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Jill's Never-Ending Pregnancy Part 3 Maybe Over


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I, too, find myself checking FJ several times a day to see if he's arrived. It's strange but rather fun, too. :embarrassed:

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I was away for a day and still no baby :( Come on Jill, Im going away for the weekend and I don't want to miss the baby news.

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Ok the name of this thread is kind of misleading... Maybe over??? I thought she was in labor!!!!

Also, are we gonna have a new thread when she does go into labor? LOL


The last thread for that name when there were rumors she already went into labor. But it was a false report. Now I think it's kept just as a wishful thinking deal. And because we are past the due date so one day soon it'll be true :p

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Derick probably has NO clue what type of complication would mean a trip to the hospital, or at what point.

It's great if he can be supportive, of course, and I do think it's good that the Bradley method focuses on your partner's role too, but the MIDWIFE is supposed to be the one to make the good judgment calls when/if things do not go as you'd hope. That is what they are there for. And even if Jill is somewhat trained as a midwife, you're in no position to make all of those judgment calls on your own when you are in so much pain.

OT on the Bradley Method, but it really irritates me that it's specifically called Husband-Coached Natural Childbirth. :roll: As if it can't be your non-married partner, wife, or hell, your friend, sister or mother there rubbing your back and feeding you ice chips.

No surprise that the Duggars would jump headfirst onto the old-fashioned heteronormative train, though. :roll:

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The last thread for that name when there were rumors she already went into labor. But it was a false report. Now I think it's kept just as a wishful thinking deal. And because we are past the due date so one day soon it'll be true :p

It was kept because I'm the most non-creative person ever, so I copy and pasted the old thread name. If someone has a better idea for a name, I'm all ears. :)

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Derick probably has NO clue what type of complication would mean a trip to the hospital, or at what point.

It's great if he can be supportive, of course, and I do think it's good that the Bradley method focuses on your partner's role too, but the MIDWIFE is supposed to be the one to make the good judgment calls when/if things do not go as you'd hope. That is what they are there for. And even if Jill is somewhat trained as a midwife, you're in no position to make all of those judgment calls on your own when you are in so much pain.

OT on the Bradley Method, but it really irritates me that it's specifically called Husband-Coached Natural Childbirth. :roll: As if it can't be your non-married partner, wife, or hell, your friend, sister or mother there rubbing your back and feeding you ice chips.

No surprise that the Duggars would jump headfirst onto the old-fashioned heteronormative train, though. :roll:

I think that both in my own life and if I was Jill, I would rather my "partner" be my husband/the child's father than anyone else. But then I don't think I would have a birth that involved more than the father and other necessary people (doctors/midwives/other medical professionals).

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Derick probably has NO clue what type of complication would mean a trip to the hospital, or at what point.

It's great if he can be supportive, of course, and I do think it's good that the Bradley method focuses on your partner's role too, but the MIDWIFE is supposed to be the one to make the good judgment calls when/if things do not go as you'd hope. That is what they are there for. And even if Jill is somewhat trained as a midwife, you're in no position to make all of those judgment calls on your own when you are in so much pain.

OT on the Bradley Method, but it really irritates me that it's specifically called Husband-Coached Natural Childbirth. :roll: As if it can't be your non-married partner, wife, or hell, your friend, sister or mother there rubbing your back and feeding you ice chips.

No surprise that the Duggars would jump headfirst onto the old-fashioned heteronormative train, though. :roll:

OK this is what I did. I sat my hubs down when I was PG and told him all the nasty stuff that might happen and what he needed to ask and do if A,B, C...occurred. And let's just say, I had an emergent delivery and my hubs said afterwards, all that stuff you talked about actually happened. I think it brought him a sense of relief that he knew what was happening and why things were getting done a certain, rapid way.

In terms of Derick and Jill, since they do not watch TV, listen to music or read much (Jill), maybe there would have been time for Jill to get Derick up to speed and comfortable with the process. Plus, wouldn't a home birth require MORE participation from the partner? I would hope that Derick is semi-educated in the process, enough so to know when to call 911 and get his wife additional services.

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I'm very sorry if this is not allowed, new member here (read the rules though)

Because I'm from the Uk, It isn't shown here tonight, has anyone got a website that shows a live stream?

Sorry to admin if not allowed, feel free to delete.

Thanks everyone :D

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I think that both in my own life and if I was Jill, I would rather my "partner" be my husband/the child's father than anyone else. But then I don't think I would have a birth that involved more than the father and other necessary people (doctors/midwives/other medical professionals).

Totally agree. My labors and deliveries were NOT Disneyland events. The hubs and the professional caregivers, that was it. Last year when my niece gave birth, both sets of GPs were there the entire time. WTH-

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I think that both in my own life and if I was Jill, I would rather my "partner" be my husband/the child's father than anyone else. But then I don't think I would have a birth that involved more than the father and other necessary people (doctors/midwives/other medical professionals).

It's a very intentional description that is pushing judgment about what type of family is "normal" by assuming that you are a woman who is married to a man if you are having a child. That's not really the overwhelming norm anymore, with all things considered (unmarried people, same-sex married people, nonbinary gendered people, even trans men who choose to have children). Low SES people especially in most parts of the country these days are much more likely NOT to be married when they have their first child.

Language should be intentional. And I do think "husband" was a very intentional choice there. It's saying that your partnership is less than ideal if you don't meet that normative standard, and I like to think we are moving past that kind of thinking in 2015. And plus, there are probably so many women who would love to have supportive male partners or husbands there for them who don't, and it seems kind of insensitive overall to pointedly put "husband" in there to remind them that they're pregnant and single.

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lol amen! Those are so adorable. One of the reasons i want to learn to knit. :D


uhhum.... That hat is Crochet :hand:


edit: wrong link

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I also want to know how big this kid is. Did Jill need an evil C-Section? Did they really name him Israel? I wonder if we’ll get a Jessa pregnancy announcement tonight.

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It's a very intentional description that is pushing judgment about what type of family is "normal" by assuming that you are a woman who is married to a man if you are having a child. That's not really the overwhelming norm anymore, with all things considered (unmarried people, same-sex married people, nonbinary gendered people, even trans men who choose to have children). Low SES people especially in most parts of the country these days are much more likely NOT to be married when they have their first child.

Language should be intentional. And I do think "husband" was a very intentional choice there. It's saying that your partnership is less than ideal if you don't meet that normative standard, and I like to think we are moving past that kind of thinking in 2015. And plus, there are probably so many women who would love to have supportive male partners or husbands there for them who don't, and it seems kind of insensitive overall to pointedly put "husband" in there to remind them that they're pregnant and single.

I said husband because I'm hoping there is no way in hell I end up pregnant outside of marriage. But I said father of the child as well since I'm not actually married so I can't say did sure it wouldn't happen since I do still enjoy sex. So yes it was intentional but because that's the goal I have for myself and I was talking about what I want.

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I was meh about watching tonight but now I want to just in case they do something like this. You know TLC would! :lol:

If all the Duggar kids have ten children that are 10 days late, they and their wives would be pregnant for 1,330 extra days! :lol:

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I hope that if Jill is in labor, we don't get the up to the minute info. TLC is acting like Baby DIlly is the second coming of Jesus. It's a baby. They're born everyday.

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I think that both in my own life and if I was Jill, I would rather my "partner" be my husband/the child's father than anyone else. But then I don't think I would have a birth that involved more than the father and other necessary people (doctors/midwives/other medical professionals).

I never considered child birth a spectator sport. I always felt it was to be an intimate moment. But then, I thought a first kiss was an intimate moment and find it hard to consider it such when they have 1000 people to witness it at a Duggar wedding.

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I said husband because I'm hoping there is no way in hell I end up pregnant outside of marriage. But I said father of the child as well since I'm not actually married so I can't say did sure it wouldn't happen since I do still enjoy sex. So yes it was intentional but because that's the goal I have for myself and I was talking about what I want.

Right, and it's fine if YOU want to be married before you have kids. But that's just not a lot of people's reality, whether by choice or not. Could you imagine a pregnant 15 year old who was raped feeling comfortable going to a class where it was beaten over your head that it should be your husband there with you? Or a woman whose partner had died and is doing IVF and single-parenting? Or a gay woman with a wife? It's language that was specifically picked to exclude people whose family is "not normal."

It's not anyone else's place to tell someone that their pregnancy or partnership is "less than" for not meeting rather dated ideals, and that's what the Duggars do, and what the Bradley Method suggests. The emphasis should be that you have a supportive partner there, period. For most women, that will be the father. But there's no reason it HAS to be. It could be any person you are comfortable and close with.

I think people are misunderstanding my OP thinking I am saying that you should have a room full of people during birth? That is not what I said (or meant, at least). Just that you should pick a supportive partner to be there, and that might be your husband, but it might also be someone else.

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I'm very sorry if this is not allowed, new member here (read the rules though)

Because I'm from the Uk, It isn't shown here tonight, has anyone got a website that shows a live stream?

Sorry to admin if not allowed, feel free to delete.

Thanks everyone :D

No idea, unfortunately, but welcome :-)

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With (?) a camera crew around, not to mention a gazillion fans and/or snarkers waiting and wondering, I wonder if the midwife is feeling more than the usual pressure to do everything right!

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Right, and it's fine if YOU want to be married before you have kids. But that's just not a lot of people's reality, whether by choice or not. Could you imagine a pregnant 15 year old who was raped feeling comfortable going to a class where it was beaten over your head that it should be your husband there with you? Or a woman whose partner had died and is doing IVF and single-parenting? Or a gay woman with a wife? It's language that was specifically picked to exclude people whose family is "not normal."

It's not anyone else's place to tell someone that their pregnancy or partnership is "less than" for not meeting rather dated ideals, and that's what the Duggars do, and what the Bradley Method suggests. The emphasis should be that you have a supportive partner there, period. For most women, that will be the father. But there's no reason it HAS to be. It could be any person you are comfortable and close with.

I think people are misunderstanding my OP thinking I am saying that you should have a room full of people during birth? That is not what I said (or meant, at least). Just that you should pick a supportive partner to be there, and that might be your husband, but it might also be someone else.

I realize that, but I wasn't talking about anyone else. I was talking about me. And me if I were Jill. If I were Jill, the last person I would want would be Michelle (though she'll be there no matter what because she's Michelle), followed by Anna. I wouldn't want any of the other Duggar kids there except maybe Jana, but even then I would choose Derick over Jana.

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I think that both in my own life and if I was Jill, I would rather my "partner" be my husband/the child's father than anyone else. But then I don't think I would have a birth that involved more than the father and other necessary people (doctors/midwives/other medical professionals).

How about your wife if you were a lesbian and used a sperm bank? Or a single woman who did?

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I realize that, but I wasn't talking about anyone else. I was talking about me. And me if I were Jill. If I were Jill, the last person I would want would be Michelle (though she'll be there no matter what because she's Michelle), followed by Anna. I wouldn't want any of the other Duggar kids there except maybe Jana, but even then I would choose Derick over Jana.

Yeah, but my comment was about the Bradley Method, not you, using Husband in the name - obviously it's fine if you'd prefer your husband there, and I'd prefer my (future/nonexistent) husband there for my (potential) future pregnancies. That's normal for a lot of people. It just shouldn't be assumed to be your norm, because it's not for many people.

And of course Jill would likely MUCH rather Derick be there than Michelle!! God, the last thing I was trying to suggest was that Michelle should be the one feeding her ice chips :lol: But for SOME women, your mother (or friend, or sister, or whatever) might be the best person you could have there with you.

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