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How To Stop The Whining And Crying


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She talks a lot about training her children. She is training them to have a happy heart, instead of throwing tantrums when they don't get their way. I'm not sure that theres anything BAD in here, I just thought it was interesting that she talks of training her children, and uses lots of bible verses.

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A friend of mine actually shared this on fb... set my eye to twitching til I actually skimmed it...

What's she's advocating, sending them to a specific place until they calm down, is what my mother used to do when I threw fits as a toddler. She put me by myself, often in a room, and once I'd calmed down, would talk to me about whatever it was.

I wasn't aware this wasn't a normal thing already???

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Maybe I'm dense, but how is this different from a traditional time-out?

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Maybe I'm dense, but how is this different from a traditional time-out?

I would assume, based on skimming, because there is no set time?

It's a cool-off period, really.

I always find it interesting when people tout these common sense things like a) they've invented it themselves and b) they're some secret.

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Jeez...I did this as a young mom 30 years ago. I told whichever child that I didn't understand them when they were whining or whatever and they had to go cool down/stop whining before I could understand them.

Then when they got older I told them I spoke English, Spanish, Sarcasm and Profanity but I didn't speak "Whinese".

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I remember one of my cousins was In time out... Their sibling threw a rock at their head through a window...

It got my cousin out of time out though...

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A friend of mine actually shared this on fb... set my eye to twitching til I actually skimmed it...

What's she's advocating, sending them to a specific place until they calm down, is what my mother used to do when I threw fits as a toddler. She put me by myself, often in a room, and once I'd calmed down, would talk to me about whatever it was.

I wasn't aware this wasn't a normal thing already???

It's most assuredly NOT a normal thing in the fundy world. In fact, it's downright revolutionary.

But don't mind me ... I wandered in here expecting a thread on Armoire Asshole.

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Sounds very similar to what I did with my kids, except I didn't talk about happy hearts.

I never used set times for time-out. To me, that's sounds like a penalty in hockey, and we know how well those work at improving behavior. [Translation for non-hockey people: making someone sit in a penalty box for 2 min. for fighting does absolutely nothing to stop hockey violence, which is frequent and brutal.]

My kids would be in their rooms until they calmed down and were ready to say sorry. How long that took was up to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Child of God" makes my Mormon Radar ping, since there's a song by the same name which is taught to young children, and older people use the phrase when describing themselves. I checked and there is no mention of "Mormon" on the blog, even though many Mormons like to put their faith out there (especially after the "I am a Mormon" campaign started) She might be LDS though. I remember lots of people in church using Focus on the Family propaganda, err materials.

I'm glad she isn't resorting to spanking... I remember being spanked in the hall at church (in the 1980s) and nobody batted an eyelash.

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