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Gays Will Go Extinct ‘Because They Don’t Reproduce’


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We have not had us some Pat Roberts in awhile. this is pretty crazy even for him since we know they had male sex on sex in the bible.

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/12/17 ... uce-video/

In a viewer call that had nothing at all to do with gay people, “700 Club†host Pat Robertson somehow turned it around to make the call about his very favorite subject by saying that gay people will disappear because they don’t reproduce. Yes, really.

On Wednesday, a woman named Crystal called complaining that her church didn’t allow dating, even the heterosexual kind. Apparently, to that church, even showing interest in the opposite sex (or same sex, I assume) is whorey and sinful. Robertson answered that if the church continued that policy, it would go extinct, like gay people.

“You know, those who are homosexual will die out because they don’t reproduce,†the TV preacher opined. “You know, you have to have heterosexual sex to reproduce.â€

“Same thing with that church, it’s doomed, it’s going to die out because it’s the most nonsensical thing I’ve heard in a long time.â€

Source: “Raw Story“

While it’s tough to disagree with the fact that the church’s policy is “nonsensical,†so is Robertson’s contention that gay people are going to go extinct. For as long as there have been humans (or most species of animals, actually), straight parents have been giving birth to gay children. Kudos to Pat Robertson, though, for finally acknowledging that people are born gay.

As for Crystal, Robertson recommends she run far and fast from that church, as we recommend most people do from Pat Robertson.

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I know the evangelical right wingers don't need any help with spewing the ridiculousness, but even they must see that Pat needs to gently dissauded from opening his mouth in public ever again.

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Obviously, he hasn't seen the recent studies out of Europe that the female relatives of gay men tend to have more offspring than women with no gay relatives, likely passing on genes for homosexuality to the next generation and making it a self protecting genetic trait....oh, that's right you would have to accept you are born gay and not made gay to accept the validity of the medical studies, and Robertson is too dumb to understand science.

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haha, when pat robertson is saying a church's policies are nonsensical, then it's pretty fucking stupid. i think the time you need to sit down and reevaluate things is when the crazy guy is saying you're crazy. :lol:

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I'm actually stunned in how many ways these fundies manage to contradict themselves.

Claim 1: gays aren't born gay. It's a choice. so yeah, first you say being gay is a choice, now you say that people are born gay?

Claim 2: gays can be "cured". yes, great idea, forcing gays to live a heterosexual life, and have hetero sex, that way the "gay gene" will surely die out

Claim 3: only gays have gay children. Since two gays can't have any children through having sex, gays will go extinct. so, if a child of some conservative or fundie comes out, will you claim that his parents are gay too?

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“You know, those who are homosexual will die out because they don’t reproduce,” the TV preacher opined.

I guess we better start some conservation programs. :lol:

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The quickest way to make sure the next generation of gay ppl doesn't exist is to stop all those hetero couples from breeding. They're the ones who keep having gay babies after all.

I wish the fundies would make up their minds about what they believe about homosexuality and evolution. Last week ppl weren't born gay and the words 'natural selection ' were akin to the number 666. This week natural selection is going to make sure that homosexuality is nothing more than a passing genetic blip.

(I wish they'd work on educating themselves about how population genetics and evolutionary psychology works as well. But that's a thread for a different day.)

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Isn't he dead????? Or at least off the air?? I guess Phil hasn't seen that almost half of America has approved gay marriage. Why do ignorant people talk

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What??????? Where does he think gay people come from????

Does he not realise that all gay people were born from a sperm and an egg, so it is straight people who are producing gay babies. Most were even raised by both a mom and a dad. Gay people are just people, not a separate species.

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He thinks gay people are an alien species covertly tryin to take over the planet.

In which case, sign me up for the "gay agenda." When is our next meeting?

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He thinks gay people are an alien species covertly tryin to take over the planet.

In which case, sign me up for the "gay agenda." When is our next meeting?

Next weekend. Don't forget, its your turn to bring the babies for the BBQ.

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I've known quite a few lesbian couples who have borne children. Interestingly, I can't think of a single adult offspring of those couples who is himself/herself gay. Make of that what you will, Pat Robertson.

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Where on earth does he think gay people come from? Methinks they may just come from all the hetero people out there reproducing.

Never mind the fact that gay people with functioning reproductive systems most certainly can and do reproduce ...

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I guess we better start some conservation programs. :lol:

Like a wildlife preserve except with gay humans? Excuse me, I'll be at my desk, daydreaming about what that would look like. [emoji1]

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Next weekend. Don't forget, its your turn to bring the babies for the BBQ.

If I sign up, do I get a free toaster? :lol:

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Gay people DO reproduce, though! Technology allows it, now, and even without technology, I know some couples who have used surrogates or had sex with a man in order to have a baby. As for me, we're going to use a lesbian-owned sperm bank in California and do IUI. With the right conditions, it's just as effective as traditional reproduction!

Someone should tell him about AI. His head would explode!

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Eh? Does he even think about what he says? Gays will go extinct because they don't reproduce?

Where does he think they come from? Let me think, where did my gay son come from? Oh that's right! His heterosexual parents! So provided heterosexual people continue to have children, some of those children will be gay. The only way to stop that happening is to stop heterosexual people breeding. All of them since you can never tell which ones will spawn a gay child.

What a moron.

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Next weekend. Don't forget, its your turn to bring the babies for the BBQ.

Aw man, the grocery stores are fresh out of baby this time of year. Do you think I could being toddler instead?

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Claim 3: only gays have gay children. Since two gays can't have any children through having sex, gays will go extinct. so, if a child of some conservative or fundie comes out, will you claim that his parents are gay too?

We need a giant bell-dinging emoji.

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I've known quite a few lesbian couples who have borne children. Interestingly, I can't think of a single adult offspring of those couples who is himself/herself gay. Make of that what you will, Pat Robertson.

This is a good point. I also know a lot of gay people who've parented kids. Some of them are women who used reproductive technology, some are men who had surrogates, and a few, sadly, were in the closet during marriages before it was remotely acceptable to come out, and so far, NONE of those kids are gay.

Maybe the "cure" for "the gayz" is to only let gay people reproduce.

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Call me crazy, but the idea that gays not breeding = no gay babies means that:

1. being gay is genetic, therefore it's not a lifestyle choice

2. this supports the theory of evolution

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By the way, it is possible for gay people to reproduce. You could be bi and reproduce with someone you're attracted to. Or you could hide your sexuality and marry someone of the opposite sex, then breed with them, as many of the gays in my parent's generation and the generations before them did.

My mom's best friend (and the mom of one of my childhood best friends (I haven't seen him since we were 10 because my family moved across the country)) was lesbian, but she married a man. They had 2 kids together, and she stayed with him until their youngest was 11 or 12. Then she finally came out, and went to find a woman to live the rest of her life with. My childhood best friend ended up being gay and he's apparently living with his boyfriend in San Francisco now.

So, by socially forcing my mom's best friend to get married and have kids, the genetics were passed on to another generation.

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