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Rick Perry attends retreat with Dobson and Perkins


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Guest Anonymous

On the bright side, this is the first comment underneath the article:

This is not your "values voter" candidate. Perry's allegiances are to what is known as Dominionism, the desire to exercise dominion over all the earth. It is a small but exceedingly powerful sect of Christianity that sees mainline Protestants, Catholics, and even many evangelicals as non-Christians while consigning other faiths and non-believers to eternal damnation. Their goal is usurpation of the Constitution by insisting it protects ONLY Christians with rights. Their revisionism in law and history is to substantiate those claims. No one who is not their kind of "born again" will have rights under the law, and the Supreme Court justices in league with that view - that there is NO separation of church and state when the church desisres to prevail - have already issued rulings upholding embedded inequality. In Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v Winn, the justices ruled that taxpayers have no standing to challenge the use of a highly discriminatory tax credit because it's not a direct use of taxpayer money, "only" a credit. Be very aware that this is the beginning of building a Christian-centric body of law that covers very few believers and non-believers not at all. Perry is not just your typical conservative. He is seeking an entirely brave, new world.

One of us, perhaps? It's a great comment, so I kind of hope so, but I kind of don't, because the more people that are denouncing this stuff the better.

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I like the that the comments so far. The nut jobs that usually flood the comments with "he is such a great christian" and what not haven't gotten to this article yet. (at this time there is only 3 comments)

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