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Gay Partners To Be Buried In Vet Cemeteries


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I hope I put this in the right spot.

Obama’s Executive Order: Gay Partners To Be Buried In Vet Cemeteries

It's taken a while, but same-sex couples are now eligible for new federal benefits that have been previously denied, even in states that don't recognize gay marriage.

The Veterans Affairs Department will start letting gay people who tell the government they are married to a veteran to be buried alongside them in a national cemetery, drawing on the VA’s authority to waive the usual marriage requirement.

The Social Security Administration will start processing some survivor and death benefits for those in same-sex relationships who live in states that don’t recognize gay marriage.

The Labor Department said it would start drafting rules making clear that the Family and Medical Leave Act applies to same-sex couples, ensuring that gay and lesbian workers can take unpaid leave to care for a sick spouse.

Not everyone is pleased. Says Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council. "This clearly goes beyond the executive branch’s authority. The federal government should not put the thumb on the scale in terms of how states define marriage.â€

Read more at http://patdollard.com/2014/06/obamas-ex ... WdWwHre.99

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The VA system has nothing to do with states. A physician working at a VA can be licensed anywhere in the United States (ie a Kansas license, but work at the VA hospital in Seattle). VA campuses are like little patches of federally owned land in the middle of a state (just like military bases). So the FRC can suck it.

I mean, the FRC can suck it anyways and for many other reasons, but his argument, for STAYTS RAHTS!!!1!, doesn't even apply in this case. It is purely a federal jurisdiction.

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Does it surprise you that the FRC is to stupid to realize that a vet cemetery is federally owned and operated? They don't strike me as the type of people who have a lot of knowledge on how our government is run.

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This is wonderful news!

When I first read the title I thought people were going to be buried in *animal* cemeteries :shifty:

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This is wonderful news!

When I first read the title I thought people were going to be buried in *animal* cemeteries :shifty:

Then the hate mongers would be bitching about gay interspecies burials. :cray-cray: (As in Suzy the dog is buried next to our cat Miss Mittens, after all the dog and the cat slept together frequently so something kinky had to be going on.

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This is wonderful news!

When I first read the title I thought people were going to be buried in *animal* cemeteries :shifty:

omg I'm happy I'm not the only one who thought "what? treat them like pets?! outrageous!!" :lol:

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When I first read the title I thought people were going to be buried in *animal* cemeteries :shifty:

Me too! I thought that it was a dick move on Obama's part.

Glad to know its not, and that equal rights will be given to all. It's exciting to see the change in your country :mrgreen:

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