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Romantic History's Sarah Jane Leaves Husband- Part 3


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Sarah may not be a prime time player right now - it seems she learned to keep her drama off Facebook. But, she is no innocent flower in any of this. No doubt she is sitting back, watching Russ dig his own grave and when the opportunity arises, she'll grab a shovel. I don't for a second believe that she is off in happy land, having moved on to better things.

I think Russ is a shit. But she has done her share of lying, manipulating, game playing and using two men against each other as a means to her ends, whatever they were and are.

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Guys, I can't help it! Puns are the gift that keeps on giving!


4 minutes ago, DomWackTroll said:

It is weird, isn't it? I mean, I started the first thread because Sarah Jane was a former Vision Forum fan/seamstress in the homeschooling community and David was a nutty neo-Confederate (which he still is), but I could never imagine that all these months later we'd be talking about some Christian-in-name-only who can't even make the "fundie lite" grade. 

Right? :laughing-rollingred: What is it about this random dude that just gets our collective goat?

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On 3/2/2016 at 2:47 AM, Jingerbread said:

 I can't remember what it's called, but I know some states have statutes where, if you don't try but can, and another man has stepped in, you lose legal rights.  I bet you he is thinking of another support order to dodge.


From what I understand, the laws surrounding this differ from state to state and even circuit to circuit, depending on the judge and depends on whether the mother remains single after separation from the bio dad or establishes a relationship with someone else and whether the alleged father has made attempts at a relationship with the child. (which does not appear to be the case here). Most states have presumptive paternity laws, where if a child is born to a woman who was married at conception or at birth the person she was/is married to is presumed the father. Like an OB nurse once explained to me, even if a man is in jail and hasn't seen his wife for 10 years and she gives birth to a child, legally he is presumed the father. These laws are slowly changing as illegitimacy is not the social stigma it once was.  

Paternity can be established until years after a child reaches the age of majority. However, I think in some states that even though paternity can be established, the rights of a father who has established paternity after a certain number of years have elapsed since the childs birth can loose his legal rights for suing for custody/visitation. I cant remember the details but seem to recall reading about a California case where this happened and since the father had made no attempt to establish a relationship with the child in the (3-5 years? something like that) he was denied the ability to get legal rights to the child. 

Per an article on legalmatch.com :

"Some states recognize the concept of “psychological parents.” A psychological parent is an individual who acts as a parent towards the child and it would be against the child’s best interest to end the parent/child relationship that has developed. Similarly, many states recognize that a child may have more than two parents. These legal concepts are often utilized if the biological father fails to be a parent other than the act of conception."

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9 hours ago, ellacinders said:

We all come from one ancestor or another with sizable families who lived in one room, maybe with a small loft if they were lucky.  They rolled up their beds in the morning and piled them up in a corner.  Generally considered pretty fortunate if they had one chair, which was reserved for the breadwinner, not the bread maker or the surplus bread eaters.  Children stood at the table, and often ate after their parents.  We've come a long way.  We don't really need 'bedrooms.'  We need a place to sleep.  It doesn't have to be segregated.  Our wants and needs are completely separate issues.  A 6 person family crammed into a one bedroom electrified apartment in this country is considered wealthy to a family in a slum in India, or to refugees, or to an American homeless family.  It's all relative.

By Indian slum standards, the Above Rubies daughter whose kids had to run laps in the snow for warmth are rich since their water, even though not running, isn't the same water they bathe in.  By Indian slum standards, every single fundy we talk about is rich, rich, rich!  Just because others in this world have it worse doesn't mean that poverty in the US should be acceptable.

When our ancestors were all in one small room or loft, one person getting sick was a great risk for everyone.  The inability to mildly or completely quarantine a sick person could mean death.  Bedrooms also give at least a small chance of privacy, which isn't a want.  It's a need.  We all NEED privacy every now and then.  By your thinking there, a private place to go to the bathroom is really just a want.

Just because there are things we can exist day to day without doesn't make them wants.  Depending on the society, things that don't exist in one part of the world at all can be a necessity, such as internet if you want any chance of finding work in America.  If you want to talk relativity, then you need to look at what it takes to not just stay alive, but to thrive in an individual's community.

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I just want to say that as long as there is space to have time alone, having three people in a bedroom isn't a big deal.

At this point we have 4 in our bedroom. Two adults, a co-sleeping 5 year old and a 6 month old in a bassinet. We also have a living room to go to or a basement if we need alone time.

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57 minutes ago, GiGi_41 said:

I just want to say that as long as there is space to have time alone, having three people in a bedroom isn't a big deal.

It's a problem when it's a situation like the Duggars, where the girls co-sleep with toddler-siblings so the parents don't have to do anything and there's no chance of privacy by intent, or the Shupes, where the placement of the bunks make it dangerous if there's a fire (and also no privacy by intent).  I don't think anyone's got a problem with three in a room on principle.  I think a lot of us are impressed with the effort Kindall is making, and no one's looking down on her sleeping arrangements.  It indicates probably not a lot of spare money, which isn't reflecting on her, but is reflecting on Russ for not doing a damn thing for their shared child.

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Russ's latest share on the dangers of end days is interesting.  The description of those people to be avoided, fits Russ exactly.  Kind of ironic.

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Oh god, recent FB posts include "my next career move" next to a photo of an underwater basket weaver and "this is what it feels like to be an American" next to a photo of a bear firing a gun while standing on top of a great white shark. 

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56 minutes ago, SweetFellowshipper said:

Oh god, recent FB posts include "my next career move" next to a photo of an underwater basket weaver and "this is what it feels like to be an American" next to a photo of a bear firing a gun while standing on top of a great white shark. 

I saw. :my_confused: So Russ hit seventh grade thirty years ago and just decided to just stay there. 

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On the bedroom issue, as long as the children are safe, I don't have a problem. For me, I don't think I would consider having more than three children of the same sex share a room, because it can be rather cramped. Now my Dad's family was one with five kids, and they had a three bedroom house. Boys bunked together, the three girls bunked together, grandparents had a room. My Mom's childhood home had two bedrooms, she had her own room at the back, and my uncle and grandparents shared the front bedroom. Of course in those days, bedrooms were solely for sleeping, playing was done in the rest of the house or outside. I also babysat for a family of five, their three girls shared a big bedroom, the boys shared the smaller. But before I stopped working there, the family was building a bedroom in the basement for the boys, and their oldest girl would get the smaller boys bedroom. Now if someone crams ten kids in one room, that can be incredibly dangerous should a fire break out, but as long as there is safe room, and children aren't required to bunk with the opposite sex, I don't see an issue. (A friend of mine who was adopted with her biological brother when they were young, said her parents were required to give them separate rooms because they were of the opposite sex.)

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1 hour ago, nausicaa said:

I saw. :my_confused: So Russ hit seventh grade thirty years ago and just decided to just stay there. 

He simply just don't know how to grow up! A boy in a man's body!

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No condemnation or criticism of Kindall intended, it's just seems an indication that she's not exactly living the high life. I mentioned it only because Russ, without transportation, could not see his kid until Kindall sent Lauren in a cab, presumably at her own expense (because Russ would've been bitching about having to pay for it).

Russell's whiny political post reminds me of my brother in law. Guys who are outraged that they're not being handed a job, a house, etc. simply for being in possession of a penis, and white skin. They must compete for jobs, and position, and money, with both women and people whose skin is not white, and it is simply unthinkable for them. This is where you get people voting against their own self-interest by voting for the Republicans. That party has (IMHO) tapped into this deep well of resentment the guys like this have, that they are no longer the majority, that the default/preferred sex is not always male, that the default color/preferred color is not always white, that they are not handed the world on a platter just for showing up. I mean, I don't know where people like him get the idea that you are owed anything by the universe, maybe their parents teach them, I don't know. But there are a lot of men walking around with chips on their shoulders, because they feel it is so insulting to have to actually compete against people who are "other." They feel white men are discriminated against. The truth is that they are competing with, and they are losing to, people who are better qualified.

Kind of like how Russell is so very tragic not seeing Lauren more than every other weekend. Well, he doesn't have a job. He currently doesn't have transportation. He doesn't contribute anything to her upkeep. And yet, he's in that courthouse, demanding that things be done his way. He's not the one raising this child, he's not the one paying for her medical expenses, or taking care of her day today.

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Growing up, 2 boys were in one bedroom and 2 girls in another. I don't see a problem with three sisters sharing one bedroom especially if that is what they are accustomed to. Some kids find comfort in having their sibling(s) nearby. A close childhood friend of mine shared a room and a queen sized bed with three little sisters. I always loved visiting and sharing the bed for sleepovers. It was chatty and cozy and fun. 

Some kids need their own space and some kids need more privacy than others. A (mildly) autistic friend needed his own room for a safe space where he could go when things became overwhelming for him. He could shut the door and have peace to build things with legos, listen to music, draw, and de-stress. For  him, sharing a room with a sibling could have been a negative experience. 

Whatever works, works! 

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26 minutes ago, bea said:


No condemnation or criticism of Kindall intended, it's just seems an indication that she's not exactly living the high life. I mentioned it only because Russ, without transportation, could not see his kid until Kindall sent Lauren in a cab, presumably at her own expense (because Russ would've been bitching about having to pay for it).


Russell's whiny political post reminds me of my brother in law. Guys who are outraged that they're not being handed a job, a house, etc. simply for being in possession of a penis, and white skin. They must compete for jobs, and position, and money, with both women and people whose skin is not white, and it is simply unthinkable for them. This is where you get people voting against their own self-interest by voting for the Republicans. That party has (IMHO) tapped into this deep well of resentment the guys like this have, that they are no longer the majority, that the default/preferred sex is not always male, that the default color/preferred color is not always white, that they are not handed the world on a platter just for showing up. I mean, I don't know where people like him get the idea that you are owed anything by the universe, maybe their parents teach them, I don't know. But there are a lot of men walking around with chips on their shoulders, because they feel it is so insulting to have to actually compete against people who are "other." They feel white men are discriminated against. The truth is that they are competing with, and they are losing to, people who are better qualified.

Kind of like how Russell is so very tragic not seeing Lauren more than every other weekend. Well, he doesn't have a job. He currently doesn't have transportation. He doesn't contribute anything to her upkeep. And yet, he's in that courthouse, demanding that things be done his way. He's not the one raising this child, he's not the one paying for her medical expenses, or taking care of her day today.

All of this! He seems so bitter for no real reason, like he just "deserves" things for existing.

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If Russ were given everything he whines about wanting/needing/being deprived of, he would combust. 

Full time parenthood, with the other parent paying support - not a fucking chance he could or would do it. 

Being a cop again? Um, whatever made him lose it the first time around would happen again.

A high paying job, he'd have to WORK for it and shut his piehole. 

Lauren's mom living exactly as he chooses - eventually, she'd claim her 'share', without paying, and he'd go off the deep end. Never mind the mother's rights. Shit. Would. Hit. The Fan.

Rose being his acknowledged, legal child? Support payments. Legal mother's rights. Oh, yeah. He'd embrace that. 

Basically, this dude is a loser of the highest order and is incapable (and unwilling) to do a damn thing for himself because he thinks he is 'owed'. Whether he is owed for existing, having a penis, having once been a cop, who knows. Who cares. That's not the point. 

If he were suddenly given every single thing he whines about, he'd freak the fuck out and run away crying. 

Life takes work, effort, sucking shit up, accepting, tolerating, giving without 'reward'...all things he is unwilling to do or even consider.

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Russ has been quiet for a few days.  Other than having a fit over someone pirating cd's, he's had nothing to say.  Interesting.  Wonder if he couldn't pay for his cable/internet/phone.

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7 minutes ago, MakeitSew said:

Maybe he has a new love interest?

Jeebus forbid...:pb_eek:

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4 hours ago, MakeitSew said:

Maybe he has a new love interest?

You mean he discovered sex with his hand? Hallelujah!

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Yep, Russell, the hand is a wondrous invention. Always available day or night, never says no, never wants anything in return, never can abuse you, bear children you don't want to/can't support and will never battle you in court. This well may be your Perfect Woman. Congrats buddy. May you guys have many happy years together. 

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On 3/4/2016 at 10:58 AM, nausicaa said:


ignore this post.........


His hand needs a dress for the ultimate satisfaction!


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Well now Russ has emerged from a couple of days of silence, which must have been killing him...but he's baaaaack, and has announced through his favorite medium, the meme, that he's going to cut the cord from Sarah.  There isn't anything to cut, Russ. But since you want to get out of doing your duty as a responsible father, sure, call it cutting the cord.  

What you're really doing (and everyone is well aware of this) is shirking your parental duty because Sarah didn't choose you.  So your baby gets nothing from you.  You are punishing a baby because you didn't get your way.  Sarah isn't punishing the child by keeping you out of her life.  You have proven you don't want to bother, and she in her diligence to make sure the child has some sort of familial stability, has moved on and you have been temporarily, if not permanently, replaced.

That is changeable, but Sarah knows who you really are.  And she knows you don't want to pay child support, or have to drive out of state to visit your baby.  All you want are nightly conjugal visits, after she's kept your house clean for you, made your dinner and taken care of your other child.

Admit it Russ.  That's what you thought you were getting.  That was your plan.  A maid, a cook, a mother, a pretty lady on your arm and a good time in bed.  

I think the child is better off in the long run with him out of her life.

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The meme may not even be referring to Sarah and/or Laurens mom. Who knows with this shitbag. Maybe someone he gave a ride to or loaned a few dollars to now won't help him out. Therefore they are bad people, again he is a victim and now must cut the cord. Hey Russ, maybe people you wanna cut the cord to have already severed their connection with you. Maybe you know this. But of course you need to make it LOOK LIKE you were the one who decided to walk away.

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