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Oh the audacity!! (Ray Comfort New Movie)


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Has this been discussed, yet?

Ray Comfort has a new movie out wherein he convinces teh ebbil gheys that they are bad, bad sinners.....or just bad, bad actors.

Can't wait till it comes out om youtube so we can give it the FJ treatment it deserves!


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(Is it bad that I read the title in Eminem's voice?)

Oh my, this should be a wonderful opportunity to get drunk. Very drunk. With Michael Jackson popcorn gifs.

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"Based on the movie, this fast-moving and faith-building novel will give you background on how Peter (the main character) came to faith in Christ. It also reveals a hidden secret-- a traumatic childhood experience that destroyed his confidence and held him back from stand-up comedy."

At a 1996 Gallagher performance, juice from an exploding watermelon shot onto 12-year-old Peter's face and made him question his sexuality. Thank goodness Ray is here to tell him that no, that DOESN'T make you gay!

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"Based on the movie, this fast-moving and faith-building novel will give you background on how Peter (the main character) came to faith in Christ. It also reveals a hidden secret-- a traumatic childhood experience that destroyed his confidence and held him back from stand-up comedy."

At a 1996 Gallagher performance, juice from an exploding watermelon shot onto 12-year-old Peter's face and made him question his sexuality. Thank goodness Ray is here to tell him that no, that DOESN'T make you gay!

:whaaa: :laughing-rolling:

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"Based on the movie, this fast-moving and faith-building novel will give you background on how Peter (the main character) came to faith in Christ. It also reveals a hidden secret-- a traumatic childhood experience that destroyed his confidence and held him back from stand-up comedy."

At a 1996 Gallagher performance, juice from an exploding watermelon shot onto 12-year-old Peter's face and made him question his sexuality. Thank goodness Ray is here to tell him that no, that DOESN'T make you gay!

Someone has been watching way too much porn.

ETA: "I'm not judging you, but God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous adulterer."

I just rolled my eyes so hard that it hurt.


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"Based on the movie, this fast-moving and faith-building novel will give you background on how Peter (the main character) came to faith in Christ. It also reveals a hidden secret-- a traumatic childhood experience that destroyed his confidence and held him back from stand-up comedy."

At a 1996 Gallagher performance, juice from an exploding watermelon shot onto 12-year-old Peter's face and made him question his sexuality. Thank goodness Ray is here to tell him that no, that DOESN'T make you gay!


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Well, Ken Ham thinks it is "intriguing" and "powerful". Gosh, that's enough for me to.....NOT!!!!!!! :o

I'm a gonna go watch me some John Oliver now.

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I was mocking the way fundies think that "childhood experiences" "turn" people gay.


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I am not going to look because I don't want to shatter the illusion that this stars Kirk Cameron and a banana.

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I was mocking the way fundies think that "childhood experiences" "turn" people gay.

Honest to dog, I couldn't tell if that was a joke or not. Fundies. They would think that is life-changing trauma.

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Honest to dog, I couldn't tell if that was a joke or not. Fundies. They would think that is life-changing trauma.

I thought it was real. I could totally see them saying/thinking that.

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Finally, a (nearly) full length motion picture based on what is basically a Jack Chick tract.

The world has been waiting for this. :lol:

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Is this going to be like that 180 movie where he claimed he had some mind blowing argument to make pro-choice people anti-abortion that turned out to be invoking Godwin's Law and the "Good Person" test over and over?

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Is this going to be like that 180 movie where he claimed he had some mind blowing argument to make pro-choice people anti-abortion that turned out to be invoking Godwin's Law and the "Good Person" test over and over?

One of my fundie inlaw gave us (and everyone) that dvd for Xmas the year it came out. Since I knew what it was, I didn't ever watch it. It has either been tossed or is on the bottom of a drawer somewhere. ho ho ho

Based on the tract the movie is based on, yes, the Good Person test will play prominently.

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One of my fundie inlaw gave us (and everyone) that dvd for Xmas the year it came out. Since I knew what it was, I didn't ever watch it. It has either been tossed or is on the bottom of a drawer somewhere. ho ho ho

Based on the tract the movie is based on, yes, the Good Person test will play prominently.

Do any of his movies NOT have the good person test somewhere in it?

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I don't understand why they keep acting like their witnessing is effective. I saw the video, and all the "oooh, that makes sense," then I read the tract, so I assume I got a general idea of what's going to happen (it's also pretty similar to older Kirk Cameron/Ray Comfort videos I've seen) and, huh, that is only effective if the listener is an idiot. It's a huge assumption that those people believe the Bible is the word of capital-G god; if you don't believe that assumption, well, it all falls down veeery easily. Has anyone ever been converted by this? Like, ever? Has anyone ever taken the Good Person Test and thought "omg, I'm so going to hell! Better convert now! I wasn't a believer, but I was just told god thinks that taking his name in vain is the same as murdering someone, so it's obviously the truth, and I'm a believer and bananas prove evolution isn't real."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's the trailer:

[bBvideo 560,340:2i327euu]


And here's an article about marriage equality from Ray, complete with a picture of the royal wedding and a yellow Lamborghini (what -- you can't figure out why that's relevant?):

Along with countless others, I watched the royal wedding of Kate and Prince William. I listened closely as the minister defined marriage as symbolic of the relationship between Christ, as the Bridegroom, and His Church, the pure white virgin Bride. That’s why the bride traditionally wears white in a wedding ceremony. It represents the cleansed and spotless Bride of Christ, the true Church, made up of all true believers.

With a sober and cultured English accent, the minister then led William and Kate through the traditional wedding vows:

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony, which is an honorable estate instituted of God Himself signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and His Church…and therefore is not by any to be enterprised nor taken in hand unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly, but reverently…in the fear of God, duly considering the causes for which matrimony was ordained…Therefore, if any man can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak or else hereafter forever hold his peace.â€

Marriage is not to be undertaken without serious consideration, and is so solemn the witnesses are told to speak up publicly if they can show any reason why the man and woman should not enter into this sacred covenant. No one should attempt to enter marriage unqualified—for instance, if one or both are already married, they are immediate relatives, or they are not one man and one woman.

Then the minister brought out the reason he was soberly saying these things:

“I require and charge you both as you will answer at the dreadful Day of Judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment why you may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony, you do now confess it. For be you well assured that so many as are coupled together otherwise than God’s Word does allow are not joined together by God, neither is their matrimony lawful.â€

If I was at a wedding where someone was trying to enter into a marriage covenant that I knew was unlawful, as his friend, I would have to speak or forever hold my peace. If he was attempting to marry a married woman, it would be unlawful. If he was trying to marry a man, this is against the law, because it’s not the joining of one man and one woman as a symbol of Christ and His Church. It would merely be a legalized union between two men. Redefining this type of union as “marriage†would be like me declaring that my beige VW Beetle is a yellow Lamborghini. The two are nothing like each other. To believe otherwise is to deceive myself. Two men (or two women) is “otherwise than God’s Word does allow,†so they “are not joined together by God, neither is their matrimony lawful.â€

What deathless prose! What sharp and irrefutable logic! As always, Ray is unstoppable (oh, wait -- that's Kirk).


As opposed to what -- a drunken and uneducated English accent?

Such a brilliant simile! :angry-banghead:


ETA -- wait! There's a second trailer! Now I REALLY don't want to see it!

[bBvideo 560,340:2i327euu]

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One of my fundie inlaw gave us (and everyone) that dvd for Xmas the year it came out. Since I knew what it was, I didn't ever watch it. It has either been tossed or is on the bottom of a drawer somewhere. ho ho ho

Based on the tract the movie is based on, yes, the Good Person test will play prominently.

"A physical copy of a crappy Youtube video that's pretty much a tract... as a gift... to someone not of the same faith background... thaaaaanksssss"

How do you respond to getting something like that anyways?!

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I don't understand why they keep acting like their witnessing is effective. I saw the video, and all the "oooh, that makes sense," then I read the tract, so I assume I got a general idea of what's going to happen (it's also pretty similar to older Kirk Cameron/Ray Comfort videos I've seen) and, huh, that is only effective if the listener is an idiot. It's a huge assumption that those people believe the Bible is the word of capital-G god; if you don't believe that assumption, well, it all falls down veeery easily. Has anyone ever been converted by this? Like, ever? Has anyone ever taken the Good Person Test and thought "omg, I'm so going to hell! Better convert now! I wasn't a believer, but I was just told god thinks that taking his name in vain is the same as murdering someone, so it's obviously the truth, and I'm a believer and bananas prove evolution isn't real."

I think it's more to keep believers occupied and feeling like they're doing something positive, rather than the stated purpose to gain more souls.

It's kind of like why Mormons have young adults go on missions (pretty much 24/7 witnessing for 1.5 - 2 years) and why they now allow teen girls to go on missions. It's the best way to retain church members.

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With a sober and cultured English accent, the minister then led William and Kate through the traditional wedding vows:

Uh...that's a little more than a minister. That was Rowan Williams, who was at the time the freakin' Archbishop of Canterbury.

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  • 1 month later...

The full video is available now. I've only seen a bit and am still reeling at the "paedophilia wedding" concept. And the idea that the comedian is funny.

Will be back with more comments when I have the stomach for it.

[bBvideo 560,340:1n4t1rqn]


ETA: Comfort is struggling to keep up with the Youtube comments from "atheists and gays" and has put a call out on FB for his fans to share loving comments with us. :D

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Ray doesn't want people to review it.

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/wwjtd/2015 ... t-removed/

Comfort has recently put out a movie called Audacity that attempts to dissuade people from being gay (good luck with that). He’s also misled people about the movie’s sole accolade, which should tell you about all you need to know about how awful this movie is.

So The Bible Reloaded did a review of the movie. However, they logged in today to see that it had been flagged for copyright infringement and taken down:

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Oh, and I thought Ray Comfort liked to engage with people who disagree with him, from Richard Dawkins to people like Thunderf00t? Why backing out now?

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