us to risk a Trump presidency.

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4 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

If anyone wants to watch Khizr Khan's speech (which some are saying was their favorite speech of the convention), here's it is: 

A little background info. before watching: Their son was an army captain who sacrificed his life to save his unit: 



That was the best part of the convention, especially when he offered Trump his copy of the Constitution. For me, the best one-liner is from President Obama, "Don't boo, vote." While he was referring to people booing Trump, he could also be talking to those Bernie supporters who boo Hillary as well.

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I was just talking to someone about Hillary Clinton's speech last night and she said that she is signed up for both Clinton and Trump's campaign emails and she said she received an email from Trump's camp last night blasting Clinton for lying in her speech. But she received the email from Trump's camp BEFORE Clinton's speech began.

What a moron. If this man can't even run an effective campaign, how on earth is he going to run the country. 

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