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Sometimes I Can Only Shake My Head - The Modest Mom


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Is it just me or does it sound like this woman basically thinks of herself as either "pregnant" or "I better see if I'm pregnant"?

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I suppose if you are a fundie and don't believe in birth control you'd probably be doing pregnacy tests every time you and your husband were amorous. I can just imagine J'chelle hoarding tests.

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I've seen stuff like that advertised in a number of different places. I think they often get off-brand tests shipped from other countries. I'm pretty sure they're mostly marketed to those with the QF mindset, although I can imagine some people struggling with infertility might buy them because they're concerned they will never get pregnant.

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I suppose if you are a fundie and don't believe in birth control you'd probably be doing pregnacy tests every time you and your husband were amorous. I can just imagine J'chelle hoarding tests.

But if you have that mindset, and accept that you might get pregnant each time you have sex, is it really that necessary to find out straight away?

Anyway, this blogger comes across as being obsessed with the idea of pregnancy.

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Those are the same tests they have at the Dollar Store, so it is a good deal. That said, I bet most of the places that snap them up are the non-medical "crisis pregnancy centers". They make a big deal about offering free pregnancy tests, which are usually the discount store kind like those.

I used to test twice a month, but that was because I was sexually active, not using birth control, have very irregular periods, and was on some meds that had serious risks for pregnancy (a narcotic sleep med, an anti-depressant, and a chemo drug). I also took 3 or 4 home tests to confirm that I was pregnant because I had multiple doctors tell me I was infertile even before the chemo.

I still test every couple months if I feel like I might be pregnant and haven't had a period, and I think that is common for some people including non-fundies. I worked with a woman in her 20s who was always worried she might be pregnant and going to take a test, and I remember a lot of girls being like that in high school.

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When I was 16 I took a pregnancy test every month, despite being a virgin.

I was on Accutane, which can really fuck a fetus' shit up. So at least I had an excuse. Why doesn't she just save the tests for when she actually misses a period?

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When I was 16 I took a pregnancy test every month, despite being a virgin.

Why? Worried about toilet seats? Hot tubs?


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If you don't test right away - like before you even miss a period - how will you know when gawd has punished you by making you miscarry at 2 weeks? Then you can sob to all your friends about your lost one. When in primitive times (like the 80s) we just thought we had a late period.

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Why? Worried about toilet seats? Hot tubs?


As I said, Accutane. I didn't have much of a choice, since the regulations surrounding Accutane mandate that any woman of child-bearing age take a pregnancy test, or not get Accutane.

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As I said, Accutane. I didn't have much of a choice, since the regulations surrounding Accutane mandate that any woman of child-bearing age take a pregnancy test, or not get Accutane.

Got it. The doctor wouldn't give you a prescription unless you had a neg test.


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I am sorry to hear that Nell.

Thanks, it was very hard for many years. We did adopt 3 kids. I'm now well past menopause but still have dreams a few times/year that I'm pregnant. I've been in labor during dreams but I never get to see the baby.


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I still test every couple months if I feel like I might be pregnant and haven't had a period, and I think that is common for some people including non-fundies. I worked with a woman in her 20s who was always worried she might be pregnant and going to take a test, and I remember a lot of girls being like that in high school.

I *think* it's worn off (tho i haven't been really sick in a while either) but having the stomach flu feels just like pregnancy to me, so ever since my son was born my standard comfort pack if I get the puking flu is a 2 liter of sprite and a pregnancy test. Just in case. Even though my boyfriend's snipped, something in my brain thinks "feel like death = OMG pregnant!"

I have a friend who hasn't used birth control in about 3 years, they're trying for a second baby, and she goes through like 4 a month. At first she was afraid she *was* pregnant all the time, now she's afraid she's not. I know a lot of people who are like that in their "trying to have a baby (but not trying very hard) years, and for QF women those years are most of their lives.

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I know a woman who got pregnant 10 or 12 years after her husband was snipped. They checked his count, sure enough he had lots of sperm. There are 2 ways to do the clipping, one is just tying the vas in the middle, the other is cutting the vas and then tying each end. It's rare to come undone but it does happen. Wonder what method Steve had? The one where they don't cut the vas is easier to reverse I think.

When I was in the military the chief of urology was trying to encourage more men to get clipped rather than their wives undergoing the riskier tubal ligation. His wife was pregnant with their 8th and the doctors really didn't want her having more pregnancies because of her diabetes. The couple were Catholic. But Dr. A decided he'd get clipped and by so doing help his wife and show all the other men on base a vasectomy was no big deal. Well, he had it done and during the procedure had a cardiac arrest from a heart attack. It was pretty ironic. He did eventually get better but he was very ill for quite awhile.

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The birth control I'm on makes me only have periods once every 2-3 months, although I've gone as long as 4 between periods before. (It's not one of the ones designed that way like Seasonique, it's just a side effect.) I test regularly just for peace of mind. But I don't think I've used 25.

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I know a woman who got pregnant 10 or 12 years after her husband was snipped. They checked his count, sure enough he had lots of sperm. There are 2 ways to do the clipping, one is just tying the vas in the middle, the other is cutting the vas and then tying each end. It's rare to come undone but it does happen. Wonder what method Steve had? The one where they don't cut the vas is easier to reverse I think.

When I was in the military the chief of urology was trying to encourage more men to get clipped rather than their wives undergoing the riskier tubal ligation. His wife was pregnant with their 8th and the doctors really didn't want her having more pregnancies because of her diabetes. The couple were Catholic. But Dr. A decided he'd get clipped and by so doing help his wife and show all the other men on base a vasectomy was no big deal. Well, he had it done and during the procedure had a cardiac arrest from a heart attack. It was pretty ironic. He did eventually get better but he was very ill for quite awhile.

This made me laugh so hard my husband came in wondering what it was. I'm glad the doc got better, because otherwise I would be feeling really bad instead of still amused. :lol:

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