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Pennington Point daughter escapes/ Has no ID's MERGED


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Basically, they headed home discouraged, and the young woman called her big sister from a pay phone, asking if they could crash with her once they hit town. She ended the conversation with the plaintive request, "Deedee? HAVE FOOD."

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I am wondering just how "outright rebellion" is defined at the Penningtentiary. thepenningtonpoint.com/2010/07/getting-kids-to-bed/

I don't know why this woman gets under my skin so much, but she does...just reading her blog makes me feel sick.

"Outright rebellion" sounds like "children being children". She sounds like one of those horrible parents who expects children to be little perfect robots and doesn't understand that even the most well behaved child will have their 'moments' because they're still learning to cope with the world and how to process their emotions.

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Uhh... did anyone take a look at the names of his songs? "Come Into Me," "Deep, Deep Love," "Come Higher." :lol: Talk about repressed!

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Uhh... did anyone take a look at the names of his songs? "Come Into Me," "Deep, Deep Love," "Come Higher." :lol: Talk about repressed!

That is hilarious! Thank you! You just made my night. But, dang it, I have broken ribs and laughed so hard, I had to hold a pillow into my side. :worship:

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Uhh... did anyone take a look at the names of his songs? "Come Into Me," "Deep, Deep Love," "Come Higher." :lol: Talk about repressed!

That is hilarious! Thank you! You just made my night. But, dang it, I have broken ribs and laughed so hard, I had to hold a pillow into my side. :worship:

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I nipped over to Amazon.com to look--and realized that I had already sampled Grace's "Christian sci-fi" novel "Firmament: Radialloy" some time back.

All I had remembered about it was its cludgy title. All of its reviews--even the two two-star ones--reek of having been written by like-minded homeschoolers. Yes, what I read of the novel contained grammatically correct sentences and fairly good dialogue. But when a few of the reviewers gush about its being "the best book I've ever read," I have to speculate about how limited these folks' worldview is. It seems they don't read very widely, or deeply. And holding science fiction to the requirement of being "Christ-honoring"? I have no words.

what the heck :lol: where is she getting source material? All the good sci-fi novels and movies are so not Christian. Well... maybe they're not blatantly un-Christian like other fantasy genres such as Twilight and HP or LOTR, and that's why she's allowed to read them. There isn't a lot of t&a usually in a techy sci-fi novel, maybe she argued for them that way. Michael Crichton is about the only one i can think of right now that isn't related to something like Star Trek or Star Wars (my knowledge is limited) :lol: And i think even he's got quite a bit of cussing.

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"Outright rebellion" sounds like "children being children". She sounds like one of those horrible parents who expects children to be little perfect robots and doesn't understand that even the most well behaved child will have their 'moments' because they're still learning to cope with the world and how to process their emotions.

Now when I see the word 'rebellion' in the context of fundamentalist beliefs, it just makes my skin crawl.

The mother of Hanna Williams (Carri Williams) and Kristen Barbour both complained that their adopted Ethiopian children were 'rebellious', as though that warranted killing, degrading, maiming and starving these children.

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Now when I see the word 'rebellion' in the context of fundamentalist beliefs, it just makes my skin crawl.

The mother of Hanna Williams (Carri Williams) and Kristen Barbour both complained that their adopted Ethiopian children were 'rebellious', as though that warranted killing, degrading, maiming and starving these children.

To the bolded: same here. And what really gets me is when wives, who are grown women for crying out loud, are described as being in "rebellion" against their husbands, which might be nothing more than what we might consider normal husband /wife interaction just as children who are in rebellion are exhibiting normal kid behavior.

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To the bolded: same here. And what really gets me is when wives, who are grown women for crying out loud, are described as being in "rebellion" against their husbands, which might be nothing more than what we might consider normal husband /wife interaction just as children who are in rebellion are exhibiting normal kid behavior.

I think you are right, and when mothers go on and on about rebellious kids, I think it is part of the fundie trickle-down suck-it-up pecking order.

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In the latest post, she mentions having her boys help with her etsy shop as a great way to save for college.

1. According to the oldest son's bio, he was homeschooled through "college" (I assume via College Minus) and is now attending homeschooling Oak Brook "Law School." Saving for College Minus is not saving for college.

2. No mention of her daughters saving for "college," even of the pretend variety.


I am so glad Faith escaped. Hope she can find a way to stay away and get a real education; hope she inspires at least some of her siblings to follow. What a terrible thing, to have a gajillion children and then deliberately stunt their futures.

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So, let me get this straight: she has several adult children, none of whom have achieved independence via gainful employment and/or moving out on their own (an unnecessarily dramatic escape to Grandma&Grampa's doesn't really count). And yet, she has written an article giving advice on how to parent adult children? I guess all the stuff about expecting them to contribute financially is pure fantasy and speculation? I know that I always want advice based on speculation and wishful thinking from someone who, by all kinds of measures, failed at what they're giving advice on. Yes please, more advice!

To be fair, where I currently live, it's very common for adult children to live with their parents before marriage, but they are normally expected to graduate university/college, get a job, and play a major (if not primary) role in financially supporting the family. I would be pretty mortified if the most productive thing my adult children did was some grudging chores after I nagged and bullied them all day about being "stoned at the gates". I'm guessing the "4 hours a day" is pure wishful thinking as well.

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So, let me get this straight: she has several adult children, none of whom have achieved independence via gainful employment and/or moving out on their own (an unnecessarily dramatic escape to Grandma&Grampa's doesn't really count). And yet, she has written an article giving advice on how to parent adult children? I guess all the stuff about expecting them to contribute financially is pure fantasy and speculation? I know that I always want advice based on speculation and wishful thinking from someone who, by all kinds of measures, failed at what they're giving advice on. Yes please, more advice!

To be fair, where I currently live, it's very common for adult children to live with their parents before marriage, but they are normally expected to graduate university/college, get a job, and play a major (if not primary) role in financially supporting the family. I would be pretty mortified if the most productive thing my adult children did was some grudging chores after I nagged and bullied them all day about being "stoned at the gates". I'm guessing the "4 hours a day" is pure wishful thinking as well.

Yeah. Except where I live, it's very common for adult children to live with parents well into twenties, but generally don't pay to support the family. The expectation is to do college and then work while living at home for a couple of years to establish some savings to fund being able to move on your own. Since things have changed from the days where you wouldn't move out until marriage and then your registry paid for all your furniture etc and the parents had to try and stump up the deposit for somewhere to live.

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  • 2 months later...

I have recently discovered this family. No wonder one of the daughters needed to escape.

The mother is totally self obsessed. Does she home school?

If so when?

She appears to spend a lot of time in the bathroom wearing pjs and sorting out essential oils?!

Everything is about her?

How can she homeschool when obviously spending as much time as she does on her blog.

I had an odd childhood but she bears my family hands down for self centred selfishness.

Hope her daughter is ok and manages to stay safe and out of her mothers way.

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So far the daughter is still gone, but she maintains instagram contact with some siblings. Mom and Faith still do not follow each other. Lisa strikes me as an all or nothing type. Her way or the highway! Also, she posts A LOT. I could never follow her, who can keep up? Also STFU about essential oils already.

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I have been watching a few of Lisa's short videos(not much on tv in the winter!)

Does she suffer from depression? She seems very "down"

When talking. Her voice sounds quite tearful. Or at least not far from tears.

She also appears to sleep a lot.

I certainly would not have been able to take daytime naps when my children were toddlers.

Not many hours each day were used for home schooling if they only began after 09.30 and were finished at lunchtime when all the children were young.

They all rested till 5pm , ate then bed!!

Or so it would appear from her blogs etc.

I haven't seen mention of her husband.

Something seems odd in that household. :?

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1. According to the oldest son's bio, he was homeschooled through "college" (I assume via College Minus) and is now attending homeschooling Oak Brook "Law School." Saving for College Minus is not saving for college.

Considering that even law school grads from many reputable brick and mortar schools have trouble finding jobs, I can't imagine that he will be employable with an online law degree. I feel sorry for the kid. He probably is too naive to even realize that most of society looks down on online degrees from diploma mills.

Even in the fundamentalist Christian world, I would expect that the vast majority of organizations that need legal services would rather hire someone who has a degree from a reputable school than someone with a degree from an ostensibly Christian online website.

This is another example of how private schools have become rather predatory. They're basically exploiting people by tricking gullible and ignorant people into paying for "schooling" that employers will not respect.

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Yes about the Instagram thing- I am following Faith's Instagram to see how she is, and she has replied to one or two comments I made on her photos. I wish there was some way I could tell her about our support, but I usually just say "That's a nice photo!"

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Considering that even law school grads from many reputable brick and mortar schools have trouble finding jobs, I can't imagine that he will be employable with an online law degree. I feel sorry for the kid. He probably is too naive to even realize that most of society looks down on online degrees from diploma mills.

Even in the fundamentalist Christian world, I would expect that the vast majority of organizations that need legal services would rather hire someone who has a degree from a reputable school than someone with a degree from an ostensibly Christian online website.

This is another example of how private schools have become rather predatory. They're basically exploiting people by tricking gullible and ignorant people into paying for "schooling" that employers will not respect.

If I remember correctly, there are only 2 states that will allow you to sit for the Bar Exam. California is one of them. So even if he "graduates" from law school?! :pink-shock: :lol: his legal employment opportunities are limited severely. In my state you cannot sit for the exam and we have more lawyers than you can swing a cat :penguin-no: at (not that I would swing a cat).

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Because I am a glutton for punishment, I just checked out her Penningtentiary Point public FB page. She posted a picture of herself in an outfit for church that must be seen to be believed. It's this past Sunday (1/11/15) at 8:46 AM.

Faith must be so very relieved to be dressing like a normal person.

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Because I am a glutton for punishment, I just checked out her Penningtentiary Point public FB page. She posted a picture of herself in an outfit for church that must be seen to be believed. It's this past Sunday (1/11/15) at 8:46 AM.

Faith must be so very relieved to be dressing like a normal person.

She sure has a thing for...layers. Why does she need the puffy shirt over the already long sleeved purple shirt which is already under the grey jumper? Plus she added an underskirt/slip thing under the jumper....on top of leggings. WOW.

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Because I am a glutton for punishment, I just checked out her Penningtentiary Point public FB page. She posted a picture of herself in an outfit for church that must be seen to be believed. It's this past Sunday (1/11/15) at 8:46 AM.

Faith must be so very relieved to be dressing like a normal person.

I searched for "Penningtentiary Point Facebook" and Google asked me if I meant to search for "Penitentiary Point facebook" :lol:

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She sure has a thing for...layers. Why does she need the puffy shirt over the already long sleeved purple shirt which is already under the grey jumper? Plus she added an underskirt/slip thing under the jumper....on top of leggings. WOW.

That is some serious burlap love.


Ah, i almost felt bad about preserving this here but she kind of earned the negative attention.

Lisa, step away from the ruffler attachment.

I want to start a burn book of these looks. :twisted: Sorry, i'm not trying to be mean but come ON. She was out in the world.

I used to be so embarrassed of my mom going out dressed almost like an Amish person without actually being Amish, but this is way worse.

What happens to these women who choose to be fundie? It's like a weirdness competition. Even with the current trendy ruffle thing going on in crass couture. Mostly for kids.

Lisa's college educated, right? My mom is too. What went so horribly wrong mentally with the first generation of fundie women? They actually choose to live under a rock and now Lisa's starting to look like it. :lol: :stir-pot: Like, this is '90's romper bad but at least rompers were a shared insanity that the public recognized.

Ok i'm done. You guys can snark away on me if you ever find a bad bad outfit that i knowingly created and paraded.

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Good grief. All I can say is that I hope Lisa is the one doing the laundry. Assuming the gray part is two different items (a shirt and a dress) because of the different shades of gray, she is wearing the following:


gray shirt

gray dress

lace skirt

purple shirt

purple tights

Possibly a pair of socks (can't see). So a total of 6-7 articles of clothing. :shock:

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#steampunk #gone #wrong



:cracking-up: :popcorn2:

No offense meant to her personally, but she needs to burn that outfit. It's for the best. :D

and yes, i am doing unto others as i would want them to do unto me. Wounds of a friend. She could do so much better if people would give her honest advice.

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