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Colorado Just Elected An Anti-Gay Exorcist As Lawmaker


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This may be a sure sign screws up a persons mind

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/11/08 ... -lawmaker/

More Midterm madness in Colorado, where one of the GOP candidates voted into office was Gordon Klingenschmitt, a former Navy chaplain who believes gay people are “unhuman†and once performed a televised exorcism of President Barack Obama.

What’s even more insane, is that this anti-gay exorcist won by a landslide, picking up almost 70% of the vote in the state’s 15th House district. Come January, this guy is going to be passing laws in the Colorado House of Representatives; this foaming-at-the-mouth, anal-sex-obsessed, anti-gay lunatic.

He leads the Pray in Jesus Name Project, designated as an anti-LGBT hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Every day, he hosts his fire and brimstone “Pray in Jesus Name†program, which he uses as a platform from which to spew bilious condemnation at non-heterosexuals.

Right Wing Watch have provided a comprehensive record of Klingenschmitt’s most extreme statements, which include:

On gays: “They’re cooperating with the Devil and there is something unhuman inside of them.â€

On “curing†a transgender teen: “The parents are encouraging that and really what the parents ought to do is take that boy to an exorcist, take that boy to a minister or at least discipline the boy, maybe give him a spanking.â€

On teaching kids about gay marriage: Liberals think “every child has a right to be raped, at least in their mind, by somebody who is going to pervert them and recruit them into sexual immorality.â€

On exorcising Obama: “Father in Heaven, we pray against the domestic enemies of the Constitution, against the demon of tyranny who is using the White House occupant and that demonic spirit is oppressing us.â€

You may also have had the dubious pleasure of reading Klingenschmitt’s book— which posits that President Barack Obama is possessed by “demonic spirits†of “death,†“paganism,†and “homosexual lust.â€

This guy should be living in a woodshed and proselytizing to the local pigeons, not effecting laws within the government of the United States of America.

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The final, desperate struggle against progress is a sad sight to see.

This wack-job obviously doesn't know jack-shit about LGBT people, human sexuality or exorcism. No, I am not an expert but I have discussed the subject with a real exorcist priest and this idiot needs a basic primer on the subject.

Not liking a politician one bit doesn't translate to performing an unasked for and unwanted exorcism on them. Hate to burst his bubble but it doesn't work on those who don't want it or think it is needed.

Have to agree with Coco... this is pathetic.

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Right wing watch has been posting on him for quite some time and did a lovely little compilation of his craziest moments.

must have been hard to pick just 10

http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/c ... s-and-more

I don't know, I kind of like this one: He also mentioned the well-known fact that “when people repented of pornography they were healed of liver cancer.†for the sheer WTF of it. :lol:

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The final, desperate struggle against progress is a sad sight to see.

In spite of the deep pockets and (not so deep pockets) behind these loonies, may they be consigned to the dustbin of history, sooner rather than later.

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A HUGE shout out to Colorado for making Texas look relatively normal.

For some reason, I keep thinking his name should be Gordon Klingonschmitt.

Anyway, we just elected Dan Patrick as Lieutenant Governor -- who earned his chops as a right wing talk show guy in Houston. He was Tea Bagger before there WAS a Tea Party and is solidly (Catholic) Teavangelical. Anyway, the Lieutenant Governor sets the agenda in the Texas legislature, so in some ways he is more powerful than the Governor. But he isn't into exorcism -- as far as I know.

The most pressing items at the top of the next Texas legislative session are (in order of importance in their own minds):

open carry of side arms

drug testing of welfare recipients

getting rid of the business franchise tax

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A HUGE shout out to Colorado for making Texas look relatively normal.

For some reason, I keep thinking his name should be Gordon Klingonschmitt.

So did Steven Colbert, tonight. If I get a chance, I'll post the video when it is available.

The final, desperate struggle against progress is a sad sight to see.

I hope you are right, and that lunacy like this is just an extinction burst.

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So, do American state governments have a crazy quota or something? Because they appear to have filled it amply.

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He also publicly prays for the deaths of people he doesn't like, such as the Rev. Barry Lynn, who heads Americans United for Separation of Church and State:

http://www.au.org/blogs/wall-of-separat ... f-aus-lynn

WTF, Colorado voters? How many of you knew this shit and voted for him anyway/because of it, versus not knowing the guy and not knowing how to use Google?

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THANK YOU, people of Colorado Springs, for electing this wack a doodle.

(he graduated form the Air Force Academy, so perhaps that is why he returned to Colorado Springs)

Wow, just WOW! This guy is truly a gay-obsessed nut job whose own nickname is.....wait for it.....Dr. Chaps. Gordon really, Dr. Chaps?

If this is a fair and righteous universe, John Oliver will devote at least 15 minutes to this guy. It is truly a situation ripe for John Oliver's rapier wit. How could you not want to skewer this guy?

But, as Gordon says, he's just a simple chaplain, a simple bible believing man o' god, so why all the uproar?

Here's a great compilation of Dr. Chaps' 10 greatest hits (thanks Right Wing Watch).

I suspected there had to be problems with his Navy career and down the rabbit hole we go!

Klingenschmitt was praying at protests in front of the White House in his Navy uniform and was ultimately (in keeping with the nautical motif) keelhauled in a Navy court martial for disobeying an order, reprimanded, fined and dismissed from the Navy. He was also sued by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (Mikey Weinstein).

Interesting comments on the situation on the Military.com forum here.

As noted in the Military.com forum, in 2011, Dr. Chaps sued to get his conviction overturned, get back pay, and either reinstatement or full retirement. Because, ya know, Lt. Colonel's make very good pay which makes for a great military retirement.

This case is somewhat parallel to that of the 18-year military physician Terry Lakin, a Lt. Colonel with 7 kids, who refused to deploy to Iraq because can't take orders from not legitimate president -- because Orly Taitz/birther. Court martial, 6 months in military prison, dismissal from the Army. Paycheck gone, retirement down the drain.

Appearently, HE DIDN"T SEE THAT COMING! As they say, what a moran [sic].

There was one other Taitz-influenced military physician who tried to avoid deployment to Iraq because birther and it didn't go well.

In July (2010), a federal judge in Georgia fined Taitz $20,000 for misusing the federal courts to push a political agenda in bringing a lawsuit on behalf of Army Capt. Connie Rhodes, who refused deployment to Iraq because she doesn't believe Obama is a natural born citizen. As the judge cleverly pointed out, Rhodes didn't have problems taking orders as long as she was on US soil, it was just when receiving orders to go to Iraq that a problem arose.....

The crazy just goes keeps going around and around.....

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hmmm did he win by the wtf vote / the sure what ever Im voting so im pushing a button vote. Have mercy I foresee this crazy getting even more special since he has been elected. Can a politician be voted out or removed if he gets to unbalanced? And I am not trying to be ugly at all when I ask that.

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He also publicly prays for the deaths of people he doesn't like, such as the Rev. Barry Lynn, who heads Americans United for Separation of Church and State:

http://www.au.org/blogs/wall-of-separat ... f-aus-lynn

WTF, Colorado voters? How many of you knew this shit and voted for him anyway/because of it, versus not knowing the guy and not knowing how to use Google?

Believe it or not, many of us did our homework and knew exactly what these guys stood for. I've been a registered Republican, for 31 years. I voted for Reagan, in his second election. However, I am a fiscal Republican, not a social Republican. I voted for Obama, in both elections and have been voting across party lines, for many years. I had no say in the idiot above, because he wasn't in my district. But, I tried very hard to get people to see who the real Corey Gardener and Bob Beauprez were. Luckily, Beauprez lost the governorship, but damn it Gardener won against Udall. I plan on broadcasting every bill against different forms of birth control, gay marriage, and draconian immigration policies, that the no-good, lying, bastard, Gardener supports, or introduces. I'm especially interested in the federal Personhood Bill that he signed as supporting, even before he was elected. So, bottom line: We're not all ignorant, in Colorado. And, I really wish the president of Planned Parenthood (I think?), whose mother was the former governor of Texas, had spoken sooner in Colorado, than one week before the elections, about what happened in Texas regarding reproductive rights.

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Believe it or not, many of us did our homework and knew exactly what these guys stood for. I've been a registered Republican, for 31 years. I voted for Reagan, in his second election. However, I am a fiscal Republican, not a social Republican. I voted for Obama, in both elections and have been voting across party lines, for many years. I had no say in the idiot above, because he wasn't in my district. But, I tried very hard to get people to see who the real Corey Gardener and Bob Beauprez were. Luckily, Beauprez lost the governorship, but damn it Gardener won against Udall. I plan on broadcasting every bill against different forms of birth control, gay marriage, and draconian immigration policies, that the no-good, lying, bastard, Gardener supports, or introduces. I'm especially interested in the federal Personhood Bill that he signed as supporting, even before he was elected. So, bottom line: We're not all ignorant, in Colorado. And, I really wish the president of Planned Parenthood (I think?), whose mother was the former governor of Texas, had spoken sooner in Colorado, than one week before the elections, about what happened in Texas regarding reproductive rights.

Did his opponent have sex with dogs or chickens? I mean how bad did he have to be to to look bad compared to this idiot?

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And, I really wish the president of Planned Parenthood (I think?), whose mother was the former governor of Texas, had spoken sooner in Colorado, than one week before the elections, about what happened in Texas regarding reproductive rights.

I wish for your sake as well. The amazing late Ann Richards is the former governor. I'm glad her daughter is out fighting the good fight.

Things in TX post mid-term elections are getting worse. Some moderate Repubs lost in the primaries and some moderate Dems lost in the mid terms, so we are getting more Teavangelical by the day. The more draconian anti abortion bill was put on hold awaiting legal review but we all know how that's gonna turn out. However, many PP family planning clinics were forced to shut down in anticipation of being required to update to ambulatory surgical center status, leaving tens of thousands of poor women without family planning and screening services.

I sorely miss the late Molly Ivins as well. She was funny woman with an incredible talent to skewer political idiocy at the local and state level.

Did his opponent have sex with dogs or chickens? I mean how bad did he have to be to to look bad compared to this idiot?

This made me laugh so hard, but it precisely sums up the status of right wing political primaries in 2014.

I must say that my impression is that the demographic of Colorado Springs is ground zero for Teavangelicals and conservatives with the military academy and as a magnet for retired military personnel, with the disclaimer that many in my immediate family are active or retired military, but the regular, old-style mainstream conservative, and definitely not on the frothing fringes.

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Did his opponent have sex with dogs or chickens? I mean how bad did he have to be to to look bad compared to this idiot?

Udall was/is a very middle of the road Decmocrat. He had served many years and should have won, handily. IMO Udall lost the election, more than Gardener won. Udall decided to use about 90% of his television ads, to slam Gardener for his stance on reproductive rights. It made him look like a one-issue candidate. Because of this, he lost the male votes of anyone 40, or above. Jefferson County is aging. He needed that vote. Additionally, The Denver Post endorsed Gardener, about a month before the election. The editorial stated that although the paper disagreed with Gardener about gay rights, it was now a non-issue, given the recent Supreme Court stance. Additionally, the article stated that he was willing to compromise in the immigration issue, which is ridiculous. As late as June, an article in the same paper quoted him as saying that he wouldn't. There is a whole story behind that, btw, which I won't get into, but anyone can google it. Lastly, the article said that Gardener was more charismatic than Udall and that it was important to have someone in Congress, who could get things done. Before, this article was written, another perspective article stated that it didn't matter that he was against all forms of abortion, including any birth control that he deemed an abortificiant, because Roe vs. Wade was well established and it would be impossible to challenge it. By the way, he has introduced a state Personhood Bill twice, although it has been voted down both times, thank God. He has already signed his name to a federal version and I believe will throw his full weight behind it, once he takes office. :music-tool:

So you see, voters decided that reproductive rights were no big deal. Not many people here understand what has happened in Texas. From what I understand, because the clinics have had to close, Texas now has one of the highest rates for the following: 1. Women who get no prenatal care in their 1st trimester 2. Women who die from things like cervical cancer because those clinics did a helluva lot more than provide BC and termination. 3. An increase in teen pregnancy.

I was able to persuade my DH to vote for Udall, because he knew I felt so strongly about this issue, but Colorado needs to educate voters about all of the ramifications of closing PP clinics. :angry-banghead:

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I must say that my impression is that the demographic of Colorado Springs is ground zero for Teavangelicals and conservatives with the military academy and as a magnet for retired military personnel, with the disclaimer that many in my immediate family are active or retired military, but the regular, old-style mainstream conservative, and definitely not on the frothing fringes.

Not to mention that the Springs is the World (gasp) Headquarters of Focus on the Family. I just KNOW one of the Duggars will be moving there at some point to work for them.

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