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Lori called Ken "lord"

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Lori Alexander:


I called Ken “lord†once the other night! We both laughed but I told him I probably need to do it more often to remember to ALWAYS treat him with respect and as leader of the home since it is so easy to forget for us strong-willed women!




It's the first comment on this post:



Dear Lori,

It's a shame that you need a "reminder" to respect your spouse. It's even more of a shame that you don't realize that showing respect does NOT have to = making someone your leader

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I wish Lori and Ken would leave us out of their role playing games.


And I am not planning to read Aman's site, because-- well because I've hit my limit on online misogyny today.

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She thinks of herself as a strong-willed woman?

I believe she is. Strong-willed. Arrogant. Controlling. Manipulative. Ego-driven. Spoiled. When Ken threatened to divorce Lori several years ago, she suddenly went all "submissive" because she didn't want to lose her income husband yet she still rules the roost all while allowing Ken to believe that he does. (Note to Ken: It is so not happening the way you think it is, dude.)

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Lori, we do NOT need an example of your dirty bedroom talk!

That's not very modest.

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So, Robert's decided to use "logic"? Given his limited abilities, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

In case anyone is reading his stuff about Adam and Eve and Sarah and wondering if he has a point, it's based on a lot of mistranslation and misinterpretation, plus later Christian re-interpretation. [i'll let someone else deal with the NT stuff]

1. If you read Genesis 1 and 2 really carefully in Hebrew, you'll see that man was NOT created first. The word common translated as "man" in Genesis 1:27 is actually "ha-Adam", which means the first human. In Genesis 1:27, you also have it say that "male and female He created them".

If you ask my rabbi, this means that the First Human actually had both male and female attributes, and that it takes a combination of male and female attributes to be fully in the image of God.

The word commonly translated as "rib" can also be translated as "side". The creation of Eve involved splitting the First Human into 2, separating the male and female aspects. It is not until this is done that the Hebrew text uses the word for man, which is "ish".

2. The Hebrew word for helpmeet, "ezer knegdo", doesn't just mean helper. It means "help opposite", and is completely unrelated to the word for servant. What's the significance of the word opposite? The dynamic of a couple having opposite traits and strengths and POVs is actually good, and there should be give and take and a knowledge that the other person's input is essential. God had said that it wasn't good for the First Human to be alone, and this wasn't just a matter of physical comfort and assistance because nothing in the animal kingdom was suitable. It's not good for anyone to believe that they are perfect and totally complete and that there is no need to collaborate or seek the input of another.

3. Let's look at the actual story of Sarah. She certainly helped Abraham with his life's work, but she called him "lord" in the context of laughing at the idea that he could father a child with her at such an advanced age. Not the most deferential example. Then, when her child comes along, she decides to toss out Abraham's older son and his mother. Abraham is distressed about this, God tell him to listen to Sarah's voice. This is the last example that anyone would want to use to show that the OT always shows examples of submissive women.

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From today's post:


Young women are no longer even allowed to say that they want to be wives and mothers when they grow up.

Lori, please cite a source for this assertion. I know that you and Ken like to pull things out of your asses and present them as fact, but this statement is an outright lie. In fact, it kind of reminds me of the time Ken waltzed in here and claimed that by commenting on your blog, we were denying you your right to free speech (because in Ken land, free speech = saying whatever you want and NO ONE better dare respond!)

Please know that when you have to embellish your argument with assertions that can be easily disproven, you probably don't have that strong of an argument in the first place.

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So, Robert's decided to use "logic"? Given his limited abilities, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

We'll have to add that one to the fundie dictionary.

log·ic noun \ˈlä-jik\

1 : drinking a 12-pack of domestic beer and rambling about scripture on the Internet

2 : to use one's penis as a divining rod of truthiness

3 : correlation is totally causation, the Bible says so

4 : one of two angles

I also love that Bob can't comprehend that "equality under the law" isn't the same thing as being identical. DAMN YOU STUPID LIBERALS WHO DON'T KNOW AN APPLE ISN'T A PEAR!!!
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I kind of want to put my English 101 grader hat on and treat his treatise like an essay by a college freshman.

But he doesn't deserve that much of my time.


Never underestimate people’s ability to deceive and lie to themselves so that they do not have to face reality

The irony of this is beautiful.


Okay, I can't keep my mouth shut.

2. We do not see a single Old Testament or New Testament marriage that the is egalitarian in nature. Not of all the saints that God said were close to his heart. Not one instance.

What about Priscilla and Aquila?

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Lori and Ken like to portray the reason they were at one another's throats and had the lousy marriage for years and years as because they were both such driven, Type A personalities, and when confronted by egalitarian marriages that are not arm wrestling over every decision always try to pass it off as the husband is either pussy whipped and not an Alpha Command Man like Ken OR the wife is just naturally giving in to keep the peaces and doesn't realize that she/they are really functioning as a submissive wife.

They never acknowledge that they made a horrible mistake in their marriage, which is why it was a disaster from the get go, that they have never really listened to each other until they divorce threat and that she has self defined as a dishonest controlling manipulative and selfish bitch (which is not the same as strong willed) and Ken has self described as dealing with it by gossiping and badmouthing his own wife, avoiding the household to avoid her, blaming her for pretty much everything, which gave him great leway, and generally being an arrogant ass. So we have an arrogant ass married to a selfish bitch who, in their early old age realize they have few other options so they write a blog saying how marriage isn't made for happiness and showing others how to have an unhappy but quasi godly marriage. Instead of "Always learning" this blog should be called "Misery loves COmpany."

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I contemplated going through Aman's "logic" post. In olden days, when I was a TA and later, I always declined the opportunity to teach 011-- Remedial English Comp. I was reminded why when I tried to trudge through Aman's post. Since I had spent my little online time yesterday reading anti-woman bullshit, I wasn't really in the mood for more of the same. As others have pointed out, it might have helped if he had not filled his Logic Diatribe with Fallacies--unless he was being ironic.

And, another chance for him to point out that marriage isn't necessarily supposed to be happy. Of course, his is-- really. After all these years, even his wife will say it is happy-- he knows because he has trained her to do so.

And, Aman-- patriarchy in the form you preach is not as much "christian" or even "Christian" as it is fundie. You would find you have a lot in common Fundamentalist Islam and Jewish groups on how women are getting out of line and MUST be forced to stay in their proper place.

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I kind of want to put my English 101 grader hat on and treat his treatise like an essay by a college freshman.

But he doesn't deserve that much of my time.


The irony of this is beautiful.


Okay, I can't keep my mouth shut.

What about Priscilla and Aquila?

Exactly. In fact, I've heard from several different sources that it is indeed noteworthy that Priscilla is ALWAYS mentioned first when they are referred to in the Bible.

And, Aman-- patriarchy in the form you preach is not as much "christian" or even "Christian" as it is fundie. You would find you have a lot in common Fundamentalist Islam and Jewish groups on how women are getting out of line and MUST be forced to stay in their proper place.

Oooooohhh... bet Boobert didn't think about that one! Those EBIL EBIL Muslims have a LOT to say about women submitting to everything the man demands, don't they? :roll:

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Lori and Ken like to portray the reason they were at one another's throats and had the lousy marriage for years and years as because they were both such driven, Type A personalities, and when confronted by egalitarian marriages that are not arm wrestling over every decision always try to pass it off as the husband is either pussy whipped and not an Alpha Command Man like Ken OR the wife is just naturally giving in to keep the peaces and doesn't realize that she/they are really functioning as a submissive wife.

They never acknowledge that they made a horrible mistake in their marriage, which is why it was a disaster from the get go, that they have never really listened to each other until they divorce threat and that she has self defined as a dishonest controlling manipulative and selfish bitch (which is not the same as strong willed) and Ken has self described as dealing with it by gossiping and badmouthing his own wife, avoiding the household to avoid her, blaming her for pretty much everything, which gave him great leway, and generally being an arrogant ass. So we have an arrogant ass married to a selfish bitch who, in their early old age realize they have few other options so they write a blog saying how marriage isn't made for happiness and showing others how to have an unhappy but quasi godly marriage. Instead of "Always learning" this blog should be called "Misery loves COmpany."


Look, I do see a few situations where a couple are absolutely incapable of getting along, and have a pathological need to turn absolutely evening into a power struggle. I don't consider that to be normal - we called it "high conflict divorce". In other words, even by the standard of couples who dislike each other enough to divorce, this pattern is not the norm and sticks out as being dysfunctional. In those minority of cases, we sometimes have to assign someone to make final decisions or have parallel parenting (where both parents are involved with a child, but have no real communication with each other or need to make joint decisions). By contrast, in normal divorce case, we actually use (gasp!) conflict resolution tools and some sort of joint decision making.

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The second I read this, I pictured that scene in American Beauty when Annette Benning is having the affair with the Real Estate King, and screams "F*ck me, Your Majesty!!" whilst in the throes of passion.

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Hey Lori, we know you're "always learning" 'n' all, but what about instead of calling your husband "Lord", you treat him kindly & with respect? Like maybe asking him how his day was when he comes home from work, and make eye contact? Sometimes, sometimes I even MAKE FOOD MY HUSBAND LIKES TOO to show him love.

Oh wait, I am a selfish harlot with an egalitarian marriage. Carry on!

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So she thinks that she needs to call Ken 'Lord' more often. Huh? I'd say that goes against everything the Christian faith is built upon, but I guess these people are just showing their true colors. They don't worship a god, they worship men. :roll:

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I played, too, and said "Hello, my Lord" when the hubs came home. Without missing a beat he said "Good evening, my lady!"

I'm sure Ken just smiled smugly.

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The second I read this, I pictured that scene in American Beauty when Annette Benning is having the affair with the Real Estate King, and screams "F*ck me, Your Majesty!!" whilst in the throes of passion.


[bBvideo 560,340:i99e58sv]

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I had a boyfriend in highschool who liked dungeons and dragons, midevil times kind of stuff. He tried to get me to call him m'lord a few times. He was really pretty dorky, and I was a dork. My kids are impressed I went to prom as a freshman....... I never explained the fact that he was about at nerdy as they get. Anywho, he was my first boyfriend and we didn't go out very long, and I don't remember if we actually kissed.

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It would have been more appropriate if the word douche had been in front of lord.

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It would have been more appropriate if the word douche had been in front of lord.

Douche Lord he he he :character-beavisbutthead:

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[bBvideo 560,340:28p8h9sl]


Being of your generation, I thought of this immediately!

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