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No Hustle Russell (formerly Sarah Jane)


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Lol at the guy in the background of one of Russell's 4th of July pics. His expression is priceless. It's a good thing Lauren doesn't mind camping. 

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56 minutes ago, MakeitSew said:

It's a good thing Lauren doesn't mind camping. 

For now. But I bet she'll know something is up soon, if she already doesn't. And I wonder what he's going to do when the weather gets cold. Even if he gets a job, he'll have to save up a safety deposit and his credit score and renting history are enough to scare off any future landlord. 

I still don't understand his inability to think into the future at all. 

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Probably living for the moment, paycheck to paycheck, making no long term plans. Illinois sucks for jobs, many are going out of state. Not sure of the unemployment rate of Peoria.

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I somehow doubt he's actively looking for meaningful employment. We know he's sold his blood in the past. You can make around $200 a month doing that. Maybe he does a temp job once in a while for gas money.

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He's pulling the 'Christian' rope again. Lauren was 'raised in a Christian household'...except, only with her mom, and not until recently. Her mom makes no secret of her struggles. 

But, really, Russ. What, exactly, has ever been Christian about your household? Two girlfriends pregnant by you, and you leave them to their own devices. You don't do what a father is to do, which is provide your kids with shelter, safety, food, clothing, education; both girls get all that from their mothers. You won't get a job to take care of your responsibilities. You are a lazy fuck and you use your oldest daughter and your sporadic interest in religion for your own gain.


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His interest in religion/God is purely to hold the sympathies of others, and to attempt to make himself look a better individual to his community, which is largely if not completely comprised of self-professed Christians.   He HAS to play that card.   And that my friends, is the real meaning of "taking God's name in vain."  Any invocation of God's name for personal gain, and as an excuse for sinful/cruel/unlawful/vicious/licentious behavior is taking God's name in vain.

It's not saying, "God damn it."   I think those three little words are the least concern to a God that is dealing with some real assholes out there.

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Frankly, if it weren't so offensive, the post would be hilarious.  Black women hitting on him?  Their friends chastising them for it?  Russ, first of all, I highly doubt more than the two obvious choices in recent history have been hitting on you...at all.   Second, if any woman is dumb enough to do that, she NEEDS friends who will talk her out of it.

And regarding other people using unacceptable, crude language/verbal abuse on loved ones, well...we know how old Rusty rolls in that department.

He's just always got to find a reason to talk someone else down so he feels like less of a worm.  

And while I'm on a roll...at least they have a roof over their heads.  Funny...it seems by your own choices (not resultant from the Obama administration or any sitting president for that matter)...you do NOT.  Huh.  How'd that happen?  Perhaps Russ...if your own mother had made you get off your lazy white ass, you might have grown into a decent man.  I know that's a low blow but hell, he pisses me off.

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Between NN and Russturd using recent tragedies to spew their hate and try to push their self righteous, self centered agendas, I hate humans. Luckily I can remember that the majority of humans are actually semi decent. Russell does not fall into that category.

And oh, he worked that delivery job just over two years, not three...and from what I understand he was a practicing LEO for three years, not 5. And Russ, your pompous attitude about your former status as a LEO does NOT give you any special insight into current events. You are NOT a LEO for a fucking good reason. You are a fucking failure at everything except being a racist, judgemental self righteous little bitch. Your whiteness has nothing to do with your failed life.

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I wonder if he's noticed that none of his 'friends' on Facebook bother engaging him when he pulls this shit.  No likes, no shares, no comments.   They all seem to know better and frankly, the majority aren't likely aware he posts this crap, because the smart ones have shut off his feed.  

That's a feature I love.  Don't want to hurt feelings by blocking/defriending someone?  Just cut their damn feed, and you'll not be pestered by the crap they spew.  Stay friends in name only, and the 'friend' is never the wiser.

I think the majority of Russ's 'people' have shut him out and he is clueless.

Not being 'friends' with him, I have no idea if people engage him when he comments on their pages. Anyone here know?  Just curious if they're only ignoring him on his posts, or ignoring his commentary on others.

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Hold up. You mean to tell me the guy that was spewing hatred of all things associated with police officers is now posting in support of them? And don't get me started on that racist post he typed up. Yay, Russell. We can now add racist to the list. Charming.

This guy can't help but turn every tragedy into a "poor, pitiful me" post. Gotta love that the guy that does not have his act together is giving out advice to others on how they should act. Take a million seats, Russell. You really need to sit your ass down and zip it. 

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I found it beyond ironic that he talks of the ghetto and subsidized housing as his homeless, unemployed ass is camping because he has no home, anywhere. So, he delivered and assembled furniture in the houses of those people, and puts them down, but he has no home to have furniture delivered to. And, no furniture for that matter.

He really is scum. 

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Well who is worse? NN/JN or Russ?

Self entitlement, pompous assed fools! Wondered how he feels now being homeless even he might be just ok for now but wait until the holidays come, then those real melancholy feelings come out pretty bad. Either make the best of it or do something to improve your life. Don't need a one way ticket to the PSY ward.

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He just posted another selfie...just for us.  His 'fans.'  Well Russ, you use that as an excuse to post the selfie.  But we all know the real reason is that you for some reason...think you are one hot feller and Sarah is going to see that post, and her heart will flutter in longing and regret.  

NO.  Not gonna happen.

The only way that is humanly possible, is if you get off your ass, exercise, lose the dead man's diet and about 150-175 lbs, along with all that is toxic about your personality, get steady employment, send checks to those raising your children every month, and go live your damn life,  in a condition of mental stability, job stability, happiness, acceptance of others, physical health etc.   Till you get there Russ, you will live a miserable life, alone.  

Every time I see one of his selfies, I shake my head in disappointment.   Extraordinarily self delusional and sad.

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I know speculating on someone's possible health issues isn't totally cool but he really doesn't look like he is doing well. When he isn't smirking in some self-perceived steamy-hot pose with teenage-girl duck lips, he really does look terrible. 

Russ, grow the fucking hell up!! You've proven already you do not love either child you fathered but at least you give Lauren some kind of attention and with her sweetness and forgiveness SHE LOVES YOU. At least for HER SAKE grow the fuck up and get a job and take care of yourself and be around for her life. . .she has had and continues to have enough stress dealing with her own continuing health issues and she doesn't need the added stress of a homeless, wandering, bumbling dad who may or may not be dealing with some real health issues of his own. 

Because kids DO notice and DO, to some extent, feeling responsible for things. They try to fix situations. They try to make things better. Lauren doesn't need your drama, your crap, your failures to deal with. 

It's not like you woke up one morning to a burned down house, getting fired and having no where to go. No Russ. You CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE this life. It's been what, six months now since you deliberately quit your job with zero one in place to provide financial stability? That is six fucking months too long. If you were at least trying I'd give you some credit. But you aren't. You seem to relish the idea of being homeless because. . .why? Do you think it will make people feel sorry for you? 

Your fucking moronic overly dramatic song lyrics really do not give your readers any emotion except disgust. Grow up Russ. Please. 


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You know he's reading these posts because he just posted photos of himself when he was really, REALLY hot - or so he thought at the time and continues to think so - in high school.  The big shot football player, who "never left the field."  Well, I suppose there is an awful lot of truth to that.  Never left the field, never left the force.  And most importantly, never grew up.

I suppose had you possessed an amiable personality in your youth, there were a couple of girls who perhaps might been attracted to you.

But you aren't a football player, you aren't a cop.  You aren't 16.   But you sure do act like it.  Nobody wants a 16 year old boy in a 40-something homeless, clueless body.

Russ, we don't give a fig how cute or hot you were, or think you were/are.   Plenty of handsome devils out there who are losers too.

It's not what's outside, it's who you are inside and what you have to offer friends, family and society.  You are not a giver, you are a taker.  A guy with your hand always out and your mouth always running.  You are needy, whiny, hateful and arrogant.

You can set your watch by the holier than thou posts, the humble pie God loves a sinner posts, the hate posts, and the narcissist posts.  They are cyclical and entirely predictable, and it's not just a few Free Jinger people who have figured this out.  

Anyone in your real life noticed this long ago, and they all seem to be pretty adept at keeping you at arms length.

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Ohhhhh, I am swooning! An a-list football player in high school. How will I ever live without having been able to have that? I mean, he is just so damn impressive as a human specimen; best football player ever, best ex-cop ever....us poor souls who will never know him should be crying in a corner and doing penance  or something so that ultimately, we can be rewarded with the awesome prize of thinking Russell DeJaynes is one hell of a hot man - one who played with snakes and was such  a giving man he gave up said snake for a girl. 

I have been nauseated most of the day for unknown reasons. I think this put me over the edge and I am about to toss my cookies.

Delusional, much?



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On 7/9/2016 at 9:09 AM, fundiefan said:

I found it beyond ironic that he talks of the ghetto and subsidized housing as his homeless, unemployed ass is camping because he has no home, anywhere. So, he delivered and assembled furniture in the houses of those people, and puts them down, but he has no home to have furniture delivered to. And, no furniture for that matter.

He really is scum. 

I couldn't believe that either. (Also--"sub sized" housing Russell? I understand spelling isn't your forte, but you'd think you'd know how to spell and pronounce that word if you were there so often). I mean, at least people in "the ghetto" have a damn place to sleep and a roof over their children's heads. You aspire to be ghetto, Russell. 

On 7/9/2016 at 0:04 AM, MakeitSew said:

You are a fucking failure at everything except being a racist, judgemental self righteous little bitch. Your whiteness has nothing to do with your failed life.

This about sums it up. 

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But...uh.....you're not IN high school, Russ. The only time anyone is impressed by a high school football player is WHEN THEY'RE IN HIGH SCHOOL. If your only claim to fame is high school football and you're over 30? Yikes.

Plus being white isn't some kind of triumph or achievement. It's genetics.
"HI, I'm a pediatric neurosurgeon. "
"Oh yeah? I'm WHITE. "

Uh huh. Hell of an achievement, your parents both being pale.
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My nephew graduated from college in May. He played football the whole four years. He was a pretty high profile guy at his college. It was great for him, and those of us who went to watch him play. He did a great job, for himself and the school. All the while he also worked, in summers more than one job.

When he graduated, he had a degree in Finance & Economics. Clearly, he did more in college (and high school before that) than play football. And, he played because he loves the game, period. He chose a 'lesser' profile school so he could start rather than ride the bench at a higher profile school. 

Even before graduation his job - the job that will help him live the life of a responsible adult. The job he obtained because of his academic record. The job that pays his rent, car payment, insurance, bills, and every and any other life expense. 

No matter how great his football days were, he somehow managed to know that he can't ride that wave his whole life and obtained a useful, helpful education. And no matter what the future brings, he is smart enough to know that he has to work for what he wants/needs in life; he will always know he has responsibilities, whatever they may be at any given time.

He's half Russell's age but can run circles around him with common sense, responsibility and intelligence. While my nephew will always remember his football days fondly, he isn't relying on that for his future. 

Russ will forever be all about....whatever he wants to be about; he'll always be an ex cop, an ex high school football player, an ex-snake owner and ex-boyfriend - - always, always a has been, if ever anything at all. 

Today, here, now - he is a waste of oxygen.

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Russell looks like Jeffery Dahmer.

Russell's whole high school football memories speech reminds me of Al Bundy. Al Bundy had a family, house and job. Maybe Russ could learn a thing or two from good ol' Al. 

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He DOES have that sort of serial killer look.  And a weird, husky loner with a really long snake to make up for shortcomings kind of look.  The 'he couldn't get lucky in high school but eventually he found out there are women in the world with lowered expectations who will take any male with a pulse' so he preys on exactly that type of woman, look.


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3 hours ago, ellacinders said:

He DOES have that sort of serial killer look.  And a weird, husky loner with a really long snake to make up for shortcomings kind of look.  The 'he couldn't get lucky in high school but eventually he found out there are women in the world with lowered expectations who will take any male with a pulse' so he preys on exactly that type of woman, look.


I personally always wonder what a serial killer looks like. Because when I think of serial killers, this guy springs to mind:

Doctor Harold Shipman (pictured) used his position as a medical expert to manipulate his patients

That's Dr Harold Shipman. He probably murdered about 218 people, but was found guilty of 15 murders in the UK. If I didn't know that, he'd just look like a friendly GP to me, and I would never suspect a thing.

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