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Jessa Duggar-Seewald Is Pregnant - Part 2

Coconut Flan

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Kind of looks like a costume for a dance recital to me. :shrug:

:text-+1: It's typical dancewear in my world. It's an outfit that could be worn on kids, teens, and adults.

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It totally look like the soul fragment of He Who Must Not Be Named! Ugh.

The whole "You're a dad!" thing bugged me too, not only because it isn't a viable at that point, but he's really doing nothing fatherly in the slightest until it pops out. Getting Jessa pickle sundaes at 2am does not make one a father.

I've always referred to fetuses as parasites. It can't live on its own, gets nutrition and shelter from the host, often with negative consequences. Baby = Parasite.

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I think this axis was from "Beyond Jennifer and Jason" which was still almost current when my first kid was born, but it broke all names down along 2 axes.... traditional vs modern , and common vs uncommon. So you could have tradtional and common (James, Emma); traditional and uncommon (Eli (well, it was uncommon back in the 90s), Millie); modern and common (Jackson, Mackenzie); modern and uncommon (well, I'm kind of not up to date on that anymore.... but all of that blogger's choices would be in this category).

Anyway, the idea was that if you liked names in one of the 4, you'd probably be most drawn to other names in that same quadrant. So for instance, you love the names James and Matthew, but you can't use them because the cousins already have those, then look at similar names like Mark, Andrew, etc, rather than Jaxon or Miles.

Our kids' names all fall under the 'traditional but uncommon' quadrant, although none of them are super-uncommon. We made a point to not use a top-10 name, but one of the 3 has hit top-20 at least once lately.

All that background to say.... can you tell, based on what I do like, that I completely hate made-up new names like pretty much everything on that list. Although I am glad that people like a variety of names... it would suck if everyone was Matthew and Emma.

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Does Proactiv still do celebrity commercials? Jessa should look into that. Not snarking--they get big stars, which suggests they probably pay pretty well.

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I thought 3D ultrasounds weren't done for screening/diagnostic purposes? They're just something fun for parents who want them and can afford them.

I don't think they are. I mean, maybe if something questionable shows up on a regular ultrasound they would use 3D? I know that all of the ultrasounds I had were just regular. Though once the tech was like "I'll switch over to 3D for a second. Aww...he's cute!" My husband and I were just like "um...yeah." Not so much though.

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I'm 28 years old and have no time for 'slutshaming' but I still wouldn't be caught dead in that outfit as a consenting adult, let alone putting it on a child who can't understand the connotations of that dress style :ew:

okay that shirt has to go. It's ugly but my dancers have worn pants like that.

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How can Benessa afford a 3d ultrasound? Hmmm

The picture wasn't their ultrasound, it was a friend of mine's.

I just felt like traumatizing everyone with it. :)

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So, the Bigot Sandy Brainwashing Camping week has wrapped up and Jessa hasn't been photographed very much BUT I did just glean this one from Pickles:


It's just one small section of the whole instagram picture but like the name I gave the image asks, WHERE IS THAT BUMP?

I think this pretty much proves that the People photo was Shopped. That or she was wearing a fake bump (maybe Jessa is a Beyonce fan). No, I'm not saying she's faking her pregnancy. She's just not nearly as big yet as that weird People photo implied. I don't know why they felt the need to play up a bump that isn't there yet when Jill's stomach was still pretty flat when her pregnancy was announced. It's very strange but that's the Duggars for you!

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So, the Bigot Sandy Brainwashing Camping week has wrapped up and Jessa hasn't been photographed very much BUT I did just glean this one from Pickles:


It's just one small section of the whole instagram picture but like the name I gave the image asks, WHERE IS THAT BUMP?

I think this pretty much proves that the People photo was Shopped. That or she was wearing a fake bump (maybe Jessa is a Beyonce fan). No, I'm not saying she's faking her pregnancy. She's just not nearly as big yet as that weird People photo implied. I don't know why they felt the need to play up a bump that isn't there yet when Jill's stomach was still pretty flat when her pregnancy was announced. It's very strange but that's the Duggars for you!

Need to up the twin speculation. That's probably the only strategy left to make this pregnancy interesting. The first Duggar daughter to give birth award has already been claimed by Jill.

People and TLC need people to go crazy with the speculation to get viewers/readers for the announcements.

However, Jessa's recent instagram doesn't seem to indicate twins. That could also be a twisted way to add to the speculation.

Edited to change a word.

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I've been using Photoshop for nearly 15 years. I'm not saying it's impossible, but if that People Magazine image was the end result of a PS job, it's 1) amazing work considering the hand placement and lack of telling errors, and 2) extremely expensive for that amount of trickery done that precisely. The Photoshop everybody sees portrayed on tv is the equivalent of planting a seed and instantly getting a flower. There are no quick buttons in real life, so awesome Photoshopping work means very talented artist at work for many days or maybe even a few weeks. Nope, I'm guessing they used a small, fake bump and if any PSing was done (apart from the obvious color/level/sharpening corrections), it was to just plump what was in the photo already. It just seems cheaper and quicker to do it the fake bump way.

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Perhaps the pickles picture is misleading and prepregnancy? Also, looking at an early pregnant girl straight on is not going to give the same illusion as the side view. Like boobs, from the front B cup, side view, a D, i see that all the time.

Could be a Spanx day too.?

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That or they told Jessa to wear the most unflattering article of clothing she owns so she looks bigger?

Sort of off topic - I used to see people around the internet say Jinger looks nothing like the rest of the family, but I still hold the opinion that she resembles Michelle.

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I've been using Photoshop for nearly 15 years. I'm not saying it's impossible, but if that People Magazine image was the end result of a PS job, it's 1) amazing work considering the hand placement and lack of telling errors, and 2) extremely expensive for that amount of trickery done that precisely. The Photoshop everybody sees portrayed on tv is the equivalent of planting a seed and instantly getting a flower. There are no quick buttons in real life, so awesome Photoshopping work means very talented artist at work for many days or maybe even a few weeks. Nope, I'm guessing they used a small, fake bump and if any PSing was done (apart from the obvious color/level/sharpening corrections), it was to just plump what was in the photo already. It just seems cheaper and quicker to do it the fake bump way.

People, like most other magazines has used Photoshop extensively before. I don't have any on hand, but I've seen those before after shots that others have found that prove Photoshop that are not at all easy to detect.

Basically, People wouldn't be hiring a graphic designer for Jessa's shoot. They'd just be using one of the many that work for them. So the expense wouldn't matter.

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IDK, they may not have needed to resort to a fake bump. I had a bloat bump at 12 weeks that was as big as Jessa's.

Changes in digestion, water retention, carb cravings to offset nausea and a weight gain in a thin person can create a ridiculous bump for first trimester.

None of it is the actual baby, of course, and it might change somewhat during the day, too.

My sister had none of the above. Everybody seems to react differently.

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That or they told Jessa to wear the most unflattering article of clothing she owns so she looks bigger?

Sort of off topic - I used to see people around the internet say Jinger looks nothing like the rest of the family, but I still hold the opinion that she resembles Michelle.

I've seen photos of Michelle's dad and Jinger resembles him through the eyes.

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Does anyone know what kind of timeframe it'd be between taking the pictures and releasing the article? It's not like Jessa called People up the day she wanted to announce her pregnancy to the world. I'm wondering if maybe the article was arranged a few weeks ago and they enhanced the bump in an effort to make the pictures look recent. Any thoughts from people more familiar with this kind of thing?

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I've seen photos of Michelle's dad and Jinger resembles him through the eyes.

There's a picture of Josh giving some side eye that reminded me a lot of Jinger. I wish I could find it now.

Does anyone know what kind of timeframe it'd be between taking the pictures and releasing the article? It's not like Jessa called People up the day she wanted to announce her pregnancy to the world. I'm wondering if maybe the article was arranged a few weeks ago and they enhanced the bump in an effort to make the pictures look recent. Any thoughts from people more familiar with this kind of thing?

I want to know this, too. Jinger took the picture, and FJers thought it was taken on the TTH property (not sure why they thought that), but nobody could say when it was taken.

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How can Benessa afford a 3d ultrasound? Hmmm

Through her doctor or through a mall kiosk-y sort of place? Because more than a decade ago, my doctor was offering 4-d USs, and they were all covered by my insurance. (Not that Bensa has insurance ... )

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Laikynn's mommy is also a body builder:

With a big set of purchased boobies!

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With a big set of purchased boobies!

We once lived in a Mormon enclave. I was surprised at how many Mormon women have plastic surgery and enhancements.

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People, like most other magazines has used Photoshop extensively before. I don't have any on hand, but I've seen those before after shots that others have found that prove Photoshop that are not at all easy to detect.

Basically, People wouldn't be hiring a graphic designer for Jessa's shoot. They'd just be using one of the many that work for them. So the expense wouldn't matter.

Yeah, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. I realize that People Magazine Photoshops extensively, thank you very much. However, Photoshopping a baby bump requires a lot more skill and time than just pulling out her dress. You'd need to consider lighting and shadow as well. Plus, their hands are angled out more and around the bump, along with her hair. Not so easy to Photoshop hand placement. Also, most graphic designers do work on commission. I don't know how People Magazine is run, but it's not a wild theory that they hire freelancers for one time jobs, and if they did, they'd probably be charged by the hour on top of a base fee.

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I think they used a pregnancy pad for the People photo. That would easily account for all the discrepancies and it looks like the exact same effect as the small one my daughter used trying on maternity clothes.

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