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Duggars and LGBT


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I can’t stop wondering if that „hey kid, we found out you are gay, now go to brainwashing camp, learn to hate yourself and then marry young, pure girl and get her pregnant as soon as possible†thing was what happened to Josh.

He is not minor and doesn’t live with his parents, so, even if speculation about his sexuality is a shitty thing to do, it’s not hurting him. And I just can’t get this possibility out of mind.

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I feel like it could go a few different ways:

1. JB and Michelle would live in denial and refuse to acknowledge that their child is "living in sin."

2. They ship them off to ALERT/JTTH camp and disown them, citing they are away on mission work.

3. Pray the gay away and encourage them to marry someone of the opposite sex anyway.

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There are many parents who just shun their LGBT children, and I can see the Duggar parents doing exactly that. If the child was still a minor, they might send them away for re-educating, but if they were an adult I could see them flip out and kick them right out into the world (if the cameras were no longer rolling.) If the show was still in production, the kid would be off to Timbuktu for a very long mission trip.

If any of the kids would embrace an LGBT sibling, they would have to see the cracks in their religion before they could accept and fully love the sibling.

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There are many parents who just shun their LGBT children, and I can see the Duggar parents doing exactly that. If the child was still a minor, they might send them away for re-educating, but if they were an adult I could see them flip out and kick them right out into the world (if the cameras were no longer rolling.) If the show was still in production, the kid would be off to Timbuktu for a very long mission trip.

If any of the kids would embrace an LGBT sibling, they would have to see the cracks in their religion before they could accept and fully love the sibling.

JB and Michelle seem completely detached from their kids. In their twisted mindset, disowning a child who dares to be different in any way would be no more traumatic than clipping toenails. From their perspective, they have so many that even if a few leave the Gothard fold, they will still have more than enough willing progeny to fulfill their "multigenerational plan."

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I feel like it could go a few different ways:

1. JB and Michelle would live in denial and refuse to acknowledge that their child is "living in sin."

2. They ship them off to ALERT/JTTH camp and disown them, citing they are away on mission work.

3. Pray the gay away and encourage them to marry someone of the opposite sex anyway.

All of these, and if the Duggarling decided not to submit to their authority, that kid would be shunned -- at least the males, for sure, by both. I agree with some other posters that JimBob might be a little better with a daughter, but Mullet would be terrible.

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I feel like it could go a few different ways:

1. JB and Michelle would live in denial and refuse to acknowledge that their child is "living in sin."

2. They ship them off to ALERT/JTTH camp and disown them, citing they are away on mission work.

3. Pray the gay away and encourage them to marry someone of the opposite sex anyway.

I think the most likely scenarios are sending the Duggarling to one of those camps, claiming "mission work" and getting them to marry someone of the opposite gender. If it were a daughter, JimBob would already have a guy picked out and would insist on a quick courtship and marriage. I do think that if someone refused to submit, they would be completely shunned by Mullet especially as she's already cold to her children and grandchildren.

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I think It would honestly come down to if the show is still on or not, especially with citizen Journalist that like to report breaking news (seeing kid away from family).

If the show wasn't on, I think the kids would be kicked out with nothing. I agree if anyone would be more lenient it would be Jim Bob.

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I can’t stop wondering if that „hey kid, we found out you are gay, now go to brainwashing camp, learn to hate yourself and then marry young, pure girl and get her pregnant as soon as possible†thing was what happened to Josh.

He is not minor and doesn’t live with his parents, so, even if speculation about his sexuality is a shitty thing to do, it’s not hurting him. And I just can’t get this possibility out of mind.

I don't have any doubt that Josh is sexually attracted to Anna. The hurried young marriage was much more likely made to keep him from sinning with himself or a girl he wasn't married to than to cover up homosexuality. It's also the norm among many in their circles - the fact that the other kids are marrying later is due to the bigger house and resources provided by the show - if they were living in poverty in a tiny house everyone down to Jinger or Joseph would be married by now.

Regarding a LGBT Duggarling- does anyone really think that any Duggar child would come out to their family as things stand now? I would think that such a child would have a really hard time coming to terms with a non hetero sexuality even within themselves. They have been taught that sexuality is a choice and they'd be trying damn hard to make the only choice their family, culture and God approve of. I think a Duggar kid would have to be living alone and truly independently to admit it to themselves that they may be gay and that that may be ok and even then I don't see them telling their parents until they were in a stable relationship and the truth couldn't be brushed aside anymore.

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I think it depends on which kid was to come out and how "out" they were going to be.

Without too much speculation, I think that if one of the Duggars was to be gay, and keep it private - not make a big fuss... not bring their significant other around... I could see them turning a blind eye and pretending it just wasn't an issue. But we would also never know about it.

If there was a gay child who was very flamboyant and actively went against their teachings and made a big fuss... they'd be locked in the prayer closet with J'caleb and their life would be made hell (more so than being LGBT in that environment is already).

It also depends on how much favoritism was thrown at that child. I think certain children can get away with different behaviors. Other children sneeze the wrong way and are sent to Gothard camp.

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They would send that kid to shock therapy. Or for brainwashing. Any program they can pay for. If the public found out they would act like loving christian mother and father accepting their child. I bet they would announce they love their child but hate the sin because it goes against god. As a foster parent who does take in and work with gay teens it breaks my heart the hell they have to go through. I would really hope that a gay fundie child won't commit suicide just because their own parents bully and force them into something they're not.

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I wish someone would publicly ask JB and Michelle what they would do if one of their children came out of LGBT. The Sister Wives crew has been asked this several times, so I don't see why the question has never been broached with the Duggars. Given that homosexuality in particular and sexual sins in general are seen as only slightly less worse than murder in the IFB, there's no way that the Duggars would just accept it. The offender would be sent off to reprogramming and then married off to an opposite sex partner ASAP.

Well the Duggars are a perfect christian family. Plus their image is their income. No way would they answer a question like that and if they did they would come up with a bullshit answer. I wish someone would ask them the tough non pre approved questions.

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I also think that the siblings are more likely to be supportive of each other than their parents are. It's very possible that if and when JB & Michelle are old enough to be put in a home, the kids start showing their true colors and we see them split in to their "subfamiles"

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I don't have any doubt that Josh is sexually attracted to Anna. The hurried young marriage was much more likely made to keep him from sinning with himself or a girl he wasn't married to than to cover up homosexuality. It's also the norm among many in their circles - the fact that the other kids are marrying later is due to the bigger house and resources provided by the show - if they were living in poverty in a tiny house everyone down to Jinger or Joseph would be married by now.

Regarding a LGBT Duggarling- does anyone really think that any Duggar child would come out to their family as things stand now? I would think that such a child would have a really hard time coming to terms with a non hetero sexuality even within themselves. They have been taught that sexuality is a choice and they'd be trying damn hard to make the only choice their family, culture and God approve of. I think a Duggar kid would have to be living alone and truly independently to admit it to themselves that they may be gay and that that may be ok and even then I don't see them telling their parents until they were in a stable relationship and the truth couldn't be brushed aside anymore.

I cannot figure out if 19KAC is a positive or negative thing in the Duggarlings lives? Sure, they have a comfortable bank account and no frumpers( :dance: ) but I'm sure they pressured to keep a wholesome image for their fans. A few of them would have drifted away from Gothardism and lived more independent lives' w/o the show.

It's nearly impossible to come out with the show on air and the Duggar's fame skyrocketing. The only way I can think of would be a "Duggar caught in the act" scandal....which would shatter their brand forever. Even if the person in question pulled a Ted Haggard and jumped back into the closet, the public will see through their BS.

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JB is a very good businessman , faily intelligent, and dare I say : "wise" in some ways.

He will see that an LGTBQ kid could be another possibility of making money and improve their image (to the population as a whole, not their cult).

I could see him being tolerant of a gay kid and making one or two seasons out of it, like "oh, we didn't expect that", "it's not God's way but we love you anyway", "we, as christians, try to accept the fact , of course, it is very difficult"...

a situation like that could be JB's most successfull business clue!!! the question is: what is more important to him: money or religion?

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I am sure the kids have been taught and brainwashed to think that any homosexual thoughts and feelings are of the devil. I would not be surprised to think that they teach them that LGBT couples are some of the worst of the sinners. I know Michelle's sister is gay and I am sure they pray daily regarding this. For all we know one or more of them have come to JB or J'Chelle to "confess" and impure homosexual thought.

Re: David Waller, there are effeminate straight men, but this guy is a flaming queen. I have no idea how he managed to procreate.

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It would be interesting to know how Michelle talks about her sister to her children.

Another real question that will never be asked or answered.

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Like someone said, the Browns have been asked this question quite a lot. I'd be surprised then if someone hadn't at least tried to ask the Duggars this too. I wonder if they have specifically forbidden interviewers from asking that question, which would mean they've thought about it even if they refuse to answer.

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JB is a very good businessman , faily intelligent, and dare I say : "wise" in some ways.

He will see that an LGTBQ kid could be another possibility of making money and improve their image (to the population as a whole, not their cult).

I could see him being tolerant of a gay kid and making one or two seasons out of it, like "oh, we didn't expect that", "it's not God's way but we love you anyway", "we, as christians, try to accept the fact , of course, it is very difficult"...

a situation like that could be JB's most successfull business clue!!! the question is: what is more important to him: money or religion?

Boob may be a lot of things, but I have always had the feeling that he (and Michelle) are genuine in their beliefs. No way would they make a season out of it unless the person in question was brave enough to blurt it out on air - and even then, there's a chance it would be edited out unless the person did it during a live interview or something.

Their core base of fans will support them no matter what - even if that means they disown a child for something like this. Its disgusting to say, but they may even draw in additional fans because of it. I doubt they would be overly concerned about that.

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I feel like Boob and J'Chelle would ship them off to 'But I'm A Cheerleader' Camp ASAP. They would also likely break that child down, let them know they are sinning and wrong, then probably not let any of their siblings have contact with them. Their sibs might still love each other, but they'll just "pray for them" instead of seeing them again. Only cousin Amy would be tolerant.

I don't think they'd fuck around with this at all. They hate LGBT, they'd hate their own child if that was their sexual orientation too.

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I honestly believe their reactions would be dictated by where exactly their hearts and minds are with respect to their religion. Some people are very dogmatic, but they think very little through their faith, have little to no interest in learning/growing spiritually, and live and conduct themselves by a stagnant rule book.

I've heard JB and J'chelle speak too much regarding religion to believe that they are simply parroting Gothard dogma. Oh yes, there is a LOT of that in there, but I will say these people probably do invdividually pray, read, and genuinely "try" to develop a personal brand of religion. The problem is mixing in politics. They haven't quite made the connection that becoming so entrenched in such an "earthly" pursuit may, in fact, be contradictory to living the best Christian life...

With that said, I'll compare their hypothetical gay child situation to two close church families I grew up with. Both sets of parents have at least one gay brother or sister, and within the past ten years, their adult children have come out to them. These families were, for all intents and purposes, classic Bible Belt "hell, fire, and brimstone"-type Christians, and believe me, the initial coming out was tumultuous. I heard it on both ends, because I am friends with the adult children, and my parents are friends with their parents.

At first, yes, it's a shock. You raise your kid "right," you go to church 3x (or more) per week, you do all the lecturing, what went wrong? Well, they're just sinners, just ebil little sinners. To be fair, being gay, however, wasn't the greatest offense. When both came out, they did so with a defiant renouncement of religion, which was the bigger dagger. Trust me, if you weren't raised in a conservative religious family, sure, being gay is a shock, but being anti-God? It's like an unrecoverable gut punch.

Here is where the really amazing thing happened, though, and is the path I hope the J'parents would take. After the dust settled, all of sudden, everybody remembered above all, to love. The children eventually stopped being angry with their parents. Their parents eventually found a way to express their love for their children, while not "compromising" their beliefs. It's still a tender and evolving situation for all parties involved, but both children have brought their partners to meet and stay with their parents...they are just instructed to stay in separate rooms because they are not married :)

I say all that to encourage the idea that conservative religious people and liberal gay people CAN get along, even when they may never agree or completely "accept" one another. The idea that this is impossible will only create a deeper and more painful rift between us as a society. If the parents above hadn't been willing to grow, learn, read, and pray to understand what to do, but instead stuck their heels in the mud, they'd never see their children. If the children had written their parents off as intolerant bigots, they would never get to come home and share life's milestones. Sometimes, believe it or not, love wins out. And I firmly believe all willing people are capable of love. It's God-given, after all ;)

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If it was Favored Child who came out to JB & Michelle, I think they would be much more understanding and loving than if it was Unfavored Child.

If I'm to be perfectly honest, I see Duggar kids who could toe the line, do everything right, go above and beyond and STILL be shunned by their parents. Likewise, there are certain kids who could shave their heads, renounce their faith, and bring home a significant other of a different race and be welcomed home with open arms. :shrug:

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They know full well some of their kids will be gay and they know there is nothing they can really do about it.....look at Michelle's sister. It's evident to me that they are worried about (snip). I think what will happen when one of their kids is evidently gay, is that they will be quietly shunned and a cover-up attempt will be made. I don't see how they could think indoctrination could work after knowing Michelle's sister.

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If it was Favored Child who came out to JB & Michelle, I think they would be much more understanding and loving than if it was Unfavored Child.

If I'm to be perfectly honest, I see Duggar kids who could toe the line, do everything right, go above and beyond and STILL be shunned by their parents. Likewise, there are certain kids who could shave their heads, renounce their faith, and bring home a significant other of a different race and be welcomed home with open arms. :shrug:

This. If it was #1-6 or #17-19 who just so happened to come out they would act much differently then if it was any of the kids in-between. Especially if it was any of the married ones; in their eyes, you can have homosexual thoughts but as long as you don't act on them and keep popping out kids to vote republican, it doesn't matter.

If one of the kids who isn't making them tons of cash came out, they could easily ship them away to a camp and no one would be the wiser. What's one or two kids missing out of 19?

JB loves his girls the way that a man loves his property. He definitely has an emotional bond to them, but at the end of the day he sees himself as "big protector" of them. If one of the girls came out, he would instantly see her as more masculine and any desire to protect her would be gone. That being said, I still think it would be easier for a girl to come out.

On this topic, what do you think the Duggars think about sharing a network with a transgender teenager? I'm super excited for Jazz's show, but I can imagine the Duggars are less than excited about possibly having to do TLC-related stuff with her. I wonder what they will tell the kids about Jazz if they ever have to do a press-related deal with her and her family.

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I've never seen the TLC shows doing press releases together - montages of the different shows, yes. But not all the show's participants.

Jazz's show is just more evidence of how our country is moving away from God. Jim Bob and Michelle would probably say little or nothing, those kids are kept so locked down they could probably be in the same room with Jazz and never become aware of anything whatsoever.

The Duggars don't have a TV, I doubt they care very much what else is on. It doesn't affect them.

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