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Just pray & "God" will pay...

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A post from a fundie on Facebook.

Sigh, just sigh, why pay for anything yourself, just pray and "God" will pay..... :wtf:

"He Can Fill Up Both Tanks!"

Sunday afternoon Sis XXX and I were on our way back from Lavonia and we had to stop for some fuel. I put $50 of diesel in the truck which gave us a little under a half of a tank. When I got back in the truck I told Sis XXX that I had not filled the truck up completely because I wanted us to pray that some one would fill both our tanks up, so we prayed and went on to church. After church last night a man in the service approached me and told me that after church on Tuesday night he wanted to take and fill BOTH of my tanks up! This is 118 gallons of fuel! Glory to God! I didn't tell this story to boast on our praying skills because they are greatly lacking. I told this story to let you know that God wants to give us stories like this so much more if we'll just wait on Him and pray!

He can still provide all our needs!

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I always have a lot of trouble believing these stories. I grew up hearing them but never saw it in action. Instead I saw "God" finding people parking spots while He didn't find people food and money to pay the power bill.

So did this lady have the money to fill up both tanks and she was like "Meh, I'd rather spend that money on something else, let God pay for my gas."? because that is what it sounds like.

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And once again we can see that all those people who go without basic necessities on a daily basis are just not praying hard enough/correctly!

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A friend of mine became a missionary a couple of years ago and now sends out mass eMails every couple of months where she says she's praying for money for plane tickets/visa fees/whatever, and then usually a couple of days later, there's another eMail saying God provided and she got the money she needed. I always wonder if I'm broke because I just don't pray hard enough, or if I should start sending out those newsletters, too.

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First, that message about the gas sounds fake. I see too much stuff like that on Facebook. Cars running without engine and stuff, but never for dying kids to live.

Second, I have a big massive pet peeve about people who say they pray for stuff, get it give to them by other people, then thank God instead of the people who gave.

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How did this guy happen to know she had two gas tanks on her vehicle? I think someone was praying out loud, at church. Or the entire story is a crock.

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Pray and God will pay, must be an alternate way of saying wish with one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up quicker.

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My sister is of the "pray and whatever will be granted" mentality including parking spots. I'm trying to teach my 8 year-old nephew not to pray for frivilous things though I did make an exception when I was visiting and he pathetically asked me to pray that his school would close so he could spend the day playing with me instead.

Recently, my cousin's nephew died of an OD. He was 19 and an only child (his parents struggled for years to have him). They found him in his dorm room. A day or so after, his mom had a breakdown in the funeral home, saying she didn't need to make arrangements because she was bringing him home and taking care of him. Broke my heart completely. The same day, I got a text from a friend asking me to pray for her dog, so that her knee issue would be fixed by an air cast versus getting a real cast. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a huge animal person but I was like, WTF. Perspective and priorities.

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I refer to this as "The Jesus ATM". Special people don't need to work because God will provide (eg. see Rodrigues).

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No, no kind of God will descend from their heavenly realm and make cash or credit card payment for anyone's purchases. Other people will take pity in moochers and will toss the money together. And the thank-prayer will always be: Praise God! Not xyz who makes the sacrifice and spend their hard earned money because they couldn't watch other people suffering from financially irresponsible people's poor string of choices in life.

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Recently, my cousin's nephew died of an OD. He was 19 and an only child (his parents struggled for years to have him). They found him in his dorm room. A day or so after, his mom had a breakdown in the funeral home, saying she didn't need to make arrangements because she was bringing him home and taking care of him. Broke my heart completely.

Oh my god, how tragic. Just breaks my heart for them....I can not even begin to imagine.

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I think the worst part is that, people probably don't see them as moochers. They probably mentioned their sincere belief that "God will hook them up", after a few people, you get the right one, that thinks, "maybe God wants me to be the one". They both walk away feeling a bit more like God loves them best and both believe it was God. But its just psychology. Both want to prove they are right, so they walk away believing their point of view, by playing the odds. If he went out of his church circle, it would have been harder to get to come true, but he still could have twisted it, that God, does it all.

The parking spot thing isn't God either, its the sense of knowing a spot is coming to you, that makes you less stressed, more aware and more patient. I never believed my parking space Goddess actually got me a spot, but I still patted or talked to it, during the holidays working retail, when I had to fight for some of the tiny amount of employee allowed spots, that sat under the few lights, so I could feel a touch safer leaving at 2am. I believe staying patient actually did it every time, and playing the odds, that others were on the opposite shift to me, so we could switch spots. Not God or the Goddess.

I agree its good to pray for big stuff, or give a brief thought for others, but if God is more worried about gassing up trucks and parking spots, then big things like that poor boy who OD'ed and is poor family, he is a jerk. Btw I am so sorry for your family.

Typing one handed, hope this makes sense.

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Was it really 118 gallons of gas? Would someone really pay for that? Do tanks that big actually exist for regular trucks?

I admit to praying to St. Anthony when I had lost something but most prayers are for health or solving of real problems for myself or someone else. I would never pray for someone else to pay my bill or buy me something. The closest I would get is praying for God to help me find a lower price for something, find someone else to financially save me. What happened to faith without works is dead or God helps the man that helps himself. It seems some people want God to just do it all for them without actually putting in an effort. I pray to God all the time to make it through something at work but all I want is his help getting me through it, I know that I will have to actually do the work.

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A post from a fundie on Facebook.

Sigh, just sigh, why pay for anything yourself, just pray and "God" will pay..... :wtf:

I wonder what sad story he prayerfully shared with the congregation that made someone pity him so much they paid for his gas.


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Does this work for Gucci and Disney tickets?

Some idiot

Some guy on my fakebook account was going on about how he was not sure God was hearing him, so he asked God to send him a silver chain even though he didn't much want one, just wanted proof God was listening. Tada, a couple of nights later, someone said they had felt moved to give him a silver chain. I asked if this was not testing God. he said no, he was just praying like you are supposed to . I asked if his prayers were universally answered, he should pray for the end to hunger. He said he couldn't solve other people's problems they had to pray for themselves, but as further proof that is prayers were listened to, he mentioned once praying for "anything versace" and an unemployed kid at his church found a box in the street with a versace tie in it and gave it to him....


Mostly I was thinking "what an asshole this guy is"

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The parking spot thing isn't God either, its the sense of knowing a spot is coming to you, that makes you less stressed, more aware and more patient. I never believed my parking space Goddess actually got me a spot, but I still patted or talked to it, during the holidays working retail, when I had to fight for some of the tiny amount of employee allowed spots, that sat under the few lights, so I could feel a touch safer leaving at 2am. I believe staying patient actually did it every time, and playing the odds, that others were on the opposite shift to me, so we could switch spots. Not God or the Goddess.

My sister prays for close parking even if she's in perfect health, it's a gorgeous day, and there are tons of spots available. She gets mad when I tell her she's wasting God's time when he could be dealing with more important things.

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I'm going to pray away college loan debt. I'll let everyone know when I'm debt free

Yeah let me know if that works. I am going for my DNP and I need to pay off my current loans first. If it works, I'll try it. LOL In the mean time, I'll continue to double pay!

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Since she/he apparently has a direct line to God, why not pray for peace, or the end of world hunger or the end of hate? Why fill a gas guzzler?

I don't know how much more of this I can take.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I am taking the hubby and son to target optical. I have 100 bucks left in my medical flex account (yes we've had an expensive year already!). I'm going to pray that a good Samaritan will continue me forward to pay for their glasses.

Edited cuz iPhone..,,

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