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Oh the audacity!! (Ray Comfort New Movie)


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Why does the film include an Australian impersonator? How does that even relate to the subject matter?

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Libby Ann has a great explanation of why fundies keep bring up pedophilia or bestiality when the topic is homosexuality. Normal people have two boxes to classify things in; consensual and non-consensual. Anything which two adults have consented to goes in the OK/consensual box, anything that isn't consesual goes in the bad/non-consensual box. Whereas fundies' two boxes are god approves and god doesn't approve. They don't care about feelings and love and respect or any of that, and certainly not consent, which is the summing up of feelings and love and respect.

That's why they see pre-marital sex, adultery, gay sex, pedophilia and bestaility as all analogous. They're callous fucked in the head dickwads who could give a shit about anyone else.

So, when engaging one of them, you need to stress the consent issue. Again and again and again.

Found a blow by blow of the movie so you can avoid clicks. Hehmant Mehta's a misogynist but at least he's never t Aray Comfort

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyat ... vangelism/

Why does the film include an Australian impersonator? How does that even relate to the subject matter?

That, my dear, is Ray Comfort. He was actually born kiwi, though I've been told he got the hell out of that atheist liberal hellhole and to somewhere nice and tolerant like Tennessee as soon as he could. Was sick of people laughing in his face and calling him a hateful spineless bigot, apparently.

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That, my dear, is Ray Comfort. He was actually born kiwi, though I've been told he got the hell out of that atheist liberal hellhole and to somewhere nice and tolerant like Tennessee as soon as he could. Was sick of people laughing in his face and calling him a hateful spineless bigot, apparently.
No, I didn't mean Ray (I've met him). I meant Ben Price. The Australian who is an impersonator and appeared in the film at the stand-up comedy place.
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Why does the film include an Australian impersonator? How does that even relate to the subject matter?

I think he may be the one who plays a stand up comedian who has the AUDACITY to use his routine to bring people closer to God, through the artful on-stage mocking of homosexual marriage.

Praise the Lord! :shock:

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I think he may be the one who plays a stand up comedian who has the AUDACITY to use his routine to bring people closer to God, through the artful on-stage mocking of homosexual marriage.

Praise the Lord! :shock:

From what I remember, the standup comedy had nothing to do with sexuality, Christianity, or the rest of the film at all. Which is weird.
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From what I remember, the standup comedy had nothing to do with sexuality, Christianity, or the rest of the film at all. Which is weird.

Ah, ok, I misunderstood from skimming the film. It started with an offensive mocking of a phone call from someone with an Asian accent. I thought maybe cheap, bigoted comedy was the new vehicle for bringing home the gays.

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Ah, ok, I misunderstood from skimming the film. It started with an offensive mocking of a phone call from someone with an Asian accent. I thought maybe cheap, bigoted comedy was the new vehicle for bringing home the gays.
That was a 'parody of a stereotypical telemarketer from a call center in India' joke.

I think this phenomenon is borne out of 1. general frustration at the persistent nuisance of calls from telemarketers 2. resentment at Australian jobs being outsources overseas, such as to call centers in India and 3. Cricket rivalries against India.

For example:

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Ugh. That "film" could serve as an exercise for teaching logical fallacies. And what's with setting the female protagonist up as a possible romantic interest for the extra-super-duper Christian guy, and then SPOILER revealing she's gay? I mean, sure she could be bi, but the point seems to be she's in a happy relationship... so I guess he's just a dumb guy who is stuck on himself and thinks all women are into him. Maybe not the intended interpretation....

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Is he? I've only seen a bit of his blog. Isn't he a teacher or something?

Yeah, he's a middle school math teacher. But in the atheist MRA vs atheist feminist fight he's come down squarely on the MRA side (because everyone needs to be listened to, after all).

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"That’s why the bride traditionally wears white in a wedding ceremony. It represents the cleansed and spotless Bride of Christ, the true Church, made up of all true believers."

I have not watched this movie (nor do I plan to) but if this is an example of the type of 'research' Comfort does then I am even less impressed (hard to believe I could be less impressed with Ray Comfort but there you go). In fact white dresses for a wedding have only really been popular since the time of queen Victoria and the colour had less to do with proclaiming purity than proclaiming wealth. Here's a bit about it from BBC : www.bbc.com/culture/story/20140503-how- ... es-evolved

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Here's the trailer:

And here's an article about marriage equality from Ray, complete with a picture of the royal wedding and a yellow Lamborghini (what -- you can't figure out why that's relevant?):

What deathless prose! What sharp and irrefutable logic! As always, Ray is unstoppable (oh, wait -- that's Kirk).


Someone might want to tell Ray that William and Catherine lived together for years before they got married. Also, the Duchess has done a lot of defrauding, especially with her white bikini.

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"That’s why the bride traditionally wears white in a wedding ceremony. It represents the cleansed and spotless Bride of Christ, the true Church, made up of all true believers."

I have not watched this movie (nor do I plan to) but if this is an example of the type of 'research' Comfort does then I am even less impressed (hard to believe I could be less impressed with Ray Comfort but there you go). In fact white dresses for a wedding have only really been popular since the time of queen Victoria and the colour had less to do with proclaiming purity than proclaiming wealth. Here's a bit about it from BBC : http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/201405 ... es-evolved

Yes, and I think the white dress being widespread is fairly recent as well. All my grandparents and generations back that we have wedding photos of were wearing their best dress or something they would wear as Sunday best after marriage. Dropping cash on a dress that would only be worn once wasn't seen as practical.

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Yes, and I think the white dress being widespread is fairly recent as well. All my grandparents and generations back that we have wedding photos of were wearing their best dress or something they would wear as Sunday best after marriage. Dropping cash on a dress that would only be worn once wasn't seen as practical.

It does have reference waaay farther back...


But I'm NOT defending the rest of the film.

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I used to watch a lot of his online show. I stopped when I realized how much it made me want to smack him and how upset I was at the end off all of them. The way he and his poorly educated cohosts talk about "The Truth" as if Jesus has actually materialized in their studio and told it to them annoys the crap out of me. They are so hateful and pedantic. I can't stomach that man.

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So he interviews a bunch of people who make valid points about why being gay isn't a sin. But they have peeved facial expressions, so you can tell they actually just hate God.

Ray Comfort is a moooorooon. Who thinks he's the smartest man in the world. Weird combo.

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The Bible Reloaded video was probably automatically removed after complaints came in. It's now back up.

The video - youtube.com/watch?v=o8Lc1Y6f4qU

Response to it being taken down - youtube.com/watch?v=zDSZ8m0AQZs

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