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Rick Santorum believe Bruce Jenner is


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The Duggars supported Santorum but it probably did not mean that much to Santorum. Well, maybe it meant more to him than I think.

Rick is scheduled to go to Israel with FRC. It will be interesting to see how that will work out. I don't think transgender is a part of FRC agenda.

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I'll bet Rick will have a problem when the female Bruce wants to sleep with his wife or another woman. Did this POS only listen to the part of the interview where Bruce said he was a Repug and not where he said where Bruce said he was still sexually attracted to women. Bruce rejects the label of lesbian, but in my world, women who sleep with women are lesbians.

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There are some conservatives who are fine with transgender people but oppose homosexuality. You can be LDS and transgender, for example, but you cannot stay a member in good standing if you are a "practicing" homosexual.

I agree that the problem will come when Bruce has fully transitioned, whatever that means for him, and still sleeping with women.

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I couldn't believe it when I read it, honestly. I always thought that ultra-conservatives would acclimate to LGB folks first, then move on to trans* folk. Perhaps this is the first wave of republicans realizing they have to change their rhetoric for votes, in which case I really don't believe a word Santorum says.

Like, I'm stuck between being happy about LGBT gaining more acceptance, and wondering, is it actually sincere?

Bernie Sanders 5eva

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The terms homo- and hetero-sexual are so difficult to apply in the trans community that I could see this as wiggle room for the Santorums of the world and let them keep sweet about Bruce and his $upport of the party.

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People wake up and smell the presidential political campaign. Jenner is in the news and as Santorium needs to be following to become President he is going with the flow and using it to his advantage. Time for all the political correctness to come out, public backtracking only begins once you've actually been voted/sworn in.

Penny, I agree with you about something Bruce said. He said he isn't gay but if he has been a woman in the inside for his whole life and he apparently has slept with women since his 20's then maybe he should redefine gay/lesbian to us. As you said a woman sleeping with another woman makes it a lesbian affair.

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The terms homo- and hetero-sexual are so difficult to apply in the trans community that I could see this as wiggle room for the Santorums of the world and let them keep sweet about Bruce and his $upport of the party.

I thought that the shape of your genitals and the shape the genitals of your sex partner was ultra-important in deciding whether you are good or evil? Maybe they're only going to approve of same-gender attracted trans people until the have surgery?

Gosh, it's confusing and exhausting trying to keep track of what's in people's pants and what their gender is. Republicans ave so much more spare time than I do. Or maybe I'm just lazy? Or maybe it's none of anyone's business what someone else does with their body?

But, on the other hand, at least while they're busy inspecting bottoms and bedrooms they can't be ruining the economy, right?

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Republicans are going to say they're not against gays or homosexuality they have one transsexual friend.

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Rick is only doing this for the LGBT vote I bet :roll: he could care less about trans people. Doesn't he believe in conversion therapy? I remember reading that somewhere but I'm not sure.

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People wake up and smell the presidential political campaign. Jenner is in the news and as Santorium needs to be following to become President he is going with the flow and using it to his advantage. Time for all the political correctness to come out, public backtracking only begins once you've actually been voted/sworn in.

Penny, I agree with you about something Bruce said. He said he isn't gay but if he has been a woman in the inside for his whole life and he apparently has slept with women since his 20's then maybe he should redefine gay/lesbian to us. As you said a woman sleeping with another woman makes it a lesbian affair.

I don't think anybody should be making a big deal out of this. Society has forced her to live as a man for her whole life. While Bruce has gender-identified as a woman for all these years, she's had to live as a straight man. To some degree, that's going to get internalized. Bruce can now openly live as a woman, which is an incredibly large change. The rest is just labeling. Does it make any difference to Bruce's love life to call her lesbian or straight? No. She's still attracted to women. The label makes not a lick of difference. Bruce is transitioning, which means steps at a time. If she chooses to apply the label of lesbian down the road, that's her choice, and if not, then who the hell cares? It won't change who she is. Gender and sexuality is a spectrum anyway.

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I just want to point out Bruce has said for the time being he prefers male pronouns.

I think someone needs to actually have some hardball questions of Santorum like if he supports his buddy bruises ready to transition and is he also support Bruce is right to use a woman's bathroom. There have been some nasty anti trans descrimination laws including the one in Arkansas that the Duggars supported banned tanspeople to use their bathroom of choice.

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The issue of allowing Transgendered Male-to-Female in women's restrooms was the thing that Michele had robo-called people about - so how do they reconcile this with their friend Santorum?

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Please. I refuse to believe he actually said it. I think he was misquoted.

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The theonomists are not liking that Santorum said this... but isn't he Roman Catholic? They would never have voted for him to begin with...

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Republicans are going to have a big issue regarding Bruce Jenner-he is a big donor & sponsor for them. Are they going to ditch him or not?

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The theonomists are not liking that Santorum said this... but isn't he Roman Catholic? They would never have voted for him to begin with...

Exactly. Oh, the uproar when Doug Phillips invited him to his little film festival! (I still have no idea what Doug was thinking. Maybe his Catholic mother or brother have a connection to Santorum, but Doug has always seemed so ashamed of the fact that he can't convert them to "real" Christianity, so... The whole thing was just very weird.)

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Now that Duggar friend Mike Huckabee is running, Santorum has a problem anyway. I think the only reason the Duggars and many other fundie/fundie-lites supported Santorum in first place, is that he was simply the only candidate left, who was socially conservative enough for them.

Now that Huckabee is running, I doubt Santorum will receive much support from fundies who aren't Catholic. If Huckabee drops out in the race before him, they might come back, but before that, Santorum will have a hard time imo.

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I get the feeling he would never have said this if Jenner had stated he was a Democrat, or left politics out entirely.

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Please. I refuse to believe he actually said it. I think he was misquoted.

Oh, he said it. However, he backed right away from it as soon as the right-wing began hyperventilating and clutching their pearls. That same day:

Many of you may have read a story published by the website BuzzFeed where I was asked for my thoughts regarding Bruce Jenner. My comment affirmed Jenner as a person, made by God in His likeness as we all are. It was meant to express empathy not a change in public policy.‪
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I thought that the shape of your genitals and the shape the genitals of your sex partner was ultra-important in deciding whether you are good or evil? Maybe they're only going to approve of same-gender attracted trans people until the have surgery?

Gosh, it's confusing and exhausting trying to keep track of what's in people's pants and what their gender is. Republicans ave so much more spare time than I do. Or maybe I'm just lazy? Or maybe it's none of anyone's business what someone else does with their body?

But, on the other hand, at least while they're busy inspecting bottoms and bedrooms they can't be ruining the economy, right?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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